Tuesday, December 13, 2022

This Little Light of Mine


When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." ~John 8:12

One of my favorite things to do during the Christmas season is to send, and receive, Christmas cards.  How many of you feel the same way?  In my mind's eye, I can visualize so many of you out here in Blogland raising your hands!

This year, however, due to raging inflation, had me second guessing whether or not it would be economically wise to continue this beloved tradition, at least for the time being.  That's what my head said; but in the end, my heart won out.  Once I find some sensibly-priced, religious-themed cards at Amazon, I go for it!

Mailing Christmas cards to friends and family members takes me back to the "old" days of communicating long-distance through letters, as the cost of out-of-state phone calls in prohibitive.  I'm still wading through the stacks of correspondence between my grandmother and my mother.  When I open up a card that someone took the time to hand-write to me, I am deeply touched, and overwhelmed by a palpable sense of nostalgia and thankfulness for that person.

Their greeting may seem like a small gesture to them as they crank through their annual Christmas list, hastening to get their cards in the mail.  But for me, those little acts of kindness are exactly what brightens my day, and lets me know I'm not forgotten by the people I love.

And that is what I hope and pray the Christmas cards I send do for others - be that little act of kindness that shines the light of Jesus' love into their hearts.

May all our lights, no matter how small, shine in a big way for His glory!



  1. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Well, our earliest years were all about writing and receiving Christmas cards from all over the world—Pieter's thousands of students, colleagues and other contacts. Often they would keep triggering in till early March.
    But now, the mail has become slow and expenses very high for getting a nice, real card out via mail.
    There are other and faster means of getting in touch with those loved ones over the different continents.
    You mention ONE thing that stands out—religious–themed cards.
    We receive so many family pictures with Happy Hollidays—that makes me depressed.
    This Season of Advent and Christmas is not a season about US, nor for being selfish.
    But sadly it has become a commercial event and all about WANT.
    Big hugs,

    1. You are over-the-top right, Mariette - this holiday is NOT about celebrating us, but about God sending our one and only Savior into this world in order to save us from our self-destructive and sinful natures. Christmas has been way too commercial for way too long. Let's pray about this and do everything we can to broadcast the true meaning of this holy day.
      Love and blessings!

  2. We received your lovely card yesterday, Martha ... thank you! Like you, I've fond memories of simpler times when a written note -- even an annual newsletter -- was met with excitement and proudly displayed with a host of others. Good times.

    1. Those were good times, Myra, and I'm so happy to hear that you received my card. Hope it helps to make this season merry and bright for you and Tom!
      Love and blessings!

  3. We still send Christmas cards. My husband grew up in the southern part of our state. He still has friends who live there. I HAVE to send cards to them. Our church has an in-church delivery service, to attending members. The donations go to help our food pantry. As a child, I remember my mother setting the cards we received on our mantel in the living room. They added to the decorations of the season. I still display the ones we receive. I watch for sales. One year, I picked up some nice Christian Christmas cards at Dollar General.

    The postage could become prohibitive. I am already for the increase in price (January 22) I purchased 2 coils of stamps for next year. When they went up last time, I managed to get 1 coil of stamps. They lasted until just recently. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. I have memories similar to yours, quiet spirit. Christmas cards were an important part of our Christmas décor each season. It reminds us that no matter where we are, there is someone who thinks of us with love.
      I will remember the fact that Dollar General could be a great resource for cards in the future; and buying stamps ahead of time? That's a brilliant idea!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I just this minute opened our mail from today and your card was one of the ones we received. I LOVE it. And just knowing the love that went into sending it makes me realize how much we all do enjoy this special little tradition no matter how much the postage is and the time it takes. I am working on mine a little at a time and hope to get out a fair number of cards...but it is slow going. Hopefully they will arrive before Christmas! LOL. Thank you for this post reminding us how special this little Christmas tradition really is. You are right. And I am doing my best to get caught up. Thank you again.

    1. Pamela, no matter what time or day your Christmas card arrives on a friend's doorstep, know it will be appreciated more than you could ever know. The holidays have a way of keeping us more busy than we could wish for, and our time is precious. Add to that having some inconvenient health issues, you can only do what you can do when you can do it.
      I'm so glad your card arrived, and I so appreciate you letting me know that it made it!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Same here until I found Christmas cards at our thrift store that were 10 for 25 cent. Therefore, postage didn't seem too high. I love hearing from friends around the country; and even though I sent fewer than normal, I can't wait to hear from old familiar friends and family.

    1. That is some more great advice to look for cards at thrift stores, GrammaGrits. I am certainly going to keep that in mind going forward. I also might go shopping the day after Christmas to see if I can score some great cards at half price.
      And don't we all look forward to hearing from friends around the country?
      Love and blessings!

  6. Christmas cards are part of the tradition of the season for me. It is expensive but I love picking the perfect card each year and remembering those I love with a greeting in their mailbox. Yep!! xo

    1. Speaking of a perfect card, Terri, I absolutely adored the one you sent this year as it arrived yesterday. It did make my day, and I'm so grateful for your shining light in my life! No matter the cost, I think it's the least we can do for one another.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I agree, Martha. Sending Christmas cards seems to be a lost art. Still, so many people enjoy receiving and sending them. God bless and Merry Christmas!

  8. Wow, Glynn, that's impressive! Yes, addresses change, and sadly, so do friendships, but keeping the tradition alive goes a long way in preserving what connections we have with people we love.
    Love and blessings!

  9. A lost art that should be reclaimed, I believe, Karen. What could be better than giving those we love and reminder of how much they are loved by the Lord and Savior? Just starting to catch up on your videos, my friend. Thanks for your patience!
    Love and blessings!

  10. I agree ... it is nice to send real Christmas cards. With nice "personal" messages to each person receiving them to show we have spent time thinking of them, and choosing an appropriate card for them.

    Unfortunately these days postage in the UK is prohibitive. Almost £1 ($1.18) for a first class letter and 68 pence ($0.84) for second class. Also, right now we have an on-going postal strike.

    God bless, Martha.

    1. A postal strike??? At Christmas??? That's horrid, Victor! And so is the cost of postage, as if ours here in the States isn't high enough. I wish I could send you a Christmas card, but I can't imagine how much I'd have to pay. I hope you know you are always in my heart and prayers.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Thank you Martha. We can send Christmas wishes by email and prayers via God who listens at all times.

      Praying for y'all. God bless.

  11. Hi Martha! I can remember my mom sitting at the table with a bunch of cards and a book filled with addresses of those she was sending them to. She also kept a record of those who didn't send one and they would eventually find their way to the "Do Not Send" list due to the cost of postage. it is getting extremely rare these days to send or receive cards. I know I send out a scant few cards, largely because of time and now cost. I bless your efforts. :)

    1. I do the same thing your Mom did, Bill, and I remember my mother doing cards in the same way. Cards are definitely not as populous as they used to be; all the more reason to treasure the ones we do get.
      Love and blessings!

  12. For years and years I used to make my own cards and I would send many! This year i designed a card and had it printed and I have been writing all weekend :) I put John 3:16 on the front. Who knows who needs to hear that message of love!

    1. That is the perfect message for Christmas, Marja! It's the reason Jesus came in love to forgive our sins and make us whole in Him. And how clever of you to design your own cards! I'm sure your friends and family enjoy them all the more for it.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Dear Martha Jane! You are so sweet. It's funny that I am reading this because I just wrote out our card to you and Danny! You have been on my mind this Christmas. Cards are such a precious thing and let people know they are being thought of. I think they are more important now than ever. I am so thankful you decided to go ahead and send them. You just never know who is on the other end who desperately needs to not feel forgotten or alone. God bless you for all you do.

    1. You are too sweet, Cheryl! I'm glad I decided to send them, too, as it makes me feel just as good as when I'm on the receiving end. And you are so right - we never know who is going through a rough time and could benefit from an act of kindness that let's them know they are loved.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Decades ago Mom used the cards we received to make a border around the opening between our living room and dining room. More people sent cards in those days, I think. Seems like we receive fewer each year. I still love to get the newsletters that keep us updated on family and friends far away.

    1. I used to love those newsletters, too, Nancy, but it seems like Facebook has replaced a lot of those. It's rare these days for anyone to make the effort. Of course, my blogging friends keep me up-to-date on their family situations, and I'm grateful for that. If I remember correctly, my mother would display our Christmas cards on the mantelpiece and tape the extras going down the sides.
      Love and blessings!

  15. I do love sending cards and receiving cards. It's a very nice treat at Christmas time.

    1. I agree, Debby! My heart is always full of anticipation when I open a Christmas card.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Hand written cards would come into your heart deeper than electric messages. Words are actors and actresses. You have chosen an excellent way to let them perform better.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words here today. Yes, a handwritten message sinks into our souls and dwells there.
      Love and blessings!

  17. I have the exact card holder as you do, Martha! I'm sitting here looking at it right now. :) I didn't send out as many cards this year, but I do love receiving cards from friends far and near.

    1. Well, that's quite the coincidence, Lisa! Mine was gifted me by a former student, and I've treasured it ever since.
      Love and blessings!

  18. I miss the tradition of sending and receiving Christmas cards.
    Finding them in the mail box is such a joy!

    Hugs and blessings, Martha.💐

    1. It is truly one of the cherished joys of Christmas, Veronica.
      Love and blessings!

  19. I was never good at sending letters but rather liked to receive them! Grace be with you all.

  20. Olá Martha
    Linda postagem. Na infância, o meu irmão desenhava cartões de natal e a gente escrevia para as pessoas, hoje em dia, mandamos mensagens pelo whatsApp, parabéns pela iniciativa de enviar os cartões. Desejo um Natal repleto das bençãos de Deus e agradeço a sua presença no meu blog, um forte abraço.

  21. Between health issues, work issues, and cow issues, it was 12/22 before I got cards in the mail. They'll arrive after CHRISTmas, but arrive they will. Like you Ms. Martha, simply knowing you were thought of enough to send a card will, I pray, demonstrate our caring. God's blessings and Merry CHRISTmas to you and Mr. Danny.


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