Monday, March 24, 2025

Envision the Future, Cherish the Past


Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3

The day we choose to take Virginia to explore downtown Kennesaw is bright and sunny, with a slight, invigorating chill in the air - perfect for walking outdoors.  I've known about the improvements made within the past two years in our city, but haven't explored the new park or amphitheater, so this is new for me, too!

Virginia recalls our visit to the Southern Museum of the Civil War and Locomotive History (featured above) visit when she is much younger, telling us that, yes, she remembers the huge engine called "The General," which occupies a cavernous room at the museum.  So impressive!

Although we don't go to the museum today, I note that the new park incorporates colorful displays describing the history of the railroad in our area and the infamous "Great Locomotive Chase," which took place during the Civil War as Northern troops stole The General, planning to head to Chattanooga, destroying railroad tracks behind them as they progressed.  A brief history of this event is featured at The City of Kennesaw website if you would like to know more.

And speaking of cities, ours was known as Big Shanty prior to the 1800s.  Why?  Because an abundance of fresh water and railroad work attracted men from all around to earn good money, temporary shacks, or shanties, were set up to house them on site.  In memory of that, Kennesaw hold an annual Big Shanty Festival every April, featuring arts, crafts, food and music for the teeming crowds that attend.  Lots of fun for all!

The day we visit is anything but busy, and we enjoy a fabulous time in the fresh air.

We also stop into a new coffee shop, "The Lazy Labrador," located inside a restored historical home.  The shop is full of students from Kennesaw State University, buried in their laptops, so we decide to take our refreshments outside so we can chat.  We sit in some welcome shade, enjoying the sights and sounds around us, and just as we are standing to leave, I spy this regal fellow perched on a limb, unperturbed by the human activity below.

God's kingdom, it seems, always holds unexpected surprises no matter where we turn!

We are proud of our city for having the vision to plan for the future, yet preserving the rich history of our past, keeping it vibrant and alive in the present.  May we do the same, and more, in passing on the wisdom and love of our mighty, powerful God and Savior, to all the generations who follow us.

Papa and Virginia walking through the tunnel under the railroad tracks.



  1. That sounds like a wonderful day for all!

    1. It was so much fun, Diana. I just wish we could do it all over again.
      Grace and blessings!

  2. Sounds like a fun day! (And a good reminder that the past is always with us.)

    1. Absolutely, Glynn. The past, our past, shapes our future. I'm so reminded of your Civil War stories in your latest novel, Brookhaven, when we are in downtown Kennesaw. We live in the midst of that history.
      Grace and blessings!

  3. What an enriching and enJOYable time! This makes me want to visit Kennesaw someday -- altho' Alabama, too, probably has its own little claims to fame were I to research. Your last image is wonderful!

    1. It was such an enjoyable time, Myra, that's for sure. And I'm sure Alabama has its fair share of Civil War memorials and worthy historical places to see practically in your back yard. If you ever decide to come to Kennesaw, let us know.
      Grace and blessings!

  4. I just know your day with Virginia will be cherished always!! It is so great that so many (smaller) cities/towns are revitalizing their downtown areas!! Lakeland is totally different from 36 years ago when we moved here. It is a good investment!! Thanks for sharing with us!!

    1. I agree, Terri, that small downtown areas should be revitalized and kept vibrant for the health of the community. Glad to know that Lakeland has done the same. And yes, these memories made will always be cherished.
      Grace and blessings!

  5. A lovely outing -Christine

  6. Sounds like a perfect day to spend with your eldest granddaughter Virginia, just enjoying having her close again! My, how she has grown into a lovely young lady! I know she loved being with you too. That's such a blessing. And it looks like you saw some interesting and fun things in your town. I never heard of the "Big Shanty" story before. Interesting... and also the story about "The General". I know I've heard it, but never realized exactly where that neat they have it there to see in person! Thank you for sharing your lovely visit with us. (((hugs)))

    1. You might recall back when we were kids that Disney made a movie of "The Great Locomotive Chase" starring Fess Parker, Pamela. Does that ring a bell? And yes, we had a marvelous time having Virginia all to ourselves and exploring the park and the history together. She is growing up way too fast, yet she's still retaining that child-like innocence in so many ways, and we're so grateful for that.
      Grace and blessings!

  7. What a wonderful day out; and the weather was glorious too.

    God bless you and your family, Martha. Best wishes to you all.

    1. It was simply perfect, Victor, for all of us.
      Grace and blessings!

  8. Amen Martha Jane. This sure looks like a beautiful outing with a bit of old history as well as a bit of new. I have heard so much about Kennesaw area and I might need to take a little trip that way...looks beautiful and interesting.

    1. If you are ever out this way, Shug, you'll need to see the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield, too. Lots of Civil War history in our environs, as I'm sure there are in Texas, too. We are blessed to live in such a welcoming city.
      Grace and blessings!

  9. Thank you for the tour of your beautiful city! Can’t believe how grown your grand is now❤️
    Blessings, Martha

    1. I can't believe how grown she is, either, Lulu. Where does the time go? Interesting, too, that I asked Virginia if she would like me to start writing about how things were when I was growing up, and I was surprised at how excited she was at the prospect. Wow! I may be joining you on the memoir adventure soon.
      Grace and blessings!

  10. Not much time to say much more than "Thank you" again for reminding us that if we don't teach our children about where they came from and the events that preceded them, the lessons woven into them will vanish ant the wisdom those lessons can reifnorce will be lost. God bless you for giving your beautiful grandchild a very pleasant and memorable history lesson, as well as a demonstration of God's design for the relationship you and Danny share with her.
    Diane and I are in ancient Jericho as I push to find time to read your post and offer God thanks for your ministry. We're pretty exhausted, but filled with more powerful insights and inspirational experiences than we can contain. We'll be heading home in a couple more days and are praying for safety and protection as we make the long journey home. And thank you once again for allowing me to include one of your articles in this week's edition of our blog.

    1. Oh, Ron, I am humbled and honored that you would even take a moment out of your glorious tour of Israel to respond to my post. And in Jericho??? I know that Diane and you must be bursting with new experiences, site, and historical treasure to share on your blog in the weeks to come. Yes, my friend, I'll be praying for you safe return home when that day arrives.
      Grace and blessings!

  11. Oh, this sounds like a fun day you had together, quality time in a true sense!!

    1. It was a fantastic day all around, Marja, and I will treasure this time spent with Virginia. She needed some one-on-one with her grandparents, too.
      Grace and blessings!

  12. We will have to go there again and visit. Did you say that there is an underground railroad there? I didn't know that. What a wonderful time you had visiting with your daughter and family. Glad it went so well.

    1. Yes, we certainly do, Sandie! That last photo of Danny and Virginia in the tunnel is a pedestrian-safe way to get from parking lot to the park without having to cross the railroad tracks. Maybe, you and Rick would like to see it the next time we get together. It's an idea!
      Grace and blessings!

  13. Such an interesting post, Martha. I Googled Kennesaw to read a little more about your town. The part about owning a gun in every household was something I'd never heard before.

    What brought you to Kennesaw in the first place? Born and raised there? Employment brought you? or other? I'm interested to know.

    1. Danny brought me to Kennesaw when we married 20 years ago this April, believe it or not, Barbara. And the gun law? Yes, many heads of households do abide by that law, but it isn't enforced as you might imagine. However, the upside is that we have very few break-ins or robberies around here. I mean, who would be stupid enough to take that chance? Thanks for taking time to find out more about our city, too!
      Grace and blessings!

  14. So glad you had a good time with Virginia. I love history and that looked like fun. But one question: since when did she grow up so quickly? I remember when she was a little squirt. (Don't tell her I called her that!) :)

    1. I won't tell her that, Bill - LOL! I love history, too, although Danny's not big on museums, etc. He did enjoy our day together, though. Having one-on-one time with Virginia on this special day certainly had our hearts overflowing with love and joy.
      Grace and blessings!

  15. Was the story of "The General" ever made into a movie? It sounds like it might have possibilities! So glad you could enjoy some one-on-one time with Virginia! You did indeed make some grand memories for all three of you to enjoy.

    1. To answer your question, Nancy, yes, it was! Disney made the movie ages ago called "The Great Locomotive Chase" which starred Fess Parker. I do know that they sell DVDs of it at the Southern Museum. I actually have memories of watching the film as a small child. And yes, our one-on-one time with Virginia was such a balm for our souls. We really needed that!
      Grace and blessings!

  16. A wonderful day out with family and beautiful weather. Sounded like a great place to visit and learn about the past.

    1. It truly is, Bill. I know that the length of America's past can never measure up to Ireland's, but we will celebrate our 250th birthday next year on July 4th. Looking forward to that already!
      Grace and blessings!

  17. Looks like a fun time with your family. I love historical places to visit more than anything else.

    1. I agree, Debby. I love visiting historical sites, too, and I do enjoy it so much when you feature such things on your blog. Yes, we had the best time together!
      Grace and blessings!

  18. Visiting such sites would be really interesting

    1. Kennesaw is a very unique place, Jo-Anne, that's for sure.
      Grace and blessings!

  19. Virginia has long been one of our favorite places to visit.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. You might have gotten our granddaughter's name, Virginia, mixed up with where we actually live which in in Georgia, Jim. No worries! I think Virginia is one of the loveliest states there is.
      Grace and blessings!

  20. The park with the locomotive history (and the museum) are within mine and Mike's areas of interest. We love stuff like this for our YouTube channel. Sounds really neat. I also like the surprises in God's kingdom. God bless.

    1. Oh, Karen, what a thrill it would be to have you both visit our city of Kennesaw and featute it on your fabulous YouTube channel! What an incredible honor! We are also in the backyard of the Kennesaw National Battlefield Park where a great battle was fought during the Civil War if you'd also like to feature that in one of your videos, too. Please let us know if and when you plan to come our way so that we can do what we can to make your visit extra special and meaningful for your viewers.
      Grace and blessings!


Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

  Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3 The day we...