Wednesday, January 5, 2011

God of the Impossible - Part One

It wasn't until I was pregnant with my second child, Sarah, that I understood how the "God of the Impossible" had interceded in the birth of my first, Daniel, rescuing us both even though I had yet to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Yes, I had endured a particularly arduous labor with my son and the result was an emergency C-section, but I was hoping beyond hope that my new ob/gyn would allow me to at least try a natural delivery with baby Sarah. I remember as if it were yesterday, sitting patiently in the examining room, waiting for his answer, watching anxiously as he poured over my records from my former hospital. The look of consternation on his face as he read translated in my mind that another C-section was in my foreseeable future, but nothing could have prepared me for the actual words that spilled from his lips when at long last he abandoned the papers to meet my gaze.

"Were you aware that both of you almost died during delivery?"

Suffice it to say, a feather could have leveled me. With my stomach turned leaden and my heart racing, I could barely manage a whispered, "No".

As my doctor rambled on about planning a repeat C-section and all the reasons why under these circumstances, I scarcely registered a word he said. My mind was reeling, not because of the news itself, but because of how it instantaneously cemented all the seemingly stray incidences surrounding Daniel's birth upon which I had pondered and tried in vain to resolve until that very moment. The pieces of the puzzle were assembled at last and I was overwhelmed by the gracious power of God's great love and mercy. This is as much His story as it is mine.

Tune in to Part 2 on January 6th!


Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

  Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3 The day we...