Thursday, January 13, 2011

Little House in the Big Snow

Matthew 11:28 - Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Those of you who know my husband, Danny, are probably aware that one of his passions is watching weather maps and making predictions about impending storms, cold waves, heat waves - you get the picture. So, when he announced his certainty of our recent snow storm three days before it hit, and the likelihood that sub-freezing temperatures would keep us home-bound for close to a week, I didn't doubt him for a second. When it comes to weather, if Danny says, "Jump!" the proper response is: "How high?"

We began warning family and friends of the impending "snowpocalypse" as early as Thursday before the Sunday it was slated to hit and prepared our own little house for the big snow. Not being one who suffers crowds and long lines well, I did our grocery shopping on Friday to avoid the bread/milk/beer frenzy sure to descend by Saturday. My greatest concern at that time was not being stuck in the house with my family, but being stuck in the house with my family with no power, heat, or hot water. I just couldn't envision my techno-savvy boys surviving for five minutes without the computer let alone five days! Fortunately for us and for many others in the region, the power stayed on throughout and after the storm, so that was a bridge we, thankfully, did not need to cross.

Allow me to digress for a moment for my readers who don't live in the south - sand and salt trucks are as rare here as was this snow storm. That's why, when we take a hit, we're down for the count; schools, businesses, and roads are closed for days, especially when the temperatures refuse to creep beyond the freezing mark. And, dangerously, if they do and some melting occurs, the nighttime temperatures turn everything icy again promising a treacherous commute for anyone daring, or foolhardy, enough to get behind the wheel and it does nothing to promote safe walking either.

To continue, the snow arrived as predicted about 10:30 Sunday night and, within an hour, three inches of the powder coated the ground. Unable to contain themselves, Danny and the boys went out sledding and skiing (attempted) until midnight. In the morning, the ruler he had stuck on our deck table at three inches measured six and Georgians awoke to our second winter wonderland in as many weeks.

Monday was a glorious day celebrated with sledding, skiing, and even kayaking (yes, very creative) down the glistening slopes. Facebook was a flurry of videos and expressions of exuberance over the astounding snowfall and the joys of being free from school and work. By Tuesday afternoon, faint rumblings of cabin fever began to emerge. By Wednesday, the rumblings had turned to grumblings. As I write this on Thursday afternoon, every other post I see on Facebook from fellow Georgians reflects intense frustration at the snow-bound, "snow-bored" situation in which we find ourselves. The honeymoon is definitely over.

In reflecting upon this phenomena, I concluded that we are all products of a culture that values "doing" and not simply "being". I am reminded of a line in the movie, "Eat, Pray, Love", when a character tells Julia Roberts, "Writing is what you do, not who you are". As much as we need and long for rest from the routine grind of our busy lives, we find it so difficult to simply relax and "be" without feeling that somehow, something must be accomplished.

I am reminded of the story of the sisters, Mary and Martha; the latter is bustling about the house preparing everything perfectly for Jesus while the former sits at His knee, absorbed in His teaching. When Martha, flustered and frustrated, asks Jesus to make Mary help her, He gently chides her saying, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed - or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42

What you are able to do can be, and one day, will be, taken from you. Who you are, God's child, will always be. Sit at the feet of Jesus and find your rest.

1 comment:

  1. Martha thank you so much for your post on my Ask Anna... blog! I'm so glad that your friend told you about my blog (tell her thanks!). I'm excited that you feel that you can learn from some of my posts, please feel free to email me if you think of any Ask Anna... questions, I'd love to hear them!

    Also I love the messages of your blog, they are refreshing and a good reminder of God's love for us! Keep them coming.



Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

  Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3 The day we...