Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'll Be Home for Christmas . . .

1 Thessalonians 2:17
But, brothers and sisters, when we were orphaned by being separated from you for a short time (in person, not in thought), out of our intense longing we made every effort to see you.

"I'll be home for Christmas. You can count on me . . ."

A young woman is living a thousand miles away from family, working her first job after college.

Lonesome and homesick. Hoarding pennies like Scrooge to afford the flight. Praying the boss won't change his mind about her leave of absence.

Longing to reunite with family and friends.

Dreaming of snow. And mistletoe. And love.

The love and affection only mom and dad can give.

Sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents . . . more love.

Counting down the days . . .

"I'll be home for Christmas if only in my dreams . . ."

A soldier stands solitary watch. In Iraq. In Afghanistan.

Thousands upon thousands of miles away from home. Fulfilling his duties. Protecting our freedoms.

Lonesome and homesick. Counting his treasures - the cards and letters from family and friends which he reads and rereads. Knowing he has no leave.

Longing for the girl he left behind.

Dreaming of snow. And mistletoe. And love.

Imagining the hugs only mom and dad can give.

Sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents . . . an errant tear is hastily wiped away.

The days are endless . . .
Will your loved ones be home with you this Christmas or will they be far away?

Will you pray with me?
We give thanks, Father, for the love of family and friends. We pray for those who will travel home this Christmas and for those who are not able to. Let us especially remember in prayer the young men and women serving our country who will have to spend Christmas without their families. May You fill them with Your peace and comfort. Amen.

Psalms 119:1-24 or 12, 13, 14
Isaiah 2:1-11
1 Thessalonians 2:13-20
Luke 20:17-26


  1. Lovely post, Martha. This is a time of year that can be filled with joy but for many is filled with sadness due to loneliness and not being able to be with loved ones. Thanks for the beautiful prayer.

  2. It is the one thing I am and always will be thankful for is all 3 of my kids will be here Christmas day with me...they are my joy.....As always...XOXOXOXOO

  3. It is always important to have your family around festival completes the meaning of the festival.

  4. Whenever a special day comes a long in our lives,its empty without our loved ones...Your post is beautiful Martha...

  5. Thank you so much, Adriene, Bonnie, Janu, and Alpana, for dropping in today and leaving such lovely comments.
    It seems everyone addressed the same vital issue - having family and friends surrounding us during the holidays or any festive occasion is so important. I know I am so thankful to have mine around on these special occasions.
    Thanks, all, for the sweet compliments.
    Blessings to you!

  6. Thank you, Mary, for coming by today. I'm so glad to know you prayed with me!
    Have a blessed day!

  7. What a beautiful thought and prayer for those near and dear ones who cannot be with you for Christmas. Really loved this one

  8. Hi, Rimly! Thanks for stopping by today.:) I'm so glad you liked today's devotion and the prayer. This is a difficult time of year for so many people who have lost loved ones or can't be with them for some reason. Prayers are always good!
    Blessings to you!

  9. Enjoyed this. . .filled with lyrics from one of my favorite Christmas songs, whimsy, and realities. xo

  10. Hi Martha:

    Your column today reminded me of the Hallmark Movie:
    The Christmas Card:

    Have you seen it?

    As long as I can spend some quality time w/my BEST friend during the Christmas season, my holiday will be complete.

    Family is important too. Don't misunderstand, so is my friend.

  11. Hi, Pam and Chris! Thanks so much for dropping by today.
    @Pam - Yes, I have always loved this song, too. It expresses such poignant sentiments. Glad you enjoyed the post!
    @Chris - No, I've never seen The Christmas Card, but will be sure to look into this one. Sounds like one I would love. I agree, friends are important, too; it's what makes us happy and content inside that matters. Wishing you a very complete Christmas!
    Blessings to you both!

  12. Amen!
    Love the Poetic piece! The meter is close to that which is found the psalms! I prayed that prayer with you.

    In Christ,
    Brother Bernie

  13. Hello.
    I really enjoyed reading this. It's also a reminder to cherish those around us because you never know when they might be taken from us.
    Thanks for sharing.


  14. Hi, Bernie and Andy! Thanks so much for dropping in today!
    @Bernie - So glad you liked the piece and grateful to know you prayed with me, brother! :)
    @Andy - Yes, we never know when the Lord will take someone we love. With aging parents, my husband and I are so aware of this and strive to make the holidays extra-special for them.

    Blessings to you both!

  15. yes I will pray with you Martha - there are so mnay out there that are less fortunate than us but in many ways its just a matter of luck that we are not them. Great post as always!

  16. Oh, Kriti, please forgive me for this untimely response to your comment!
    Thank you for praying with me!
    Yes, there are often times, that, by the grace of God, go we. We are to love the unlovable, to reach the untouchable, to wrap our arms around this sinful world and fill it with God's grace. A tall order to fill, indeed!
    It is not easy to do, but we are called . . .


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