Monday, November 21, 2011

Sing Once, Praise Twice!

Psalm 106:2
Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord or fully declare his praise?

Sing once, praise twice!

That's my motto!

And, nothing floods my heart with joy more than singing praises to the Lord on Sunday morning at our contemporary praise service.

From the first chord to the last, I am fully engaged, fully present in the act of worship. I am simultaneously grounded in awareness of self and lifted, as on eagle's wings, beyond it. I am lost in the moment, in the words, in the music . . .

And, then . . .

The rush! The high! The Presence!

The mighty winds of the Holy Spirit course through my veins. My soul leaps, aflame.

I am alive, alive, alive in the Lord!

Oh, praise Him!
As the psalmist tells us today, none of us, in our human frailty, can completely proclaim the mighty acts of God. Nor, can we ever adequately declare His praise.

But, that doesn't mean we are not supposed to try.

When we do so with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, He meets us where we are. He raises us up to meet Him. He lets us know He appreciates our endeavors to praise and worship Him.

And, He tells us how much He loves us . . .

How have you felt the Holy Spirit moving in your life?

Will you pray with me?
Dear Father, we don't have the words or understanding to tell of all Your marvelous works or to give You the praise You so richly deserve. Thank you for accepting the ones we offer in our weakness and fragility. May Your Holy Spirit fill us with Your joy and peace. Amen.

I am thankful for the gift of song.

Psalms 106:1-18 or 106:19-48
Joel 3:1-2, 9-17
1 Peter 1:1-12
Matthew 19:1-12


  1. :-) I too get goosebumps when we sing bhajans and aartis for the Lord.

  2. The Holy Spirit always moves in my life. There are just times I’m not paying attention ;-) But he’s still moving. As for the music…it was my whole life, especially when I wrote and recorded all those songs. My hope and prayer was to glorify him through my writing. It still is, but in a different venue now.
    I’m thankful for my friend Martha, the songbird!

  3. Hi, Janu and Debra! Thanks for posting here today.
    @Janu - goosebumps are good!!! I will have to look up bhajans and aartis. :)
    @Debra - He always moves in mine, too, but these are the times He swoops in for the capture! What would we do without music in our lives?
    I am thankful for you, too, Debra! :)
    Blessings to you both!

  4. So well written and expressed! Always remember to be thankful and keep a song in your heart. Heed the Holy Spirit's continual presence and listen to His voice. To His purposes be set apart. In making decisions ask for His wisdom so you will make the right choice. Continually make melody and harmony as you lift your voice in song, Extolling His praises with all you are, grateful to be His child and glad that to Him you do belong!


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