Friday, June 29, 2012

"And If You Wait Your Turn, You'll See Ruby Fall(s) . . ."

Psalm 36:9
For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light we see light.

It is the 1960s.  Dad is driving us on our annual pilgrimage to see our family in Massachusetts.  This time, however, instead of shooting straight through, he decides to take us through the Great Smoky Mountains along the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway.

As we head north through rural Georgia, my brother, Bill, and I are fascinated by the advertisements we see painted on, of all unusual places - barns.  "See Rock City", "See Ruby Falls", the messages beckon.  Their bold colors and gigantic lettering grab our attention and peak our curiosity.


"Where's Rock City?"  Bill asks.

"And, Ruby Falls?" I chime in.

"They're in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Lookout Mountain," Dad answers.

"Can we go there?  Please?  Please?"

"Not this trip," Dad tells us, "but another time, I promise."

And, as he always does, Dad keeps his word.

Bill and I have a grand time at Rock City with its touted view of seven states and its swinging bridge.

But, our favorite attraction by far is the famed Ruby Falls.

 At 145 feet high, it is the largest underground waterfall in America.  Following our tour guide, we wind our way through dimly lit passages.  It is our first time being in a cave, and we are beside ourselves with excitement.  Even though it is summer, the air inside the cave is cool and refreshing.  The limestone walls are cold and moist to the touch.

When we finally reach the huge cavern hosting the falls, I am initially disappointed.  The area is dimly lit, unlike the photo above.  How we are going to view what we came all this way to see?

Our guide makes sure everyone in our group is facing the falls.  And, then . . .


Better than fireworks on the fourth, rainbow colors explode in the cavern, transforming Ruby Falls into a breathtaking spectacle.  The cascading water captures and reflects each and every hue.  And, wonder of wonders, the light seems to come not from high-powered lamps, but from the very falls themselves!

And, in its light, I am seeing light.  True light.  For the first time . . .
What is your favorite natural wonder?

Will you join me in prayer?
Thank You, Father, for being our fountain of life and the light by which we see light.  May we ever be in awe of Your marvelous creation, and be good stewards in caring for it.  Thank You for giving us this beautiful earth in which we live.  Amen.


  1. Wow! That was really spectacular Martha :D I loved what I saw in your images.

    We have many natural wonders in my country. So far, the one I have visited was the Banaue rice terraces (eighth wonder of the world).

    I pray with you. We breathe in God everywhere we go. Thank You Lord. Your beauty is manifested in Your creation.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Melissa!
      Yes, this is one of my favorite memories as a child and I was fortunate to find these photos on Google. I had no idea that the rice terraces you visited are the eighth wonder of the world - awesome! I'll have to Google these, too. :)
      And, as you say, may "we breathe in God everywhere we go".
      Blessings always!

  2. Those are really beautiful images! I think despite all the many natural wonders in the world, seeing a rainbow just makes me smile. For me, it's a sign of hope, a promise of better things to comes, a hug from the Old Man above.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Anne!
      Oh, yes, rainbows are absolutely delightful! I'll never forget the times I've been fortunate enough to witness double ones. And, I love how you describe them here as hugs from God - perfect!
      Blessings to you!

  3. I've seen Ruby Falls and being in the cave made me so nervous, I didn't really appreciate the beauty of the falls or the spectacular show. My favorite was the Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina. They are outside (yeah!) and spectacular. I have some amazing pictures and they all have a rainbow in them. I read your blog right after reading the KUMC devotion and it fits perfectly with the first verse of Psalm 50....Blessings!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lynne!
      Fits with Psalm 50? I'll have to look that up - I've been reading along, too, but missed yesterday.
      I can understand how a cave could make you uptight. Probably, now that I'm grown, I would feel the same way. I just have great memories of our trip to Lookout Mountain and was fortunate to find such great images on Google to share.
      Blessings to you!

  4. That seems spectacular....wish I could see places like these. I love waterfalls...have seen some natural ones...without the lights and all.

    1. Thanks for visiting today, Janu!
      This was pretty impressive for me as a young girl. I love waterfalls of all kinds; there are many, many in the Appalachian mountains and I never tire of visiting them.
      Blessings to you!

  5. I want to go to Rock City & Ruby Falls! That looks awesome!! I think my facorite thus far is still the Grand Canyon. :)

    1. Thanks for visiting today, Rachel!
      Oh, the Grand Canyon is something I've always wanted to see. My parents traveled there and said it was the most breathtaking place they had ever seen.
      Hope you get to visit Rock City and Ruby Falls one day. :)
      Blessings to you!

  6. I remember seeing those falls when we first got married...I think I forgot about them until this post! thanks!! it is pretty amazing, isn't it?!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Annmarie!
      Oh, yes, they are truly amazing. So glad this post brought back good memories for you!
      Blessings to you!

  7. This is truly spectacular. I must confess that it's the first time I heard of Ruby Falls. Must go and read up more about it. A beach always fills me with wonder - the seemingly never ending horizon - gives me a perspective on how tiny I am in this Universe and yet makes me feel the magnitude of God's love for me.

    1. Thanks so much for dropping in, Corinne!
      Ruby Falls and Rock City are staple attractions in the southeastern U.S. :) I love the beach, too, although being in the mountains with all their grandeur always makes me feel as you describe here - so tiny, yet infinitely loved by our gracious Father.
      Blessings to you!

  8. Gorgeous! My favorite natural wonder has to be snow capped peaks. Not any particular ones. Just snow capped peaks anywhere.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Galen!
      I've seen plenty of photos of snow capped peaks, but have never traveled west of the Mississippi to see the Rockies. Would so love to do that sometime!
      Oh, and rainbows are awesome, too! :)
      Blessings to you!

  9. Have to add another one--rainbows!

  10. Martha,
    Totally descriptive and just beautiful! I would love to bring my children here someday! Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Cathy!
      It is an awesome place and I hope you do get to visit one day. Your kids will definitely enjoy it.
      Blessings to you!

  11. Wow, that was beautiful! I've never been to Tennessee, or in a cave. Your post makes me want to explore!
    You asked, what is my favorite natural wonder? Gee Martha, I don't know. I'm the sort of soul who can't pick a favorite. When I'm at the ocean, it's the ocean. In the mountains, it's the mountains. I guess I'll just say my favorite is whatever one I happen to be with at the time. That's my favorite. ;)
    Love you Martha.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Leah!
      You don't have to choose a favorite. Being happy in God's creation wherever you might be sounds like the ticket!
      And, I do hope you get to see this one day; a bit touristy, but, of course I loved that part as a child. :)
      Blessings and love to you!

  12. Wow, I've never heard of that place. It's spectacular. Thanks for sharing it and memories of your trips with your family.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Adriene!
      It is truly a wonderful place to visit. A bit touristy, no doubt, but worth seeing.
      Blessings to you!

  13. What a spectacular moment! What a thrilling place to explore!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Emily, and welcome. Glad you are on board!
      It is a great place to see. I haven't been there since I was a child, but would actually love to go again sometime.
      Blessings to you!

  14. WOW! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I bet pictures doesn't do it justice, to actually being there and EXPERIENCING it! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by, Lisa Marie. Once again, a comment eluded me, so I'm just now answering. Please forgive!
      No, the photos don't do it justice. Rock City and Ruby Falls are two of the most popular attractions in the S.E. and quite "touristy", but the natural wonders all around you are worth the visit.
      Blessings to you!

  15. Wonderful... I felt like was there with you, truly. There is a great song by Kate Campbell, called Rock City. While I as reading, I couldn't help but her singing. Ping me via email if you want me to send you the mp3. Great post!

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Brenda!
      I've never heard that song! I will definitely look that up on YouTube and have a listen.
      It's a fun place to visit if you're in the southeast. Haven't been there since I was a child and would like to go back some day.
      Blessings to you!

  16. I've been there. Both places. I do miss the south. We used to live in Roswell.

    1. Roswell? Really??? We are in Kennesaw, not far from there at all.
      I must admit, I love living in Georgia!
      Thanks so much for stopping by today, Sandy.
      Blessings to you!


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