Friday, June 22, 2012

"Gimme Shelter"

Psalm 91:1
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

No doubt about it.  I'm a homebody.  Don't get me wrong.  I do enjoy getting out - going to the gym, the grocery store, a luncheon date, and, of course, church.

But, there's nothing like coming home.  The moment I walk through the door, a comforting peace and tranquility surround me.  I am wrapped up by invisible arms of warmth.  I feel safe, secure, and welcome.

And, when everyone is at work, it is quiet.  Serene.  Calm.

A perfect atmosphere to read, to think, to dream, to write.

I thank the Lord every day for the home in which I live.  Because, I know how blessed I am to have these four walls and a sturdy roof over my head.  Indeed, it is a shelter of plenty.

And, this makes me think about and pray for those without a place to live in this world.  The homeless wanderers.  Panhandlers, forlorn, on city streets.  Refugees huddled in desolate, overcrowded camps.  Families foreclosed upon and living out of their cars.

People.  God's people.  Suffering.  Anxious.  Worried.  Desperate.

With no permanent place to rest their hearts.  Their heads.

And, I think of the Lord when He said, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." (Matthew 8:20)

I ache for Him as I ache for those without a home.

But, I realize this:  Jesus chose to become one of us in order to know in full our fears, our frailties, our needs, our desires.  There is no situation or circumstance or disaster in which we could possibly find ourselves that He doesn't understand.  Doesn't empathize with.

He is with the homeless, the refugees, the desperate.  He is with those in sturdy homes, in safe communities, with bills paid and food on the table.

Standing before us, with arms outstretched, He welcomes all to the only shelter that matters for eternity.  Our true home, where there is peace and comfort and rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
When or where do you feel at home?

Will you join me in prayer?
We pray today, Father, for all the beautiful souls living in this world without the creature comforts so many of us take for granted.  May we be Your hands reaching out to help them with the resources we have.  May we continue to pray that all might see Your shelter as the only one which truly matters.  Amen.


  1. I love to be home too! I feel most at home home..or in the woods. When I'm out in the woods my heart feels like it can rest in the peace of God as I feel it surrounding me there.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Jessica!
      That's wonderful that you feel at home both in your house and out in the woods. I thank Him every day that we live in a forest - it is incredibly peaceful.
      Blessings to you!

  2. "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." (Matthew 8:20)WOW... thank you for sharing!

    I love being home, too! I've discovered that it is the love, memories and good times that secure the home... for the 2nd time in my life, my 1st came around the time I got sober, that I feel safe and I love being home!

    I've come to know that I can visit your blog and find words of comfort, and I indeed found them. Thank you for the way you share your faith. I am not a "religious" person, I believe, just not the way I did before, for which, I am grateful...I love the way you deliver a message!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Amy!
      Your words are too kind - so happy to know you find comfort in my posts and that you are reading them regularly.
      Glad, too, that you are on the homebody bandwagon. :) A true home certainly does make us feel safe and secure.
      Blessings to you!

  3. This was lovely Martha. I've been thinking about "home" and what it really means, and have come to the conclusion that home is within the heart. It is that place where we meet our God and sup with him, although sometimes things get so noisy here that we can't hear Him. We are all homeless wanderers, pilgrims on a journey, homesick, and yearning to return to that place from whence we came. In the meanwhile, I am so thankful for my physical home, and the fellowship I share with my God, carrying His Spirit with me whithersoever I goest;)
    Thank you for bringing this out today Martha, as I have been homesick lately and needed a reminder of where to find my home.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Leah, and leaving such a beautiful comment/reflection.
      It is so true that home, our real home with Him, is carried in our hearts. Whenever and wherever we "meet our God", we are, indeed, home.
      Blessings to you!

  4. I loved this post. No wonder we say, "Going Home" when it's time to meet the Lord. I feel at home not just in my home, but anywhere I am gathered with family. Surrounded by their presence conveys the "home" atmosphere whether we are all hanging out somewhere, at a ballgame, at the beach, even in the hospital where we are with a loved one.
    Home is family and family is home to me.
    So many people are striving to save a physical home and so many others to find a spiritual one. I believe if we have both we are amazingly blessed, and I am one blessed woman!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Kathy!
      Absolutely love your comments here. "Home is family and family is home to me" - that's a beautiful statement and one which I'm sure so many folks can readily identify. And, I love your insight about "Going Home" - did not think of that while writing this post, but sure wish I had! :)
      Yes, it is good to feel so blessed, isn't it?
      More blessings to you!

  5. My parents would always tell us that the first thing they secured for us is a house of our own. It's one of the greatest blessings we've ever had since my dad was out of work for many years and we had to live with his mother.

    It's not easy moving from one place to another. NPA (No Permanent Address), that's how we call squatters in our country. We do have a lot of them. And we see more sleeping in the streets or living in small carts. The government provides housing projects for them and there are institutions that care for the homeless, but most people prefer living in the streets where they are free ~ without rules nor obligations. They do need work though and that is what we lack.

    Yes, I do agree that more than houses we need homes. I've noticed that there are also lots of rich people in our country but they are not so happy. Many have big houses but are with parents who are too busy earning money.

    I pray with you. May we share our blessings with the less fortunate esp. those whose homes have been affected by natural calamities. I pray that our homes be secured and protected by God's guidance. We include in our prayers all the families in this world ~ may they find love and joy in their homes.

    *Your post is very rich in reflections. Thank you Martha.

    1. What a beautiful comment/reflection you have written here, Melissa! The problems with the homeless/downtrodden in the Philippines sounds just like those in the U.S. The poor, it seems, as Jesus said, will always be with us.
      Thank you for your words of prayer here and for praying with me as always. So much appreciated!
      Blessings to you!

  6. Hi Martha:
    Funny we're on the same page here yet again. I'm taking the next two weeks of from work and what am I doing? I'm staying in my hometown. There's nothing better for me then simply toolin around Madison, Connecticut. I have a routine here and knowing that I can get up and head down to Starbucks every day and sit there and read and write. Well that's heaven for me.

    I'm a homebody too. Once I get home from work I'm typically in for the day. I find it a huge challenge to motivate to go out again once I'm home. I love where I live and I love coming home at the end of the day. Nothing's better.

    1. Thanks for dropping in, Chris!
      Would you say here that everything is connected? :) We ARE on the same page once again - how neat is that?
      Glad to know you are happy with your home and hometown, too. Sounds like you will have a most lovely "staycation" this summer!
      Blessings to you!

  7. I'm a homebody too. Being at home rejuvenates me. It gives me the peace and calm that I need after a full day's work. You said it well, it's the perfect place to read, think, write and dream. Home is my sanctuary, as Jesus always is.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Anne!
      Wow! Yet another homebody. :) So good to know that your home and the Lord are your sanctuaries. Life doesn't get any better than that!
      Blessings to you!

  8. I'm a homebody, too! ;) Home reminds me of so many things that are good and happy. But you're right, Jesus chose to identify with the homeless so that they may know they have a HOME in HIM.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Joyce!
      I love what you said here about Jesus identifying with the homeless so that we would know our true home is in Him. Just beautiful!
      Blessings to you!

  9. I'm a homebody too and I loved the prayer. Lovely post and a very nice reminder that even though we may think we don't have much, we have so much more than many others. Thank you, I believe your post was a message for me and it made my heart happy. God Bless.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Suzy, and for your kind compliments!
      Yes, the majority of us have so much for which we need to be thankful. Glad this post made your heart happy! :)
      Blessings to you!

  10. Home for me defines a place where I get a sense of belonging. I have been away for many years from my home and I could very much relate to your post Martha. Loved it! Brought back some old memories.

    1. Thanks so much for dropping in today, Me!
      So glad this post triggered warm memories for you. And, it certainly can be said that home is always the place where, in our hearts, we feel we belong.
      Blessings to you!

  11. I love my home too... we volunteer to help the homeless in our area...and come home feeling inspired by their financial poverty and spiritual richness.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Annmarie!
      That is wonderful that your family volunteers in this way. It is so important for our children to see that not all people are as fortunate and blessed, materially, as they are.
      And, you are so right - they may be impoverished financially, but their faith can certainly enrich us in unimaginable ways.
      Blessings to you!

  12. I cant say that I love my tiny, run down apartment... But i am very thankful to have a dwelling of my very own. :-)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Rachel!
      There have been plenty of tiny, run-down apartments in my past, too. Things are bound to get better!
      Blessings to you!

  13. There is an expression I believe that home is where the heart is and I believe that is so true. Home can mean anything, not just a physical place but I must admit that much like you when I have an extremely busy day or week and I finally have a day at home with no other obligations... I am ecstatic! Home is a a place to be ourselves and to renew our spirit.

    I too feel great compassion for those who are homeless...either a physical homelessness or a spiritual homelessness where they don't have anywhere that they feel safe and refreshed. For some I know home is a place of turmoil and pain. Great post Martha.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Lynne!
      Yes! Home is truly where our hearts are. Peter, Paul and Mary actually recorded a song with that exact title.
      It's great that you enjoy home as much as I do. :)
      And, yes, it is so sad, especially for those who suffer from spiritual homelessness - all dressed up, and no place to go . . .
      Praying for these and for those who have nothing but tension and pain at home.
      Blessings to you!

  14. I so feel for the homeless, Martha. My heart aches when I see them wandering on the streets. And I wonder where they run for shelter whenever there's a storm or when the night is cold. While I have even more than just the comforts of a home, because my parents are very good providers.

    Thank you so much for your post reminded me to appreciate more another blessing that God has given me -- a beautiful and comfortable home. God bless and much love to you, Martha <3 :-)

    1. So sorry to be so late in getting back to you, Irene. Somehow, your comment ended up in spam . . .:(
      Yes, my heart breaks, too, for those with no shelter and so glad that you have a loving home where your needs are met.
      Blessings and love to you, Irene!

    2. No worries, Martha! Blogger can be weird sometimes. :-)

      God bless <3 :-)

  15. As always your writings and reflections are very timely. I am currently experiencing a housing issue and I am praying daily that it can be rectified. We never know at times who may be without a home as sometimes those who carry themselves in a rich way may be the poorest among us.

    I share in your prayer for others that are less fortunate or who have fallen on hard times. God does see and care and we who have should be grateful, thankful and generous with our resources to those who are going through lack. Thanks so much for this prayer Martha. May God always bless your soul so you can continue to bless others.

    1. Thanks so much, Tameka, for stopping by and leaving this thoughtful comment.
      I will pray for your living situation. It is one of the most difficult things in life when you don't have a place to live or call home. And, yes, there are people who hide their problems and difficulties all too well.
      Thank you for sharing in prayer with me and for your kind blessings.
      These I now share with you!

  16. i feel most at home in a warmth giving book or sharing myself with someone who matters. Maybe u heard of the painful incident of a child lost to a borewell. I thought the child would be saved. so many prayed, from all corners of the world. but it was like standing outside with the father for three days not able to answer the childs plea to save, I t moved me and I blogged. hope u will share with me the reflections
    Thinking Space

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jerly!
      No, I had not heard of this horrifying incident and will certainly look up your post. I would love to share my thoughts with you about it.
      Blessings to you!

  17. Being home for me is sitting in my bedroom atop my bed. It's where I write. I can be any where else in the house and be home, but nothing feels as much at home as it does on the bed writing. In truth, I can be home anywhere if I am writing. Billy Joel has a wonderful song where he sings.. 'You're My Home', the song is written for a lover, I assume, but the message is clear, he is saying where ever you are (who ever you is) I am home. I always find comfort in the sentiment of the song. I find a home in my words, but anywhere I am with my family, that's home too.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Brenda!
      Having a special place to write and finding a home in your words are truly wonderful things. I, too, feel at home when family is around, but I do love the quiet and solitude of my house when everyone is at work during the day. I never, ever feel lonely or alone. :)
      Blessings to you!


Welcome Home

  Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send ou...