Friday, December 21, 2012

Million Dollar Rooms

Luke 2:7
And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Several nights ago, my husband, Danny, and I are cruising through the television channels.  We stumble upon a show we've never seen before:  Million Dollar Rooms.

Wow . . .

I've never seen such overwhelming opulence.  Such lavish decor.  Such worldly wealth.

All.  In.  One.  Room.

Have you said, "Wow", yet?

In an interview with one homeowner, the show's host, Carter Oosterhouse, inquires as to the type of people she has entertained in her dining room.

"We've had celebrities of all kinds," she gushes, "singers, actors, actresses, sports figures, politicians, captains of industry, and even kings and queens!"

Figures placed by the world on a pedestal.  Revered.  Idolized.

Figures whose mere shadows would never deign to enter our humble home.

And, in a twinkling, this thought dawns on me . . .

We all have a million-dollar room!  It's in our hearts!  For it is there the royalist of royalties, the King of the Universe, dwells.

Christ, Jesus - King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Will you prepare a million-dollar room in your heart for Jesus this Christmas?

Will you pray with me?
Thank You, Father, for sending Your only Son into this world to save us from our sins.  As we prepare once again to meet Him at Christmas, make our hearts into million-dollar rooms of welcome for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Amen.


  1. Well said Martha, what better than our heart.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Janu! Yes, there is no better place than our hearts.
      Blessings to you!

  2. Wow!! What a lovely thought Martha you are absolutely right. We are millionaires in our own way because of the riches we all have around us in form of the love we are showered with.

    And if that house in the picture is yours, I would so want to be there any day rather than be in those million dollar rooms!! It is so beautiful :)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Me!
      Yes! Those who are rich in love are the wealthiest people in the world!
      And, the house is ours; I think it's lovely, too, and wouldn't trade it for all the mansions on earth.
      Blessings to you!

  3. Martha, beautifully delivered. I can only wonder how much compassion, kindness and joy the owners of million dollar rooms (the kind that only houses furniture and lavish decorations) owners have.Sadly, financial wealth doesn't equate wealth of spirit and love. I'm grateful for my "million dollar" room which presently awaits the repair crew. By tomorrow evening, I hope to have warmth flowing through the house, but I also want to believe that our warmth as people would have sustained us all the same! Thank you for sharing this wonderful post with us! Happy holidays! :)

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Bella, and welcome!
      You are right on here - wealth may make us more comfortable, but it doesn't guarantee our happiness, joy, nor contentment. That comes only from the heart which loves and knows the love of the Lord. May your repair crew do an excellent job! :)
      Blessings and Merry Christmas!

  4. Thanks for the reminder Martha that we all own million dollar rooms right within ourselves. If we lived life knowing that, we would not only realize the abundance in our lives but the spiritual richness we have within us as well. No need for fancy rooms and garages - everyone can access million dollar homes through their faith:)

    1. Thanks a million for stopping in, Vishnu!
      Oh, yes, grateful, loving hearts do recognize the abundance of spiritual riches and grace. Could we ask for anything more? :)
      Glad you enjoyed the post.
      Blessings and Merry Christmas!

  5. Okay, so my jaw dropped every time I scrolled down on those million dollar rooms! They're magnificent!

    But aww Martha, your heart is priceless! I would love to live in it and be surrounded by the kindness and peace that dwells in it. I'm sure Jesus dwells in there, too! :-)

    Thank you for this beautiful reflection. Jesus is truly the most humble King, yet He has the greatest LOVE for all of us. God bless and Merry Christmas! ❤ :-)

    1. Oh, Irene, you are just too sweet! If my heart has kindness and peace, it is indeed because our dear Lord lives there.
      I'm glad you enjoyed the reflection, my dear, and blessings and Merry Christmas to you! Celebrate the King!

  6. Wow! I haven't seen such in real life. The space is really overwhelming. And what immediately comes to mind is the big discrepancy between this and the people living in the squatters area...this and where Jesus chose to live.

    Even the children would ask why God preferred to be born in a manger not in a palace...

    You made me reflect on how Christ could be born in such a beautiful place inside our hearts...

    We celebrate Jesus and His Holy Family... I pray that we may find space in our hearts to house them.

    1. Great to see you here, Melissa!
      It never ceases to astound me that the King of Kings would choose the lowly manger over a palace. But, He did, and because of this, every person, from the lowliest to the highest, can welcome Him with joy.
      Blessings to you!


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