Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Practice Makes (Almost) Perfect

Matthew 7:24
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house upon the rock.

My husband, Danny, and I adore our granddaughter, Virginia Rose.  But, unlike lots of "Gammies" and "Papas" out there, we don't spoil her with too many toys.  In fact, we've been almost irrationally frugal in this respect, expecting her mom and dad to pack up toys for her to play with when she visits with us.

Oh, to be sure, we have a few sources of entertainment which she finds only here.  Her rock collection (she has many more than pictured below), paper and crayons (yes, she had to peel off the paper!), toy cars to scoot back and forth on our table, and BBs from long-ago air soft wars to dig out from our yard.  Yes, she is actually delighted to hunt for these, and will tell us the color of each as she hands them over to us for safe keeping!

So when Virginia visits us last week, her eyes are immediately drawn to this box sitting on the kitchen table.

Instinctively, she knows it is a toy for her.  She points to it eagerly.

"You'll have to wait until Papa puts it together, Virginia.  It won't take him long."

So, I play cars with her while Danny dutifully carries the box into the garage to assemble the bean bag toss.

Virginia is thrilled!  It doesn't take her long to understand how to play the game, but she has a lot more misses than hits on the first go around.  She even thinks Papa is a target!

On her next visit, Virginia once again practices her bean bag tosses.  Over and over again.  Practicing until she gets better and better.  We are both amazed by her tenacity and her increased rate of success in aiming for the holes.

Of course, all this activity finally catches up with her . . .

Sweet dreams, little angel!


To become better at any task or skill, we must practice it.  The same goes for our Christian walk.  Are you hearing the Word of the Lord and putting it into practice every day?  If so, your foundation will be rock solid.  You can shine the light of Christ into the lives of those around you.  You can abide in His peace which passes all understanding.

And, knowing that peace, you'll sleep like a baby . . .

Will you pray with me?
Father, we thank You for Your Word which guides us in all that we do.  Help us to put Jesus' commandments into daily practice that we might be His light in this world.  Though all our practice won't make us perfect, we know that we will one day be perfected in Heaven with You.  Amen.


  1. Thank you so much dear friend. I love that you share Virginia Rose with us... She's really growing beautifully ~ full of joy and surrounded by so much love.

    I'm getting acquainted with a lot of inspirational books and blogs lately but the first thing that I read is God's Words and everything else becomes supplements.

    To read God's Words is easy but to practice what I've read ~ hmmm... that takes a lot of courage and love.

    But putting it in a child's view ~ kids are very persistent until they reach their goals... while adults, tend to become complacent and just thrive on comfort...

    I pray with you, may God's Words shine in our actions...may the Spirit continue to blow its inspiration to us and may we know peace...God's peace.

    Lots of love Martha!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, dear Melissa!
      Like you, I do spend time reading inspirational blogs of others, but keep coming back to God's Word. I'm realizing (another spiritual growth spurt?) that the scripture is what I truly need daily in my life so that I can practice what the Lord wants me to do in this world.
      And, you are so right about how children see their challenges and that we, as adults, are tempted to simply ride it out and not make the efforts we should to be better. Jesus hit the nail on the head when He told us we must become like little children . . .
      Thank you for praying with me, my friend. May the Lord's light and peace shine through us into this darkened and hurting world.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Just one glance at her pic and I have a huge smile on my face Martha... I can just imagine the joy she must be to have around and the little lessons that you weave around such simple incidents in life is simply enthralling!!

    Loved it <3

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Me!
      Oh, yes, Virginia is such a joy to be around and we enjoy every moment we spend with her. Glad the photos made you smile!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I was so enthralled with the photos I neglected to read the words. It took me a while to absorb the message, but only because I kept looking at the pictures. Lovely. You are right, with practice we improve our foundation. I'd venture to guess your little one is a constant source of joy and reminder how precious life is.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by today, Brenda, and glad the photos appealed to you so much.
      Yes, the little girl gives us such joy and always reminds me that we should enter the Kingdom as little children.
      Blessings and love!

  4. hi Martha - yes, practice does make perfect with bean bags and everything else in life. I chuckled that she was not only taking shots at the bean bag toss but also at her grandpa!

    I've been reading the Bible (the 1 year version) everyday this year and continue to be inspired, uplifted, guided by this book. I not only learn the lessons from it but also trying to apply its message in my daily life. Walking God's path takes a lot of practice especially when there are shortcuts and we can get distracted so easily.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Vishnu!
      Yes, anything worth doing (or becoming) does require practice. I've been doing the same thing in reading through the Bible, but have been using the book "66 Love Letters" as my guide. Need to be reading it daily to make any headway, but it is amazing how much I, too, am learning.
      And, we did share a laugh when Virginia tossed the bean bag at Danny. So glad he captured it in the photo!
      Blessings to you, my friend!

  5. How beautifully you brought out the lesson. Your granddaughter is so adorable. What a sweetie. Loved your prayer. Blessings Martha to you and your lovely family.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Suzy!
      Thanks for the sweet compliments about Virginia. We're partial, I know, but we think she is adorable, too. :)
      Blessings and love to you!


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