Friday, August 23, 2013

Saying "Yes" to Rest

Genesis 2:3
Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

In the past several months, I have encountered multiple blog posts where the authors speak of the need to take a break from the internet.  From e-mail.  Facebook.  Google.  Pinterest.  Twitter . . .

Anything and everything in the webby world!

As an emerging author and bi-weekly blogger, my first reaction to the suggestion of a sabbatical from all things internet is it's not possible!  How can I just drop out of the scene?  Even for one day?  Won't I miss out on something?

But, as I give the matter more prayerful thought, stronger becomes the urge to say "yes" to rest.  After all, if a Sabbath Day is good enough for God, isn't it good enough for me?  For all of us?

And, truly, what will I be missing that I can't catch up with later?  Those friends on Facebook and Twitter and Google and e-mail will be there when I return.  And, those of you who follow this blog and leave comments, I know you will understand if there is, one day of the week, a delay in my response to you.

Which day have I selected to detach myself from all things internet?  Sunday!  What will I do to fill the hours typically spent in electronic communication?  Oh, the choices are endless!  I can:

  • Read books, not blogs.
  • Study the Bible more intently and intensely.
  • Spend extra time in prayer.
  • Watch a movie with my hubby.
  • Work on my photography skills.
  • Write a real letter to a friend instead of sending an e-mail.
  • Select from various house projects which call for my attention.
  • Enjoy the outdoors.
And, the list could continue, but you get the picture.

So, my friends, don't look for me on Sundays from here on out.  I am ready to reclaim my Sabbath!  To take a day of rest from the hubbub of social media.

To.  Simply.  Rest.


What about you?  Do you need to say "yes" to rest?

Will you pray with me?
Father, we thank You for the gift of rest you gave us when You created the Sabbath Day.  Let us ever honor it and keep it holy for Your name's sake.  May we, by doing so, be renewed and refreshed in mind, body, and spirit.  Amen.


  1. Great post Martha. Couple of weeks ago I took a complete break from blogging and social media for a couple of days. It was refreshing. I'm all for a day of rest. Enjoy yours.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Suzy!
      Glad you were able to take a break recently. I'm really looking forward to Sunday!

  2. Enjoy your day of rest sweet Martha <3 I've taken a lot of time off lately. One must do....
    Love you!

    1. I am looking forward to it and do plan to enjoy myself. We all need a break from time to time.
      Thanks so much for visiting, Leah!
      Love you, too, my dear!

  3. Martha enjoy the breaks. I do it as well, not every Sunday but whenever possible [Actually for me Internet is a break :)]

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by, Juzta Mom, and welcome!
      For busy moms, I can see how the internet would be a break. :) For me, I know I spend to much time on it and need to shift gears.

  4. This need to cut off oneself from clutches of the web is increasing by the day and it is consuming every part of our lives, restricting and pressurizing us. I keep telling myself, I need a break too...sometime soon.
    Good Luck Martha and enjoy your peace.

    1. I think we all need a break, Janu, that's for sure. Hope you'll find yours soon!
      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. Great point, Martha. A holy Sabbath has dwindled drastically. Good thing to ponder in prayer. Even for us seniors of the seniors who don't get out as much as we always did.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Miz Liz!
      The practice of Sabbath rest has drastically dwindled. No matter what activity seems to demand most of our time, we do need to break from that and just be with the Lord.

  6. Martha, I have been taking 'rest' days for quite some time. I used to live on the computer! Literally! It was like there was nothing else going on in my life. When I began to get back into my studies of the Bible, I found that I spent less and less time on the internet. Now, not only do I find myself away from the internet for days at a time, the time I do spend on it is posting my Bible studies, sharing others posts, or reading Biblical-related articles! God has definitely re-directed my life and the activities of my life :)

    1. It does sound as though God's hand is firmly at work in your life, Mary! I so enjoy your Scripture reflections and am glad you have taken this route. I'm sure the Lord has great plans!
      Love and blessings, my friend!

  7. Enjoy your day off Martha:) and share with us what it feels like! :) I know Galen has taken off more than a day but a few weeks and I don't hear any complaints about this. A day off and time off from anything not only renews us but allows us to reflect. When we step away from something, it will allow us to be even more prolific at it. I have a feeling this day break will spark more creativity and inspiration:) Have a wonderful Sunday - a truly rested one.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Vishnu!
      I will enjoy this time off and certainly share with you all how it feels. And, I agree - when we step away from something, more creativity has the chance to flow. I'm hoping for this, my friend!
      Blessings to you!

  8. Wow! Finally, I heard this from you although I have seen you taking breaks in between too...

    I have actually taken the weekends off at first because I go to my brother's house but that schedule has been cut with the new transportation scheme in Manila.

    I have decided to take the 19th and 25th of each month to spend in prayer, adoration and hopefully, Mass if it falls in the weekdays...

    But I had to regulate because I still have to go to work despite the retreat and open mails. Maybe the retreat means 'cutting off from FB, Twitter and the like.

    Reclaiming the Sabbath and going deeper to what it means ~ 'charity' towards self and others ~ this I truly pray for with you.

    Lots of love and yes, I'm saying rest. As I wrote earlier, it's not an escape from the realities of relating to other people but 'creative recreation.'

    I love you a lot and I pray for you :*

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, dear Melissa!
      Taking breaks can be more difficult when one has the responsibility of work, but going without the Facebook/Twitter can be a great start. May we both reclaim the Sabbath in our hearts and minds - I love your calling it "creative recreation" for so it is!
      Love and blessings and prayers!

  9. I've been doing that off and on over the last few weeks and it's so worth it, Martha. Have read so many books and connected with many people in a more real way because of this.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Corinne, and for the vote of confidence that this is something worth doing. I'm looking forward especially to reading and doing much more reflective prayer.
      Blessings and love, my friend!

  10. What a great post Martha! It's been a few years ago now that God led me to not be on the computer on Sundays. My body really appreciates the break (for awhile I even took Saturdays off).

    I'm just getting started with blogging--it's part of my ministry.



    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Kim, and welcome! It's great to have you on board. :)
      Glad to know I'm not the only one doing this break from the internet thing. Sounds like it's been great for you.
      Excited that your beginning to blog. Please share the link to it here. I'd love to take a look.
      Blessings to you!

    2. You're welcome, Martha! I've been reading/following for awhile--just hadn't commented. :)

      Yes, the breaks from the internet/computer have been really good for me.

      Here's a link to my blog:

      As for the blogging, I'm learning as I go. :)


    3. Thanks, Kim! I'm following you, now. :)

  11. Glad to have found you through the A to Z Challenge. I agree that Sunday should be a day of rest and sometimes that takes concentrated effort to accomplish :) Thank you for the gentle reminder.

    Carol @ Battered Hope

    1. I'm so glad you found me, too, Carol! Welcome to my blog! I've added you to my Google circles, though I'm not there too much, but always get notifications when friends leave comments there.
      I will definitely check out your site, new friend.
      Blessings to you!


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