Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Lord God Made Them All

Genesis 1:24
And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds:  the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind."

My granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is fascinated by each and every animal she encounters.  She is crazy about dogs and cats (her favorite stuffed toy is a worn-torn kitty she drags everywhere) and loves to pat them.  Whenever she sees birds or squirrels, she pursues them but, of course, to no avail.  And, she is awed by the occasional deer which visits our yard.

But, Virginia's latest animal obsession is snakes.  Ever since we saw the copperhead down by the creek, she wants me to show her photos of snakes on Google Images every time she visits.  And, she constantly chatters about snakes to her mom and dad.

On a recent visit, Virginia is especially enamored by cartoons of snakes.  This gives her dad, John, an idea.  He searches for coloring pages featuring snakes, finding them with no problem.  Virginia is delighted!

Here are four, finished and unfinished.

It's obvious that Virginia enjoys us helping her color.  "Gammie twy!"  she says, handing me a crayon.  How can I resist that plea?  I do help, but she does some on her own.

It's time to clean the table off and set it for dinner.  Virginia would rather keep on coloring.

"Let's go walk on the trail in Gammie's and Papa's woods," John suggests.

"No," she says with a pout.

"We might see a snake.  Don't you want to look for snakes?"

John's ploy works!  Down from the chair Virginia scrambles and rushes for the back door.

"Snake!"  she shouts excitedly.

John and Virginia aren't gone five minutes before they are back at the door.

"Snake, Gammie!  Snake!  Snake!"

John is visibly shaken.  "I didn't think there was a chance in the world we would actually see a snake, but we did!  It was a copperhead, all right, coiled up under a rotting log.  Believe me, I got Virginia out of there as fast as I could!"

"That's it!"  Danny declares.  "No one is going on that trail until after the first freeze."

He gets no arguments from us.

But, Virginia wants back on the computer for more photos of her beloved snakes.  Maybe, it's time for a trip to the zoo.

Or, to the toy store . . .


Do you have a favorite animal?  Please share in the comments section.

Will you join me in prayer?
We thank You, Father, for all the marvelous animals which inhabit Your creation.  May we ever be grateful for and respectful of them, knowing that You, Lord God, made them all.  Amen.


  1. Dear Martha,
    Firstly your grand daughter is SOOOO adorable. I love the pictures and all you talk about her obsession with snakes. My little girl has her obsessions change every week and we sheepishly give in to those melting eyes :)
    I love how you are honoring every divine creation in this post. May we all be blessed with a heart that can dwell in the sheer wonder of all Divine creations.
    So happy to connect with you.
    Much Love,

    1. Thank you, Zeenat, for coming by today and welcome! It's great to have you here!
      Thanks for the kind words about Virginia - she is a winsome one, that's for sure. It's hard not to give into a child's fancy, at least once in a while. :)
      Glad you enjoyed the post and happy you connected here.
      Blessings to you!

  2. Martha,

    Your granddaughter is adorable! Thanks for sharing about her discoveries in God's amazing creation.

    I seem to be a bit of a "sucker for fur"--dogs are my favorite but I like cats too. While I don't have a pet, I enjoy getting to enjoy my friends' pets!

    Thanks again for your kind comments on my blog.

    Blessings to you!

    1. Thanks for coming by today, Kim, and for your kind words about Virginia. I think she's cute but, of course, I'm partial! :)
      Dogs and cats have always been my favorites, too. We only have one aging cat now and don't plan to adopt any more once she goes. But, one never knows . . .
      Blessings right back at you!

  3. Thank you for sharing Virginia Rose with us ~ she's much a part of this blog as you :) I love her innocence :D

    I can't say I like snakes ~ but I do love animals. My niece Belle also love animals except that she's too young to take responsibility for one~we had a hamster,a dog,turtle,chicken,chick,lovebirds~ but eventually, we have to ask somebody else to care for them...

    Thank you for sharing this post. I love the Franciscan spirituality which entails caring for all of God's creatures not only of animals :) I pray with you, that we may come to respect life in everything that surrounds us esp. the animals.

    Lots of love!

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Melissa!
      Wow! It sounds like you all have had quite the menagerie at your place. I've always had either dogs or cats or both. Now we are down to one cat, Allie, who is quite old. :(
      I'm so glad you pointed out the Franciscan spirituality - he has always been one of my favorite saints!
      Blessings and love, dear one!

  4. Oh Martha, that must have been a scary moment! My favourite animal is a squirrel. I just love them!
    Great post and she is too adorable!

    1. Oh, I love squirrels, too, Nelieta!!! Grey, a squirrel, is one of my main characters in The Glade Series!
      Yes, very scary, indeed. Don't want a repeat incident ever again. :)
      Thanks so much for dropping by!
      Blessings always!


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