Tuesday, December 17, 2013

God of the Impossible

 Photo taken by Danny Orlando at Fontana View 2 cabin in the Nantahalas

Isaiah 11:1
A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit.

Pastor Wallace tells us the story of his visit years ago with Jim, one of his church members, who recently purchased a farm.  As he turns his car from the main road onto the long, gravel driveway which winds its way to the house, Wallace is duly impressed by the expanse of the place.  Acres and acres of fenced pastures sprawl on either side of the road where cattle, too numerous to count, graze peacefully.

When Wallace finally pulls up to the farmhouse, Jim is sitting in a rocker on the front porch.

"Quite a place you have here, Jim," Wallace calls as he exits the car.  "Hope you're planning to give me the grand tour."

"Sure thing, Preacher," Jim assures him.  "But, there's something I want to show you first.  In all my born days, ain't seen nothing like it."

The two men stride to the pasture gate with Jim leading the way.

"It's a bit of a walk, Preacher, but I promise it's well worth it.  Just watch where you step.  Cow dung."

Wallace doesn't need to be told twice to keep his eyes peeled for that pitfall.  They stroll in companionable silence through the seemingly endless sea of grass.  Cows pause momentarily in their cud-chewing to eye the men as they pass by.  But, unruffled by the unexpected company, they quickly and calmly resume their dining routines.

"Not much farther," Jim says.  "It's just over that rise yonder."

When Wallace and Jim reach the top of the hill, the spy the fence not 20 feet away.  

"Do you see it?"  Jim asks.

"See what?  What am I looking for?  You haven't told me."

Jim grins broadly and points to a fence post.  Wallace's jaw drops.  He can't believe his eyes!  Rising up from the supposedly treated lumber is a living shoot, a small branch green and supple.

"Well, I'll be," says Wallace in amazement.  "I've seen shoots spring up from stumps, but never anything like this!"

"Kind of a miracle, don't you think, Preacher?"

"A miracle it is, indeed, my friend.  And, what a wonderful reminder for us that with God, nothing is impossible."


During this season of Advent, will you let the God of the Impossible work His miracles of new growth in you?

Will you pray with me?
Father, as we celebrate Advent, graft in our hearts the growing, thriving branch of Your peace, Your love, and Your hope.  May we all bear good fruit and spread Your good news of great joy to all we meet, not just at Christmas, but every day of the year.  Amen.


  1. Beautiful, Martha! I love your prayer at the end. A lovely way to start the day!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Amy! Glad my post brightened your morning.
      Blessings to you!

  2. Martha, From the "dead" stumps of our lives—the places we feel have no redeeming value, come the very seeds of hope which carries new life to the dark corners and barren wastelands. Do we dare believe this? Do we dare not believe it? Beautiful post Martha. I love that nothing is impossible with God. Ever!
    Let it be.

    1. Leah, you are absolutely right here. God can transform what appear to be "dead" ends in our lives and lead us to new light and growth. We must do the believing, though.:)
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I love how God takes something simple and makes it grow into something miraculous! Bless you Martha!

    1. Oh, yes, Tameka, it's simply amazing what our Father can do! Thanks so much for visiting today; I've missed seeing you around. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. This is lovely and I love how awesome God is and how he reminds us daily how even the impossible can happen. It gives me so much hope. Love visiting you because you always inspire me and remind me how ever present God is. ♥

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Kathy!
      Knowing God can do the seemingly impossible gives me such hope, too. So happy that my posts bring you inspiration and keep you closer to God. Writing them works that way for me. :)
      Love and blessings!

  5. Love this post Martha...going to post it on my fb wall. Grateful for the one who can and still is bringing this miracle about in so many lives. We all are dead in our trespasses and sins, dead as a piece of cut lumber cut off from the roots of a tree. Only He can bring that kind of life. Great post sister.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Betty, and thanks for posting it to Facebook!
      Yes, we are, indeed, dead in our sins until we graft ourselves onto the Lord's life-giving roots.
      Blessings, sister!

  6. Martha,

    This is a lovely post. The miracle of life in death.

    I'm not sure how to express what I'm feeling, other than your words speak deeply to me. As Christmas draws near, I'm facing the eminent death of a dear elderly friend. Yet, I'm reminded that in his passing, he'll be more alive than ever.

    There truly is life in death for those who have Jesus as Savior and Lord.

    Love and blessings,


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Kim!
      I'm so sorry that you are facing the loss of a beloved friend. We are in the same boat as my father is wasting away from Alzheimer's. This Christmas, we are definitely focused on the life Jesus' promises, our Savior who defeated the grave once and for all.
      Love and blessings!

  7. New lives from old, dead things - only with God is this possible. Thanks for sharing this, Martha!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Rick!
      Oh, yes, I agree - only with God can all be made a new creation!
      Blessings to you!

  8. Prayers are powerful and when done with gentle hearts, it can be the most potent of healers. I will pray with you.
    Love this post Martha!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Zeenat!
      With each passing day, I realize more and more how powerful our prayers really are. And, they do heal!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, thank you for this touching tribute to show us the power of God in our lives - anything is possible. Even when we are in this thick of hopelessness, death or dead-ends, God is always there to show us the way and give us life again.

    1. Yes, Vishnu, God can breathe new life into even the seemingly dead situations in our lives.
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Blessings always!


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