Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Walking in the Light of the Lord

Isaiah 2:5
Come, descendants of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord.

Last Sunday marks the beginning of Advent, a season in the church year of hope, love, joy, and peace, but most of all, expectation.  As Christians, we not only look forward to the celebration of Jesus' birth on Christmas Day, but cherish this time in which we prepare our hearts for His coming again in glory to redeem this world once and for all.

In his sermon, Pastor Wallace focuses upon the light which has come and is coming into the world once again.  And, he reminds us, most importantly, of what Jesus told us:  While He is the Light of the World, He grants this same blessing to us.  God gives us our own personal, unique, and irreplaceable light which we can shine into hearts troubled and torn by the darkness of this world.  A world devoid of hope, love, joy, and peace.  A world desperate and longing for the light of Christ.

At home Sunday evening, we light our Advent wreath's first candle after praying together.  As we do so, I relive Pastor Wallace's words from that morning.

They hit home.

And, I ponder . . .

What can I do this Advent season to truly shine "this little light of mine?"  How can I "let it shine, let it shine, let it shine?"

With this year declared "Love" drawing to a close, I think I know.  At least, for me.  But, what about you?  In what ways, during this Advent, can you shine your God-given light upon others?

Can you give to a local charity?  Volunteer at a homeless shelter?  Spend time at an assisted living home?  Babysit for free while your neighbors go Christmas shopping?  Take an elderly friend to the doctor?  Donate a toy for children in need?  Let someone ahead of you when traffic is a snarled standstill?

The list goes on and on and on.  So many ways and opportunities to shine our lights!  


How will you share your light with the world this Advent season?

Will you pray with me?
Father, it is with great joy and anticipation that we prepare to welcome Your only Son into this world.  May these weeks of Advent be filled with Your blessings, guidance and love.  Help us to reflect the Light of the World into the lives of others.  Amen.

Interested in receiving daily devotions for Advent?  Click here to sign up!


  1. I will share my light every day :) as far and as much as I can. Lots of love to you Martha xXx

    1. Yes, indeed, my friend! Share and share. Shine and shine!
      Love back at you, and blessings, too!

  2. What a beautiful post Martha, and perfect timing :) This is such a special time of year for everyone, but for some, they are sad or depressed due to loneliness or loss. This is a very important time for everyone to put forth the extra effort to help others, especially those in need. But...it shouldn't be limited to just 'this time of year'. Once we walk with God, we should continue that journey each and every day, allowing His light to shine through us. We should become servants to others. What a great joy comes from that journey with Christ!
    I hope that you had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Martha ♥♥♥

    1. Mary, you have expressed the joy of living with the Lord perfectly here! No, it should never be confined to one season, but should be lived out daily throughout the year. And, you make such a good point about the holidays adversely affecting those who are lonely, depressed, or have recently lost a loved one. The DO need that extra loving touch of Christ's kindness.
      Yes, we had a great, extended Thanksgiving, one here at the house and one at my Mom's and Dad's. Hope yours was blessed, too, dear friend!

  3. We can shine by doing some simple good deeds, not losing your cool, a kind word to everyone, smiling and wishing every one we meet on a daily basis...the list is endless. :)

    1. Oh, yes, Janaki, the list IS endless! There are so many ways and opportunities to shine our light onto others. Hope it's something we do not just at Advent, but all year long.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Wonderful insights, Martha. We're to reflect the light, Jesus, that is in us. Some days are more challenging than others. The challenge is to not hide our lights under baskets. The Religious Life Coordinator at my undergraduate college pestered me about this various thought, not hiding my light. All in an effort to get me to play a piano prelude for weekly worship.

    I'll be sharing this: Google+, Facebook, Twitter...

    Blessings and love,

    1. Thanks so much for sharing publicly, Kim, and so glad you liked the insights. The challenge can often be the temptation to hide our lights because we forget to see how special, unique, and created in God's image each of us are. Thanks, too, for sharing your personal experience with letting your light shine!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Great post Martha. Little things shine big lights. Have a blessed week.

    1. Thanks so much, Suzy! Yes, little things can and do shine big lights. :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. What a beautiful prayer Martha. I have been missing from the blogs as I was still in grief over mom, but I am slowly returning to form. I will continue to become more of my true self, one who dwells not on hurt or pain, but who gives what I have, promotes light and walks with an open heart. Have a wonderful holiday season dear one!


    1. I have so missed reading your blogs, Tameka, but understand completely.
      So glad you liked the prayer; and thanks for coming by today!
      Love and blessings!


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