Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Read Me a Story

Virginia Rose feeding the birds

Deuteronomy 11:18-19
Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is an extremely active child.  She loves doing things whether it's kicking a ball, dancing ("Look!  Cool moves, Gammie!), coloring, making things with her play-do and blocks, or feeding the birds.  Though her parents have diligently tried reading to her as she grows from baby to toddler, Virginia doesn't seem to be interested in the actual story.  She prefers them to name the characters in the pictures and simply explain what they are up to.

This Gammie, who is both an avid writer and notorious book worm, can't help but feel somewhat disheartened.  I keep praying Virginia will come around and actually gain the patience necessary to listen to a good story.  That, one day, she'll ask me to read to her.

On top of just reading children's books to Virginia, I long to acquaint her with stories from the Bible.  I've had The Beginner's Bible recommended by a trusted church friend who has small children.  However, I hesitate for months to order it, waiting to see if Virginia will have a change of heart and realize that reading is fun.

Finally, I can wait no longer.  I purposely bring up some children's books from our library downstairs, coax Virginia into my lap, open the first one, The Three Little Pigs, cross my fingers, and start reading to her.  Half way through the tale, her Papa, a.k.a. Danny, takes over, telling the story in the voice of Porky Pig.  That does the trick!  Virginia is enthralled with the story all the way to end.  There is hope!

That very evening, Danny orders The Beginner's Bible from Amazon Prime.  It should arrive by Virginia's next scheduled visit!  Oh, how I'm anxious for a positive reaction from her!

I mention nothing to Virginia about her new Bible when I pick her up and bring her over to our house.  I've set it on a small table beside our couch wondering if she'll notice it on her own.  She is not in the living room 20 seconds when we hear:  "Gammie!  Papa!  You got Ginna a book!"

Grasping it in both hands and with a beaming smile on her face, Virginia races over to me, hands me the Bible, and utters the one phrase I've been dying to hear from her.

"Gammie, read me a story."

"Of course, Virginia," I say happily, eager to share with my precious granddaughter the greatest stories ever told . . .


Were you a reluctant reader as a child?  Do you have or know any children who are?

We are so thankful, Father, for the gift of Your Word.  May we teach our children about Your great love for them through all Your stories in the Bible.  Let them learn to follow and trust You through the examples we set for them.  Amen.


  1. Aww. this is so touching to read Martha... I remember the time when my mother had gifted me Alice in wonderland when I was a kid and got me addicted to books!

    Today she can just sigh as she seems my ever growing book collection and wonder how can I read so much :)

    Love and hugs to her... she is so adorable!

    And I know with a gammie like you she is bound to fall in love with stories very soon <3

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Privy, and sharing your story about getting hooked on reading. Sounds like it's a lifelong passion for you as it is for me!
      I'll be sure to give Virginia your love and hugs as I see her today. :)
      Love and blessings!

  2. Hi Martha:
    Funny enough, when I grew up, you couldn't pay me to read. Now you can't pay me to get my eyes out of a book. Typically I read a book or two a week.

    And I read EVERYTHING. I even have a reader advisory blog I write:

    1. Chris, I find this amazing and hope that Virginia, the reluctant reader, will be as enthusiastic about it when she gets older as you are now. And, I do love your Scranton Page Turner - always great recommendations!
      Love and blessings!

  3. How fortunate, Virginia Rose is to have her beautiful Gammy there to introduce her to the magic of words.
    My mother was an avid reader and used to read to me and my two sisters from the classics. As a matter of fact my middle name, Cosette, was inspired by Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. I'm so grateful for my mother's literary influence in my life and I'm sure Virginia Rose will be also. <3

    1. Your mother did the right things to instill a love of reading in you and your sisters. I know you so appreciate that and I'm sure it's what inspired you to write your own novel.
      And, yes, I'm so glad Virginia finally is interested in reading - wow! The journey begins!
      Love and blessings!

  4. What a great relationship you have with your grand-daughter Martha :) I have never been one to spend time in any book...just not a 'reader'. But, I have to add that I read/study in my Bible daily and that is one book that God has blessed me with a 'hunger' to read! I'm so glad to hear that she recognized the new book and asked you to read to her. It sounds like this will be the beginning of a great time between the two of you!

    1. The Bible counts, Mary, and is, by far, the most important, life-changing book any of us could ever read. It is, after all, the greatest story ever told!
      I'm looking forward to introducing God's Word to my little angel.
      Love and blessings!

  5. She will love the stories in that little bible!! You are so lucky to have such a great relationship with her. I spotlighted you on my blog today because I simply love your blog. You inspire me so! ♥

    1. Kathy, you are absolutely too kind! Thanks so much for spotlighting my blog on yours. It is an honor, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  6. I am glad that I found this blog through Suzy...It's so important to draw children to this magic world of books...Virginia Rose is one lucky child to have you as her Gammie...love the prayer... :)

    1. I'm so glad you found it, too, Sumana! I am so looking forward to many, many reading adventures with Virginia Rose. And, I'm the lucky Gammie! :)
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, this post is so heartfelt. You are a great role model for Virginia Rose when it comes to reading. I'm sensing the Bible may be what will get her hooked on reading.

    It seems to me, I was interested in books quite early on. My mom wasn't much of a reader but wanted me to be one. (My dad was a bookworm, however, he passed away when I was only a few months old.) In some way, it was expected that I'd be a reader.

    For several years I didn't read fiction, however, that changed four or so years ago. Now I read several fiction books along with my non fiction. Of course, I'm always reading/studying God's Word. It's not too hard for me to read the Bible from cover-to-cover more than once in a year.

    Love and Blessings,


    1. Wow, Kim, cover to cover several times a year? You sure have me beat there! :) Although, one of my Lenten practices is to get through the entire Bible (I'm in Kings right now) before the 40 days are out; Good Lord willing, I will accomplish this.
      I think, too, if we expect our children to be good readers and model that behavior for them, they will more than likely love books all their lives. I'm a firm believer that if one loves to read, one can never claim to be bored with life. :)
      Love and blessings to you, too!

  8. As I read your post, Martha, I begin to think of Virginia Rose's learning style. Perhaps she's not an auditory learner by nature and it's something she has to acquire. We all have our learning styles and it seems that little Virginia Rose might be a kinesthetic learner and will need lot more 'action' to go with her stories! I think if you get her to act out what you are reading - it would suit her just fab!
    I know you didn't ask for my opinion, but I just had to share what struck me as I read this.
    I love how you and Danny so enjoy her company. Blessings to you and her.
    PS: Wondering if you got my b'day card from Dayspring.

    1. Oh, Corinne, I didn't see your card! Thanks for being so thoughtful in remembering my birthday, my friend. I wonder what happened???
      I think you are absolutely right about Virginia's learning style - she loves anything hands-on. The suggestion that we act out the stories is a brilliant one! I'll work on this, for sure. :)
      Yes, we so enjoy her company. She keeps us smiling and feeling young at heart.
      Love and blessings, dear friend!


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