Friday, February 28, 2014

Smart Enough for a Smart Phone?

Proverbs 2:10
For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.

I'm not a tech-savvy person.  Sure, I learned some computer skills when I was still teaching, enough to be competent and confident when surfing the web or creating a power-point lesson.  But, if I didn't live in a household of techno-geeks, a.k.a, husband, Danny, and stepson, Giovanni, I'd be a complete disaster on the computer.  I can't begin to tell you how many times they've come to my rescue.

The same can be said for me when it comes to cell phones.  For three and a half years, I am perfectly content with my cute, practical Samsung which allows me to make calls and send texts.

Really and truly, this is about all I'm interested in using a phone for.  I could care less that everyone around me has a "smart" phone; I like my "dumb" one just fine, thank you very much!

Until a couple of months ago, Danny had the same Samsung as I have.  But, because he works at home two days a week, he was getting frustrated by all the signal drops on the older model phone.  Plus, he really needs the gadgets and gizmos the Smart phone offers to stay on top of  business.

Danny loves his Smart phone from the moment he purchases it.  "We have to get you one, Martha.  It's fantastic!"

"Maybe, someday down the road," I say skeptically.  "I'm comfortable with my old phone for now."

Then, two weeks ago, opportunity strikes.  Our phone provider is offering a huge reduction to the cost of our family plan if one person buys a Smart phone.  You guessed it!  Ready or not, I find myself in possession of a hot pink one!

The trouble is, Danny purchases it when I'm at the height of my struggle with this most recent illness.  Although I'm excited to have the phone, I worry that I show more anxiety about using it than I should.  I fear I'm not smart enough to use a Smart phone.

"Don't worry about all the features right now," Danny assures me.  "Let me show you the basics:  calling; answering; texting, and how to put your contact list into the memory."

Good!  Because, as fuzzy as my head feels at the time, the basics are about all I can handle.

Although I'm still at the beginner's stage with my new phone, I'm looking forward to learning more from both Danny and Giovanni.  With a bit more knowledge and wisdom gained from practice and experience, I'm sure I'll feel just as comfortable as I did with my faithful Samsung.

And, that's saying a lot!


Are you a tech-savvy person?  Are you smarter than a Smart phone?

Prayer:  Create in us, Father, the desire to continue to learn new things as we live out each new day.  Fill our hearts with Your wisdom and discernment.  Let the knowledge we gain bring glory to You and pleasure to our souls.  Amen.


  1. Thanks for sharing this, Martha. I've asked myself the very same question. Currently, I prefer my land line phone and have a cell for emergencies.

    I love to learn though, so perhaps there's some hope for me. :)

    Who knows, one day I may have a smart phone too.

    When it comes to technology, I'm nearly 100% self-taught. I learned to do research before computers/internet took over. At that point, computers were mostly for word processing/database creation, and so forth.

    Love and blessings,


    1. Thanks for coming by, Kim! I'm impressed that you are self-taught in the technology department. That's quite the accomplishment!
      We've not had a land line for years, so I'm absolutely dependent upon my cell phone for everything. Hope a smart phone is in your future! :)
      Love and blessings!

  2. It's an iPhone - you'll get used to it quickly, and if you allow yourself the pleasure, you can learn to use the (only slightly) more advanced features like the calendaring app (keep your schedule there easier than with a Palm Pilot, and more convenient to carry around than the big kitchen calendar). I love mine - though mostly? I just use it to call and text. :)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Rick!
      Yes, I think I will learn to love the phone eventually. I must admit, it's pretty cool and I am looking forward to learning more about the apps.
      Blessings, my friend!

  3. I am pretty tech savvy on the most part but, when my husband insisted on upgrading to a smart phone I balked. I mean I have a computer. I have a lap top. What in the world would I need with one of those? Then I got one...and I fell in love with it. I found more and more things I could do with it through the apps. Eventually you will love it.♥

    1. You know, Kathy, I'm already liking it better and better. Change is always tough even when it's good change, isn't it?
      Thanks so much for coming by, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Yay you finally have a smartphone. I have one too. It took me a long time to get one and just like you I kept telling myself I didn't need one. But now I absolutely love my smartphone and I'm sure you'll love yours too. And what a beautiful prayer Martha. Just lovely.

    1. I'm glad, Suzy, that I've now joined the Smartphone club - it took a bit of getting used to, but I am enjoying it. Glad you have one, too!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I've just come to learn about your fantastic blog from Suzy...enjoyed all the words..and the prayer is beautiful...

    1. Thank you, Sumana! I'm so glad to have you onboard! Send me your blogging address and I'll gladly return the favor.
      Blessings to you!

  6. I always tell people that I am not smart enough for my phone, Martha. But I love to learn too and it's such a wonderful feeling to acquire a new skill. May we continue to be lifelong learners - in everything!

    1. Always great to see you here, Corinne!
      Yes, we should all be life-long learners. I can't imagine going day-to-day without having something new and interesting gracing my path.
      And, somewhere down the road, I'll master this phone! :)
      Love and blessings!


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