Friday, February 14, 2014

Peanut Junkie!

Isaiah 40:4
Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.

Okay.  I admit it.   When it comes to freshly roasted peanuts, I'm a junkie!  I love them almost as much as I love bacon, and that says a mouthful.

Every Christmas, a sweet couple at our church gives the staff, which includes my husband, Danny, who leads the contemporary service, the delectable presents of Georgia-grown pecans and . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . . raw, shelled peanuts!  Besides myself with delight, I waste no time in researching how to roast these treasures in my oven.

Recipe secured, I go for it.  The results?  Hey, Planters, take a hike!  These are the most delicious peanuts to ever grace my palate.  Raw to roast makes all other peanuts toast!

When I recently roast some peanuts given us this past Christmas, I share some with my daughter, Sarah, and her husband, John.  When our granddaughter, Virginia Rose visits, she spies our Tupperware container full of them.  "Daddy and Mommy wove dese," she says.

That gives me an idea.  We have lots of babysitting hours coming up in the next week.  Why not let one of Virginia's activities be learning how to prepare peanuts for roasting?  Just the tactile experience will be a blast for her.  I, however, could not begin to imagine what sort of creativity she would bring to the mix.

"Do you want to help Gammie roast some peanuts, Virginia?"

"Yes, Gammie."

"Let's wash our hands first.  You always wash your hands before you prepare food."

All set and ready to go, I grab the thin-lipped, flat pan and pour the raw peanuts onto it.  Virginia's eyes glow with anticipation.

"Virginia, we need to spread the peanuts out so that they are absolutely flat on the pan.  Help me push them around so they fit they pan evenly.  No nut can rest on top of another."

"'Kay, Gammie," Virginia says, and dutifully helps me flatten the peanuts into the pan.

But, the temptation to mess them up again is too much for her.  As I'm preheating the oven, it's no problem.  I simply allow her to play with the peanuts as she pleases.

She makes mountains.  She makes hills.  She creates a stadium with an audience of peanuts.  Then, picking up a peanut in each hand, Virginia announces,  "Wadies and gentmen!  Wet da fight begin!"

Battling peanuts???  I'm amazed by the extent of her imagination and, at the same time, reminded how the simplest of things can be turned into our lives' most entertaining and enlightening moments.

"Gammie, fwatten out again."

I do so.  Virginia resumes her play.  Creating more mountains and hills.  More boxing matches.

"Okay, Virginia, when the oven beeps, I have to flatten out the peanuts for good so we can cook them.  Don't we want to give some more to Mommy and Daddy?"

"Yes, Gammie."

When the buzzer goes off, Virginia willingly allows me to make the roughed up peanuts level, transformed once again into a perfect cooking plain.  No argument.  No protest.  She understands the rules of this game and is more than happy to concede to reason.

Are we as accepting when we know God promises to take us from rough ground to level and smooth?  Turn our rugged places into a plain?  Like Virginia, we explore and examine with our imaginations and ingenuity.  In doing so, perhaps we forget from time to time that He is the One who has blessed us with curiosity and creativity.  Thinking, erroneously, that we are the ones who can make things better, or right, on our own without involving God in the process.

Virginia listened and obeyed.  She understood what the final outcome entailed. 


Are you trusting in God's final outcome in your life?

Prayer:  We thank You, Father, for the lessons you teach us in the ordinary times of our lives.  We trust that when we come upon the mountains of adversity and the hills of trials, that You will lead us to Your plains of peace and keep us secure in Your unending love and grace.  Amen.


  1. I never used to trust God much after He took both of my parents from me. For a long time I was mad at God. Then one day I fell and hurt my back badly. The specialists said I needed back surgery or I would be paralyzed and always in severe pain. My son was a baby and my daughter only 5 or 6, my husband on the road. I knew that after a week he would have to leave me and go back to work and I honestly didn't know how I would manage 2 small children and dogs beside. I prayed to God to please just do what He needed me to do. Help me get through it and give me strength. Well the day I went in for my pre op the surgeon proclaimed that it was a miracle because I no longer needed surgery. I was much better and getting better and God had worked in my life and healed me. I realized then that God truly cared about me and that from then on I would trust Him. So on days I have no clue what to write, I pray and he gives me the words and I write. I believe. I love your blog because it helps me to stay connected with him and you. ♥

    1. Oh, wow, Kathy, what a story and a testimony to God's answering prayers and healing us. I'm sure others visiting this blog will be inspired by what you have written here.
      And, thank you for your kind words. It blesses my heart to know what I write brings you into a closer walk with the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I'm working on it....I am trying to refocus my mind/heart in that direction. Loved the story you shared....and the roasted peanuts? There is a restaurant here that serves them on the table and I cannot control my eating of them. Big hugs to you Martha....

    1. So, Mitzi, you're peanut junkie, too? :) Which restaurant? The one we have here which does that is Texas Roadhouse. Like you, I have to curb my craving for them so I can leave room for my dinner.
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Thank you, wise friend, for reminding me what Jesus meant a little child. I so quickly forget to listen and obey.

    1. I think we all do, Miz Liz, and that's exactly why Jesus used so many examples of little children in His teachings. Being around Virginia always helps me remember to come to Him like a child.
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Loved the peanut analogy and the home truths that accompany the analogy. I guess we have no other way but allow ourselves to trust him for the things he has planned for us. Thanks for sharing these timely messages which help us stand secure in the path of light, dear Martha.

    Joy and cheer,

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Susan, and so glad you enjoyed this analogy.
      When we get right down to it, we have no other way but to trust completely in Him, His ways, His timing. Gratified today's message spoke to you.:)
      Love and blessings!

  5. What beautiful imagery, Martha!

    I'm still a work in progress--learning to trust God to get me to where He wants me. The path is still unclear, so it's difficult to know where to put my foot.

    God is good!

    Love and blessings,


    1. Never fear, Kim, God will guide in His own good time. We are all works in progress, never ceasing to grow in Him.
      Thanks for coming by!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Any post of yours that figures Virginia Rose is a winner, Martha! There's so much we can learn from children and their imaginations!
    PS: I love boiled peanuts!

    1. Thanks so much, Corinne, for coming by and for your kind words. I have a friend who is nuts for boiled peanuts, too. I just find them too salty.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Ooh I love Virginia's outfit and looks like she had great fun. Like Corinne I love boiled peanuts. Unfortunately my son is so allergic to peanuts that we rarely bring them home. Amen to your lovely prayer.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Suzy, and glad you liked Virginia's outfit. Of course, being the Gammie, I think she's cute in anything she wears. :)
      Sorry your son has a peanut allergy, especially when you love them so much. But, we make every sacrifice for our kids, don't we? Wouldn't have it any other way!
      Love and blessings, my friend!


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