Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Sweetened iced tea is a staple beverage here in the South.  Even though I've lived in Georgia most of my life, however, I've never developed a taste for it.  When I tell friends I don't drink sweet tea, they look at me as if I've grown a third eye.  Until, that is, I explain that any tea, unless it's herbal, doesn't agree with my stomach.  Which, truth be told, keeps me from drinking any teas, herbal or otherwise.  Just not one of my favorite things to imbibe.

Another savory taste in the South is honey.  Yes, I've tried it.  Ugh!  Too icky sweet for my palate!  I'll pass, thank you very much.  Honey resides in the category of "Evil Foods I'll Never Eat," where it enjoys the company of beets and radishes.

But, this past February when my husband, Danny, and I both fall prey to a vicious bug, all of that changes.  We need to keep hydrated, but it's too cold to just drink water.  Danny drags himself to the store to buy some Sleepytime Peach Tea so we can have something warm and soothing to sip on.  Though, even now, it takes some convincing before I acquiesce.

"Here," Danny says, handing me a steaming mug.  "Just try it.  I guarantee you'll feel better for drinking it."

I'm too miserable to argue.  I take a sip.  Then, two.  Then, three.

"This is delicious!"  I declare.  "What did you put in here besides the tea itself?"

"Lemon and honey."

What???  I'm drinking tea sweetened with honey?  And, liking it?  Must be the illness messing with my taste buds.

But, I can't deny that this is one delectable drink.  So, I continue to consume it in great quantities.  Does it make me feel better?  In the sense of comfort and warmth and taste, yes.

The most amazing transformation, however, happens when my sickness abates and I begin to feel human again.  I still crave the tea!  So much so that I now drink two cups a day, late morning and mid-afternoon, instead of that third cup of coffee I used to relish.  In fact, as I write this post, I'm sipping on a delightful cup of the Sleepytime adorned with lemon and honey.  Heavenly!

And, it is in this simple change of heart and palate, I am reminded of how God transforms us into His children when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  We may be, as I was so many years ago, caught up by and conforming to the patterns of this world, but God wants to change all that.  He wants us to follow His will, and when we do, He will help us to discern what His good, pleasing and perfect will is for our lives.

What could be more comforting, warming and tasty than that?


Are you allowing God to transform your life?

Prayer:  Father, may our prayer ever be that Your will, not ours, be done.  Let us be transformed by Your incomparable love and grace, and renewed each day by Your Holy Spirit.  In the precious name of Christ Jesus, we pray.  Amen.


  1. I try very hard to follow God's plan for my life. I would never be writing on my own accord. I strongly believe that stories come to me from Him. When I have my worst doubts about writing...which I had just yesterday, I pray. I can be completely blocked for ideas and directions to turn...and then I pray and to my amazement before the day is out, I write a story that I am proud to post--that even I can't find much wrong with...which is saying something. Then I find my peace. It flows so easily. Somehow I know what to say...and I give Him credit for it and know to the deepest part of my soul that no matter what I may think that I am doing exactly what He wants me to do with my life...write. Does that sound silly? When I fight it and doubt...my heart fills with despair. When I let go and trust...the words flow. Patience is a virtue. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better. I am not much of a tea drinker, but I firmly believe sipping a warm tea of honey and lemon does the world of good. ♥

    1. Kathy, what you've posted here does NOT sound silly in the least. I am exactly the same way!!! I feel strongly that God through His Holy Spirit leads me completely in what I write. And, like you, when inspiration isn't forthcoming, I go to Him in pray, knowing that, in His time, He will provide.
      Thanks so much for visiting and for leaving such a detailed comment!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, another great post! Transformation is amazing, particularly when it relates to our transformation in Christ. When I read your title, I thought of the following Scripture: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

    Jesus really does transform us in some very amazing ways.

    As for tea? It's something I enjoy sipping on, in addition to coffee. :) Peach tea with honey and lemon sounds delightful! I'm pretty fond of Cinnamon Apple Spice (herbal tea).

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Kim, and for adding this most applicable scripture from 2 Corinthians - I, too, thought of this verse when writing the post.
      And, yes, Jesus DOES transform us in the most incredible ways when we turn to Him. What a blessing!
      I'll have to try the Cinnamon Apple Spice soon - sounds delicious!
      Love and blessings!

  3. As a former (23 years a Virginian) southerner, I did develop a taste for sweet iced tea. I already liked the hot variation, and honey is a great sweetener so long as it isn't overdone (which it can be so easily). Not so with God - He can never be overdone, or outdone - and transformation *is* sweet indeed.

    God bless!

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Rick!
      I love your statement about our amazing God - that He can never be overdone or outdone in anything. What a comfort that is!
      And, I agree that transformation is sweet, sweet, sweet!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I believe it happens all the time even when I might fight it.

    1. Amen, Brenda, it certainly does! Thanks so much for coming by.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I like most teas but the caffeine type keeps me awake too long. I go for the herbal ones too.

    Now, about you not liking honey. You might wanna get that checked out on your next visitation to your doctor. Honey is a might fine condiment, if I may call it that. I eat it on toast and every kinda tea I drink. I'm not British though. Just a Southern Belle like yourself.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, Tosh, and welcome to my blog!
      True confession: A week after I wrote this post and was so enjoying my new beverage love, I realized the honey was causing me a bit of discomfort, so have had to quit using it. :( I really miss it, though, and wish I could still enjoy it.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...