Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What a Beautiful Thing . . .

Matthew 26:8-12
When the disciples saw this, they were indignant.  "Why this waste?"  they asked.  "This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor."
Aware of this, Jesus said to them, "Why are you bothering this woman?  She has done a beautiful thing to me.  The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me."

This past February for me is a lost month.  I am down with the creeping crud and the continuous cough for almost three weeks.  It is a miracle that I can even muster the energy and wherewithal to keep this blog up-to-date during these hacking-up-a-lung days of misery and lost sleep; nights when retreat to the couch where I can prop up and indulge in cough suppressants becomes the norm.

It is February 28th, the night before my birthday.  I disappear into our bathroom to brush and floss my teeth, don pajamas, and scrub my face.  When I return to our dining area, I find an early birthday gift from my husband, Danny, enticingly placed on the table.  I am so surprised, I forget to cough!  These are the gifts I open to both my disbelief and delight.

I'm so undeserving of this magnanimous assortment of complexion enhancing treasures!  And, I'm already anticipating what fun it will be to try each one out in time.  Though I'm unworthy of such luxury, I'm blessed beyond blessed that Danny thinks I am.  Overwhelmed?  You bet!

Enter Saturday morning.  My birthday.  I wake to the pleasant surprise of not being on the couch.  I've made it the entire night in the calm and comfort of my own bed.  No cough suppressant.  No coughing fits.  I'm elated!  It looks like I'll be able to sing in church this coming Sunday after missing three services in a row.  What could be better than that?

Yet, Danny, trying to make things even better on my actual birthday, presents me with yet another surprise.

How much more could I have possibly anticipated?  Dreamed of?  Before me are gifts I would never, ever dared purchase on my own.

Never . . .

But, oh, what a beautiful thing Danny has done for me.  How nourished my face feels!  How my skin glows with renewed vibrancy.  I feel years younger, and I am rejuvenated in ways I would not have expected.

And, as Jesus reminds us, gifts of luxury, given in the spirit of genuine generosity, cannot be wrong.  The woman who acted from her heart to anoint our Lord with extravagant perfume gave from her heart and soul.  She pleased and soothed Jesus and gave Him comfort on this earth.

Who among us wouldn't want to be in her shoes?

Who among us wouldn't want to offer all we are and all we have to the Lord?


Are you offering your all to Jesus today?

Prayer:  We cannot thank You enough, Father, for the sacrifice Your Son, Christ Jesus, made on the cross for our sins.  Of all the gifts we have received or will ever receive, this is the greatest and grandest of them all.  May we ever be grateful and give all that we are and all that we have to Your service.  Amen.


  1. Beautiful. How sweet it is and how wonderful for you. I LOVE the way you show us Jesus through your own husband's love. WOW. Hug Danny for me. I had not realized you were a leap year baby. What fun. You can have as many birthdays as you want!!! You bless me every day. Thank you for being a sweet blogger buddy.

    1. I wish I were a leap year baby, Miz Liz, but I'm actually a March 1 kid. :)
      Thank you so much for your kind, caring words and for your faithful visits. So much appreciated! And, I will give Danny a hug for you! :)
      Love and blessings!

  2. What a beautiful post, Martha!

    Jesus was a great example of extravagant generosity--it's hard to get my mind around all He gave up when He came to earth. What we do in giving to others really does pale in comparison.

    This is a great reminder for me to be more receptive of other's generosity towards me, as well as to be generous myself in giving of my time and presence.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Kim, and for your thoughtful comment. Yes, Jesus has, indeed, raised the bar for what it means to be generous; all our efforts do pale in comparison, but when we give from our hearts, freely and thankfully, we are imitating Him in one of the best ways we can.
      Love and blessings!

  3. How wonderful for you! I am so happy you were pampered for your birthday and were able to enjoy it even more without the creeping crud. Happy Birthday a bit late. Love and blessings to you! ♥

    1. Thanks so much for coming by and for the birthday wishes, Kathy! It was truly special for me this year.
      Love and blessings always!

  4. Happy belated birthday. Danny sounds like a keeper.


    1. Thanks so much, Joyce! Yes, he definitely is!
      Love and blessings!

  5. haha Joyce's comment made me laugh. a keeper indeed and sounds like you are keeping him Martha :)

    And you're definitely keeping Jesus front and center in your life at all times. I'm glad you got over this pesky sickness and are doing better. Jesus has in fact given us the greatest gift of all by sacrificing His life for us. He died so we could live.

    1. Yep, a keeper, indeed, Vishnu! :)
      Jesus is our greatest gift and I do my best to remember each day to keep Him front and center. If I didn't, how quickly I'd lose focus on what is ultimately important.
      Love and blessings!


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