Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ha! I Trick You!

1 Thessalonians 2:3
For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you.

Last month, my granddaughter, Virginia Rose, masters a whole new game.  We call it "Trick You!"  She simply enjoys playing it.

"Gammie, I have a present for you," Virginia tells me with a winsome smile, her hands behind her back.

"You do?  What is it?"

"A kitty cat."

"Really?  For me?"

Virginia brings forth her empty hands and laughs.  "Ha!  I trick you!"

And, it doesn't stop there.

"Gammie, I hurt my foot."

"You did?  Let me kiss it and make it better."

"Trick you!"

"My tummy hurts, Gammie."

"Oh, Virginia, I'm so sorry."

"Trick you!"

But, one of the "trick yous" which gets me the most, the one I fall for hook, line and sinker, is the very first one she ever pulls on me.  We have just dropped off her mother at work and riding home.  Out of the blue, Virginia says, "Gammie, my milk dropped.  On the floor."

Panic!!!  "Is it leaking???"  Oh, yes, I know what they say about crying over spilled milk, but if I have to clean it off the car's upholstery and get rid of the residual odor . . .

"Ha!  I trick you, Gammie!"

Dear Lord, what a relief!  Virginia really had me going with that one.  And, while her "Trick You" game is executed in all innocence, revealing her cognitive growth and understanding (she will be four in July), it makes me think about just how gullible we can be when those in authority attempt to trick us into thinking something is true when it is not.

That's when the true authority, that of Scripture, needs to kick in.  As Christians, we cannot be fooled by the world's trickery if we are grounded in our faith and our relationship with God through Christ Jesus.  He won't let us fall prey to the Father of Lies.

As St. Paul reassures the Christians in Thessalonica, his motives are pure.  He speaks the truth about the Messiah, the Savior.  There is no trickery involved.  Only truth.

The Only Truth.


When has the world tricked you with its false promises?

Prayer:  Dear Father, let us not succumb to the trickery of the world, but stay faithful to You in heart and mind, word and deed.  May we ever remember that Your precious Son, Jesus, is the way, the truth, and the life, and none can come to You except through Him.  Amen.


  1. Firstly a truly adorable picture Martha, I wish someday I can meet Virginia and hug her to thank her for all the lessons she has sent my way <3

    The world has tricked me many times with its false promises but as it is said, some lessons in life are learnt the hard way... so be it!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the photo, Privy! It would great if you could hug Virginia one day; until then, I'll give her a big one from you!
      And, yes, some lessons ARE learned the hard way. Not pleasant at the time, but if it keeps us from ever going down that wrong path again, it's well worth it!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Sweet story but being "tricked" would get a bit old for me. Not sure I have the patience to be tricked to many times even though it is just a game. A lot like the boy who cried wolf so much that when he was telling the truth no one could tell the difference and refused to believe him. Still you live and learn, and life keeps tricking us and teaching us valuable lessons to grow on. ♥

    1. I hear you, Kathy! It was, thankfully, a short phase for Virginia because, after a time, it would have driven me nuts, too. :) It was just too good of a life lesson not to compose a blog about it.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Most of the times I have been tricked...though I get irritated, I try to take it in my stride. But what happens if something really happens and if you think Virginia is 'tricking' you...have to be careful there.

    1. Oh, yes, Janu, I hear you on that one. As I mentioned to Kathy, Virginia has pretty much outgrown this little game which is a good thing. And, I can always tell if she is really hurting; during the "tricking" she wears a smile!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Oh, Martha - what a good post!
    It is hard to keep from getting cynical or world-weary when I think of all the lies we are told by the world and the powers that be here (never mind the ones we ourselves have told), but I am eternally grateful Christ's promises are not of the "Ha! I trick you!" variety. Thanks for this!

    1. So glad you liked this post, Rick! I'm with you - what a relief it is to know that Christ will never trick us. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and we can always depend on His word.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Wow, what a 'tricky' article! Wow, how it started with all innocence and quietly led to Him where no trickery can ever exist! This is a gr8 stuff!

    1. Thanks so much, Portia! Glad you enjoyed the post. :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. Beautiful and interesting post, Martha. What an interesting game Virginia has created. We can learn so very much from children if we listen with our whole being. It's so easy to be tricked in to believing lies those in power tell us. Yet, we can fully and freely trust God--He is one who will never trick us!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, we can, indeed, learn so much from the little ones when the eyes of our hearts are opened. Thank goodness we can trust in a faithful God who will never lead us astray!
      Love and blessings!


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