Friday, June 20, 2014

Sister Act!

1 John 3:16
This is how we know what love is:  Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

When my daughter, Sarah, first tells us they are expecting a baby girl at the end of April this year, we are elated!  What could be better than having another grandchild to love on?  Honestly, I can't think of anything grander than that!

But, I have concerns about first child and first grandchild, Virginia Rose.  She is the undisputed princess in the Orlando and Kennedy family courts.  Love is lavished upon her freely, and undivided attention toward her rules the day.  Recalling how jealous my son, Daniel, was when I brought his sister home, I worry that Virginia could experience those same sentiments.  Not a pretty picture . . .

So, we begin working on her early.  I order a book which explains all about mama bringing a baby brother or sister into the world, and what the older sibling can expect.  Virginia is, thankfully, enthralled by the whole process, and me and her mom to read the book repeatedly.  We reinforce, too, Virginia's role as the "Big Sister," someone who can aptly assist her mom and dad in caring for the new baby.  She loves to help around the house already, so this is something which really appeals to her.

I'm still skeptical, though.  It is one thing to talk about all these amazing changes about to unfold when little sister is growing in mommy's tummy, but it could be a totally different story when baby actually arrives.  How will Virginia react, I wonder?  Will she be just as excited and joyful in having a sister for real as she is in the anticipation of her birth?  Or, will she be resentful of the attention which was once fully hers, but is now being deflected upon this new and needy, eating, crying, burping, but blessed, mess?

I recall Jesus' admonition to us not to worry (Matthew 6:25), and I hold fast to His promise.  That trust and faith reaps incomparable rewards.

Virginia Rose loves her sister, Savannah Jane, more than I could ever have hoped for or imagined.  She is adamantly protective, actively engaged in entertaining her, and demonstrates toward her sister such unconditional love.

Watching Virginia interact with Savannah brings and entirely new meaning to the scripture at this post's beginning.  I see a child willing to lay down her life, all her interests and needs and wants, in order to serve her sister.  I witness a heart brimming with love and selflessness.

I witness a life filled with the Spirit of the Lord.

It is my prayer that I should live my life so selflessly . . .


How have the actions of a child brought you closer to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Prayer:  Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son, Jesus, who laid down His life for us to pay the price for our sins.  Let us, in turn, know what true love is:  Being willing to lay down our own lives for the sake of our brothers and sisters.  No, Lord, it isn't easy, but it is right.  Help us to always do what is pleasing in Your sight.  In the name of Jesus, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Martha, it's great to hear Miss Virginia has welcomed her little sister so well.

    Little children can teach us so much. It touches my heart when a young child expresses a profound truth that adults struggle with. I love their openness and receptivity.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, children certainly can teach us so much when we are receptive to them. I've learned a LOT from Virginia, and for that I'm so grateful.
      Thanks so much for visiting, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

    2. This was your most awesome blog yet

    3. Thanks so much, Julie! That means so much to me. :)
      Love and blessings!

  2. Congrats Martha. You have such divinely beautiful grandchildren. I think Virginia will make an awesome big sister. Blessings to all of you.

    1. Thanks so much, Suzy. I know we are blessed to have these two cuties. :)
      Love and blessings!

  3. I was worried when I was pregnant with my son that my daughter would have those feelings after he was born. Of course, Makayla did wish for a baby brother. She was almost 5 when he was born. When I found out I was pregnant, she asked if we could go get the baby tomorrow...well takes a bit longer than that. To insure a good transition, I took her shopping for a present for the baby. I also surprised her with a present from her baby brother when he was born. As a result, he had her from hello. They are extremely close and although they bicker from time to time, they are the best of friends and thick as thieves...even now that they are 13 and almost 9 for my son. Congrats on your beautiful grandchildren and blessings to you and your family! ♥

    1. Kathy, I love this story of your two children. You did the perfect thing by letting Makayla buy a gift for her brother and for you to give one to her from him. Glad to know they are still the best of friends even to this day!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Little children surprise us more often than not by their capacity for love and acceptance. I think that being so fresh from Heaven, they remember.

    1. I certainly agree that their closeness to Heaven has much to do with their loving, giving spirit. Is it any wonder Jesus told us to become as little children in order to enter the Kingdom?
      Love and blessings, PS!

  5. "The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed:" -1Peter 5:1

    1. Thank you for visiting, Lukwaya, and for leaving this inspirational verse.
      Love and blessings!

  6. "The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed:" -1Peter 5:1


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  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...