Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christ is All We Have

Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

You can never learn that Christ is all you need, until Christ is all you have. ~Corrie ten Boom

Do you wonder?  Or, are you wandering the malls in search of Christmas treasures?

Is it a silent night?  Or, are you staying up late, frantically ordering those last-minute gifts on-line?  Preparing the Christmas cards?  Wrapping up those presents to ship to family residing afar?

Are you planning holiday menus as Christmas music blares?  Trying out new recipes all for that joy-to-the-world gathering of family and friends?

Are you feeling frazzled, worn, defeated, even jaded before that first cup of morning coffee?

Do you, in this hectic state, know the perfect gift for that perfect someone?  Or, are you desperately seeking it?


Be still!

Know He is God.

Know He is large and in charge.

His message for this season of celebration is not how much you, or I, can spend and lavish upon others, but how much He has spent and lavished upon us.  A Savior, wrapped in swaddling clothes, cradled in a lowly manger, born to set us free from sin and death, once and forever.  What greater gift has been, or ever will be, given?

Do you wonder?

"While we were still sinners . . ."

I wonder.

I wonder, and am amazed by God's unending, omnipresent, unconditional love for us.

Our Christmas gifts, our decorations, our celebrations are shallow and meaningless unless we take the words of Corrie ten Boom to heart:  . . . Christ is ALL we have.

Presents don't count.

Love does.

Only love counts.

Only love endures.

Christ's love . . .


How will you choose to celebrate God's greatest gift to you and me, the coming of Christ Jesus into the world?

Prayer:  Most loving Father, as we mark this season of Advent, let us remember daily that Your Son, Jesus, is truly all we have.  He is all that matters.  May we love others as He commanded and spread the joy of Your kingdom to those who live in a darkened and hopeless world, devoid of the light of Your Word.  May we be that light for You here on earth that others may know the great sacrifice our Lord made on Calvary because of love.  In Jesus' name, amen.

Meditations of My Heart will be on hiatus until the New Year.  I pray that each and every one of you has a most merry and blessed Christmas!


  1. Have a Christmas filled with celebration Martha Jane. Sunday I said in my sermon: "When you realize Jesus is all you need, then you will realize Jesus is all you need." Sounds redundant but it is not. See you when you get back.

    1. It's not redundant, Bill. As far as I'm concerned, we can't hear it enough. May our hearts be filled with His joy during this Advent season.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha,

    You are so correct in your reflections. There's something special about keeping things simple, and keeping focused on the real reason for the season.

    As I read your thoughts, Psalm 46:10 came to mind: "Be still , and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, yes, Kim, that verse from Psalm 46 is one of my favorites. There is a beautiful song by Steven Curtis Chapman, "Be Still," which reflects this verse wonderfully.
      Merry Christmas to you, my friend!

  3. Beautiful thoughts, Martha. As I get older, I realize more and more that Jesus is really my heart's desire. He fulfills every longing. His salvation is the very best gift of all.

    He is the ALL I need and want.


    1. Amen, Sharon! He is definitely ALL we need!
      Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  4. It really isn't about the gifts. It is so much more...and through Christ's love we truly have it all even if the material gifts are few. We have HIM and we have each other and that is all that matters.

    1. Yes, Kathy! Having Him and each other is all that truly DOES matter!
      Hope you and yours have a spectacular Christmas!

  5. Paying you too have a blessed Christmas. I am hungering and yearning for more stillness - which may be my word for 2015 so your post was timely for me. Thank you Martha.

    1. Ooh! Stillness!!! I love that, Jean. I've yet to decide upon a word for 2015, or rather, it has yet to be divinely inspired. I'm hoping during this blog break, the right word for the year will be revealed. :)
      Have a marvelous Christmas!

  6. Martha - Christ is all we have but why does corporate America try to make Christmas about everything but Christ? I wish the celebration had less to do with year end profits and more to do with our Lord and Savior. Less advertising and more worship.

    1. Exactly, Vishnu! Less advertising and more worship. I can wholeheartedly going along with this one!
      Have a very, Merry Christmas!

  7. I am kind of where Jean is, wanting some stillness in my life, time to think about Him. Have a blessed Christmas, enjoy the freedom salvation brings you.

    1. I will, Betty! May God bless you with a joyous Christmas, too, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Lovely thoughts, Martha. I'm all for a silent night and I'm blessed to be able to have it so. Wishing you and the family all the joys and blessngs of the season.
    Love, hugs and blessings!

    1. Thank you, Corinne! May your Christmas be merry and bright!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Merry Christmas Martha to you and your family. A very thought provoking post and yes it made me ponder over a lot of things.

    1. Merry Christmas to you, too, Privy! I'm glad this post made you ponder (one of my favorite words).
      Love and blessings!

  10. Merry Christmas, Martha! May God's love always be with you and your family. ;)

    1. Thanks so much, Joyce! Hope your holidays (holy days) were joyful and blessed.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I hope you had a blast last Christmas. :)
    Have a wonderful new year ahead!

    1. Wishing and hoping the same for you, SuperLux!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Looking forward to the New Year and celebrating His grace. He is all we need! Many blessings to you Martha!

    1. Amen, Deb, He is all we need! Looking forward to celebrating His grace with you.
      Love and blessings!


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