Friday, December 5, 2014

My God Will Hear Me

Micah 7:7
But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.

It is August of this year.  I am willingly chained to my computer, determined to churn out two more novels for my next book series, Adventures in The Glade, while putting the final editing touches on Book One entitled Revenge!  If I wish for the first novel to be available before Christmas, I have my work cut out for me.

I'm not three weeks into the process when I realize I can't possibly complete Books Two and Three before I must submit Book One to the publisher.  I suffer angst over this decision.  You see, The Glade Series was originally written as one coherent novel; I knew its comings and goings inside and out.  Breaking it into three separate books was a win-win both for my publisher and me.

But this?  It's one big, hairy, messy leap of faith.  And, I'll be the first to admit it - I'm scared.

That's where God steps in.

I'm staring at a computer screen filled with words and filling up with more when I hear in my heart:  Do not be afraid.  Revenge! is the closest in time to the writing of your first series,  Trust in honing it and submitting it on schedule.  The rest will follow, for I am with you.

It isn't often I hear the Lord audibly speaking to me, but when I do, I know I have no choice but to act.  And act, I do!  I refocus all my energy on Book One, meticulously paying attention to every detail and taking notes regarding what the future novels should tell.  The more I work at it, the more confident I feel in the final product.  I'm actually reveling in this new level of trust I've placed in God.

A trust He first placed in me.

At long last, and hopefully in time for Christmas sales, the manuscript is off to my publisher.  Back and forth we go with edits, bio, dedication, acknowledgements, cover shot . . . Will we reach the deadline in a timely fashion?  Oh, I'm so praying for this!  I don't hear God's affirmation in these prayers, but I definitely feel His comforting presence.

That's enough.

We can't make delivery by Black Friday.  That's okay.  There is the upcoming Christmas Bazaar at my church, Kennesaw United Methodist, on December 7th.  As many in the congregation have purchased The Glade Series and are anxious for the sequel, this is when I watch in hope for the Lord to come through.  I wait for God, my Savior, to hear my prayer . . .

Oh!  How He does!!!

Revenge! arrives mid-afternoon on the Thursday before my sales event at church.  There are no words to describe the thrill of holding the published work in my hands.  I pray, silently and fervently, that the words I've written will touch the lives of others for God's kingdom.

For it is not for my own glory that I write.  It's for His.

And in this season of Advent, when waiting upon the Lord is our practice and praise, I am humbled by this early Christmas gift from Him.

I chose to trust.

He chose to answer.

I am blessed.

And I am thankful beyond measure.


Have there been times in your life when God has answered your prayers in ways you could never had imagined?

Prayer:  Father, You have given us so many gifts to share with this world, gifts which can help those who are hurting or lost to know of Your grace, love and salvation.  May we be empowered by You, each and every day, to use our gifts to reach out to others that Your Kingdom may become a living and vibrant reality in this world.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.

At the time of this posting, my latest novel is not yet available on Amazon, but should be in the next day or two.  To check on this, simply go to Amazon (books) and type my name, Martha Orlando.  Thanks and blessings!


  1. That is awesome. Congratulations on the new book! It amazes me when a person truly gives something over to God, and chooses to completely trust Him with the outcome He provides and manages to come through! YAY!

    1. Thank you so much, Kathy! I'm so excited about this new leg of my writing journey.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, This post is inspiring! The gift of writing isn't one that simply happens overnight. God is amazing at getting us to where we need to be at the right time, His time!

    Yes, there have been times that God answered my prayers in ways I could have never imagined. Come to think of it, He may have actually answered a prayer that I didn't pray (at least I don't think I prayed it!) in sending a particular pastor to my church at just the right time in my life. Sitting under his teaching/preaching, as well as some one-on-one mentoring has changed my life.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, Kim, how the Holy Spirit prays for us when we don't have the words or even the conception of what we should ask! I'm so glad to know that this pastor has been a mentor and inspiration to you so that you can turn around and do the same for others. We all need other Christians in our lives to inspire, uplift, and to help us move forward in the name of His Kingdom.
      And, yes, His timing is everything!
      Love and blessings!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Congrats on the book Martha. I hope it does well for you. And yes, God does do a lot of surprising from time to time.

    1. Thank you, Bill! I'm praying it does well, too. It's not easy breaking into the public awareness these days when it comes to books, being old-fashioned in the eyes of many, but I will continue to write because God has called me to do so. I have no doubt.
      Thanks so much for your support and encouragement!
      Love and blessings!

  4. so excited for you!! I know the feeling and it is one of the best. Take time to savor the experience and enjoy your work. I love it that God was your co author and talked to you through the process. He is so good. Congrats

    1. Thanks so much, Jean! Yes, God is my co-author in my writing and the author of my salvation. I cannot even begin to thank Him enough!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Congratulation on your book, I am impressed with your determination to listen to the Lord concerning your book writing. It's not a business for you but a walk of faith with each word. Well now I must get busy and order your book. Blessing.

    1. Thank you so much, Betty! Yes, I'm absolutely thrilled that it's out and faithful readers like you are buying it. Just a note: If you haven't read the first three novels in The Glade Series, you might just want to start there!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Yay! So exciting! Editing isn't as much fun as writing in the first place, but it's worth the end result. Blessings on your book launch. Woo Hoo!

    1. Thanks so much, Deb! I'm praying for everything to fall in place, and I know I can trust in God's guiding hand.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Congrats on your new book, Martha. I don't know how you get so much writing done:) When we are uncertain of what the future holds or anxious about what's happening next, all we have to do is step out of the way and let Christ lead the way:)

    1. Thanks, Vishnu! And, I couldn't agree more with you - we need to get out of the way and allow Christ to lead us. After all, we are the sheep of His pasture and we know the Good Shepherd's voice. :)
      Love and blessings!


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