Friday, November 6, 2015

Fingerprints of God

Psalm 139:13-14
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

Our youngest granddaughter, Alexandra Nancy, just turned three months old toward the end of October.  As I treasure the photos my daughter, Sarah, has sent to me, it makes me wonder:  What did Virginia Rose and Savannah Jane look like at that tender age?

To my Picture Directory, I go, hunting for the right folders (and there are so many!) where photos of the older girls can be found.  After a focused search, I hit pay dirt.

Virginia Rose

Savannah Jane

Alexandra Nancy

Wow!  Who would have thought three sisters could look so different from one another?  I stand in awe and amazement at God's endless creativity and blessings.

And as I gaze at their precious faces, I'm reminded of the praise song, Fingerprints of God, by Stephen Curtis Chapman.  Listen here!  These are the lyrics that immediately pop into my head:

I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you.
I can see the fingerprints of God,
And I know it's true.
You're the masterpiece that all creation
Quietly applauds;
And you're covered with
The fingerprints of God.

Yes, I see God's handiwork all over our darling grand-girls.  Each one is a masterpiece in her own right.  Each one unique.  Fearfully and wonderfully made.

And it is with a heart overflowing with love and gratitude, I give thanks and praise to the Father who created them.


Wouldn't this world be a better place if we recognized and honored the fingerprints of God in every person we meet?

Prayer:  Father, You have fearfully and wonderfully made each and every one of us.  We are Your children, and we are loved by You.  Let us see Your fingerprints in the faces of all the persons we meet in life, and treat them as the masterpieces they are.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. It is so fun to look back and realize how far we have come or how different the children are, and then praising God for his wonderful blessings. We downloaded all of our pictures on a separate 'Iomega' file when we purchased a new computer. I wanted to be sure they were not lost.

    1. Yes, Sharon, it is so much fun to do! I really should store my photos on my back-up drive to be on the safe side. Another project in the offing!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, It's fun to see how different siblings can be--difference in temperament, personality, and appearance. My mom and her baby brother (yes, I claim him as my uncle!) are so DIFFERENT in about every possible way. (The one thing that indicated their relationship was in their eyes.)

    Oh, yes, this world would be vastly different if we recognized and honored the fingerprints of God in every one we meet! I pray that I'll grow in my ability to do this.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, the diversity from one gene pool is amazing, isn't it? God certainly knows how to make us each unique.
      And I pray with you that we all grow in our ability to see God's fingerprints on every one.
      Love and blessings!

  3. great song, great photos and my favorite Psalm too - wonderful message that made me feel loved! Thank you!

    1. So glad you enjoyed it all, Jean! :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. It is truly amazing to reflect on the marvelous things God is capable of!

  5. It is truly amazing to reflect on the marvelous things God is capable of!

  6. I, for one, am glad we are all different. how boring would it be if we all looked the same? Everyone looking like me? UGH! :)

    1. Lol, Bill! Don't put yourself down, my friend. His fingerprints are all over you, too!
      But I must agree, I'm glad God made us all different.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Hi Martha! I love these photos, your little babies are so precious!! And the fact that you are so close and can be so present to them is such a gift too.
    I LOVE Steven Curtis Chapman, so I know his song very well. I agree that if we all treated each other with the respect that is commanded by being a child of the King, the world would be a better place. God give us the grace to see Him in everyone we see!

    Happy "little birthday" to you Alexandra!

  8. Yes, each one of us is a completely unique creation, made in the image of God. C.S. Lewis had this wonderful quote:

    "There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations - these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit - immortal horrors or everlasting splendors."
    (The Weight of Glory)

    Truly, yes, we all bear the fingerprints of God. As does the entirety of His creation. Let's open our eyes to this truth, and celebrate it in all its manifestations!



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