Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Think About Such Things

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.

Living a reflective life is a spiritual practice that adds depth and gratitude to our lives.  Often our busy schedules make it difficult to keep a daily journal but we can find the time to take note of some of the highlights, lessons and joys we experience. ~Jean Wise

I used to write in a journal faithfully.  I haven't done so in over ten years, ever since Danny and I were married.  The journal is replaced by writing novels, starting/maintaining this devotional blog, and jotting down ideas and inspiration in any number of small notebooks cluttering up my already cramped computer desk.

Lately, I have become frustrated with this half-baked method of note keeping.  It serves its purpose in the short term, but provides no consistent, reliable record as to when, why or how I fancied a memorable quote to us in future blogs, or thoughts pertaining to future plots and characters in my books.

Imagine my delight when I discover that my blogging friend, Jean Wise, has created the Monthly Musings Journal.  It is the answer to this disorganized note-taker's prayer!

The journal is designed to be used over a two year period, although by the amount of notes I've already amassed for the month of November, I may have to use four pages for each month of the year!  At the top of each section, there is a space to fill in the month and the year.  Jean provides eight categories with room to write your reflections.  They are:

  • Lessons Learned
  • Good Reads
  • Wise Words to Remember
  • Terrific Tools and Tips
  • Innovative Ideas and Information
  • Joys and Delights (I'm partial to this one!)
  • Memories to Hold and Hopes for Tomorrow
  • Favorite Blog Posts
Aren't these great?  What a wonderful way to organize your thoughts, all in one convenient place.  If you or someone you know could benefit from using this journal format, you can order it here.

And be sure to check out Jean's blog, Healthy Spirituality, which she pens twice a week.  She will be sure to help you think about those good things Paul describes in Philippians 4:8.

I guarantee it!


Do you already keep a journal?  Would a tool such as Jean's book be helpful to you?

Prayer:  Father, today we give thanks for all those who inspire us with noble and true thoughts, which help us to keep our focus on You.  May we, too, think on those things You deem worthy, and bless others by our words and acts of kindness along life's pathways.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.

Note:  I purchased Jean's book voluntarily and decided that it was more than worthy of a review here on Meditations of My Heart.


  1. Thanks for the new suggestion Martha. I use a Moleskine to journal in. For the first time I am running short of pages and am having to conserve to have enough for the rest of the year.

    1. Glad you liked this suggestion, Bill. Sometimes, it's good to run out of space - means we're penning many inspirations and making memories.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I have Jean's journal, too, but I'm making myself wait till January to begin writing in it. I love the sections she created and the extra questions to reflect upon at the back.

    1. Johnnie, you have an excellent tool at your fingertips to help you ring in the New Year with purpose. Yes, the sections are wonderful and thought-provoking; they bring out the best in us, I do believe.
      Thanks for coming by today, and I hope you will become a regular here on Meditations of My Heart.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, I've been writing in a journal fairly consistently for several years now. (I had a journal in the past but then stopped at some point.) While I don't write every day (although that would be an awesome goal!); I write often enough to make it worthwhile.

    I like the freedom I have with undated journals (lines are a good thing, though!)--depending on the year and how much I write and how many days I write, I can go through more than one in a year. Recently, however, I made the decision to go with a simple (kind of expensive) one subject notebook--thinking it would meet my needs plus give me more room and pages for writing than a journal!

    Journals are also a good place to write out prayers, questions for God, and more.

    I can see value in having prompts to guide my writing.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, I'm so glad you are able to keep a journal on a fairly regular basis. They are wonderful places to scribe our prayers, our hopes, our dreams, and our questions to God.
      After I lost my husband, John, in 1997, my journal was a godsend; it actually kept me sane and focused as I struggled with the loss and, at the same time, keeping things as normal as I could for my children.
      I agree with you on the freedom of the undated journals - why November will probably spill over - and that's okay. In all these years, I've learned that agendas are meant to be changed as the need arises. I'm trusting God, as always, will provide.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Hi Martha! I am a serial journaler. Sometimes I'm really faithful and write a few times a week. Other times, like now, I'm not doing it at all.
    I love Jean's blog, and I'm so happy that you are featuring her journal. What a great blog-friend you are! And what a blessing journaling has been for you, I read your response to Kim. I'm so glad...

    1. Ceil, you are so kind, and I'm gratified that you follow Jean's blog, too. She is a marvelous inspiration! I have been blessed to have her in my blogging life as I have been blessed to have you.
      Love and blessings!


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