Tuesday, July 18, 2017

My Prayer Corner

Acts 2:42
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Do you have a special place in your home set aside for Bible/devotional reading and prayer?

I do. That is until my son moves in with us last year, and is given the spare bedroom where I've set up shop.  Do I miss it?  Definitely!  I so like having a dedicated space for home worship and study.

But I work it out.  Sometimes, I'm at our dining room table.  Other days, weather permitting, I sit on our back deck, a delightful venue where I'm surrounded by forest and bird songs.

Still.  It's not quite the same . . .

It isn't until I decide several weeks ago to stand, instead of sit, at my computer desk, that I'm given a revelation.  In looking for spot in our living room to stash the chair, an underutilized corner catches my eye.  The space is too small for an armchair or rocker, but it's the perfect fit for this chair!

And the window seats provide the means to set up what I now call my Prayer Corner.  No, it's not fancy, but everything I need to spend quiet time with God is here.

My Bible and notebook for reflecting on Scripture

My current devotional and Prayer/Thankfulness Journal

And a whole host of gentle reminders that the Lord is near.

Don't you just love this bookmark?

Kneeling Angel

The Risen Lord

Inspirational Messages

And of course, my Walk to Emmaus rooster!

How I love my new Prayer Corner!

And I hope, if you don't have a devoted area in your home for daily communion with God, that you will consider creating one.

If you do have a spot already set aside, I hope you will describe, in the comments section, the sanctuary you've created as an inspiration to others.

May God bless and keep you all!



  1. Oh, how lovely! And to be sitting at the window where you can still enjoy God's beautiful world outside, rain or shine! I don't have a specific place inside my house, but of course I have The Secret Garden outside, as well as The Memorial Garden and the Front porch. I rotate depending on where the sun is NOT shining so bright and hot. However, this time of year it is often too hot no matter where I go outside and the bugs are bad, so I am afraid my private prayer/devotional time has suffered a bit. Hubby and I read a devotional reading and scriptures together each morning...but that isn't the same thing. This post inspires me to be more diligent about this. I'm already thinking of a spot that would work...and I may have to write about that later. Thank you for this inspiration

    1. Pamela, I'm so gratified to know this post inspired you to create a space of your own! I have to admit, I'm still getting used to the new arrangement, and I will, at times, take my Bible/journals to a different local, especially when the weather is pleasant outside, but it is so comforting to have that designated retreat in place. I will look forward to reading about what you come up with!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Oh I love your corner! What a great idea. I'm not sure I have a specific spot. My daily communion with God most definitely involves my garden.

    1. And your garden is superb, Talya! That's a great place to commune with the Lord; I love being outdoors, too.
      Glad you liked my corner!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I have been using the kitchen table for mine. I am up way before others and due to my back issue it has been a good place. High table and high chairs. But more importantly is the attitude and heart that needs to be brought. i wish i could say it is always "on target" but it is there more often than not. I do know I could not have all those distractions in my eyesight. I'm wondering...where did you hear about that New Morning Mercies? :)

    1. Lol, Bill, you know exactly where I heard about it - it's an amazing devotional!
      Like you, I was often using our dining table, too. And you're so right about the importance of the attitude we bring to our study/prayer time. May our hearts always be open to hear what God is telling us through His Word.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Yes, I have a little folded blanket with a meditation cushion in a corner of my bedroom. Most mornings I do some stretches and qigong, then I sit for thirty minutes. I usually start with reading something inspirational, then I spend the rest of the time in prayer and meditation. When I'm at the cabin, I put a cushion in front of the fire in the mornings, or, if weather permits, I go sit by the creek. I agree--it's nice to have a special spot. Then, when I am agitated or confused, I can go there any time of day for some peaceful reflection.

    1. Galen, it sounds like you have a wonderful set-up, even when it changes at the cabin. And I love that you will go to your special place when feeling upset and out-of-sorts; I hadn't thought about my Prayer Corner becoming that for me, but I will certainly practice retreating there when things get tough and I'm feeling uncertain or confused.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, The place you meet with the Lord looks beautiful, cozy, and welcoming. As we walk more closely with the Lord we know how deeply we need a quiet, secret place to meet with Him. My place to meet with the Lord is generally my living room couch; however, I also have the entire house at my disposal so my prayer "closet" or "corner" is rather large!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, it's great to have your whole house at your disposal for those special times of communion and worship. It's just been so long since I had a dedicated spot. My Bible, journals and devotionals were randomly placed on side or bedside tables; I'd have to go fetch them when I was ready for my quiet time. This way, even if I decide to use the deck or kitchen table, all the necessities are at my fingertips. It does my heart good to just look over at the Prayer Corner while on the computer as it is becoming a constant reminder of God's enduring presence.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Love all the peek into your special spot. love the risen Christ too. Yes I have a special place. I find I centered quicker there too than in other places in the house. Great post, Martha!!

    1. I know you have a special place, Jean, for your description of it inspired me to work on creating my own! It's a relatively new spot for me, but I'm already finding myself drawn to it even when it's not "time" to spend time with God. When is there a time we shouldn't want to spend with Him? Not ever!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, first I want to know if you are taking these lovely pics with your new camera?
    I have a literal prayer closet in my very large walk-in closet. I have a rocking chair, a makeshift table which is a TV tray and all my Bible study supplies. It's messy and gets a bit warm in the summer, so I sometimes sit on the front porch in the cool of the morning while my kitty cats play outside (they are indoor cats that only go out when mama is there).
    Other times I move the Bible book bag and sit in my living room beneath the ceiling fan.
    I love, love your prayer corner. I want one! I also love the idea of standing for some of the time while working on writing. My back hurts even now as I type this. I just finished writing 2,000 words on my second YA novel!
    Thanks for sharing this. I'm inspired!
    Much love to you and those sweet grandkids!

    1. Yes, Beckie, these were taken with my new camera - I'm so enjoying it!
      And oh wow! A real prayer closet? I've loved that concept ever since I saw "The War Room." Unfortunately, our home is one of those older models, and the closets are small. We've had to be very creative with shelving, etc., to accommodate our belongings.
      And it is a good idea to change things up once in a while. Like you, I do love reading outside as long as it isn't too hot like it is here today. Whew! Sweltering!
      And that's such great news about a second novel! Be sure to remind us all when the first one is out - I want to be one of the first folks to buy it!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Good morning, Martha. I really appreciate your post because this has continued to be my struggle for where, when, how to meet with God.

    The connection, the love, the praying is without ceasing, but the logistics of that devotional time is always a challenge for some reason.

    The enemy of our souls hates our 1-1 time with the Lord. That I know for sure ...

    1. Yes, Linda, the enemy certainly does hate those moments spent in intentional time with the Lord. He works diligently some days to distract me. That's why I thought the Prayer Corner would help me to focus. So far, so good!
      Love and blessings!


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  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...