Friday, July 7, 2017

Standing in the Need of Prayer

Psalm 89:2
I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself. (NIV)

Recently, I read a post from fellow blogger, Christopher Jennings Penders, at Wisdom and Life, on how we can all begin to take better care of ourselves.  One of his many suggestions includes switching from the traditional "sitting" desk to a standing one.

Chris writes:  I found that sitting all the time at home to write or do any kind of work at my computer, compressed my spine so badly that I started to experience lower back stress.  Now that I have my standing desk, it's helped ease much of the stress on my back.

This gets me thinking . . .

My computer perches atop an early 20th Century drafting table.  My dad got it for me almost forty years ago from Emory University's biology department when they were going through a major remodeling.  This table was destined for the dump until Dad intervened.  So glad he did!

Because of the desk's height, my chair, too, is a tall, cushioned bar stool.

When I remove the chair, and simply stand in front of my desk, I discover it's the perfect height for me to type/read on my computer!  And that's precisely what I'm doing as I compose this post.

Did I decide to try out a standing desk only because Chris finds it beneficial?  Not at all.  I've been hearing positive things about them in the media for months.  And according to the article, The Benefits and Considerations of Using a Standing Desk, research indicates that the health perks of standing while working are many.  Here are just a few highlights:

  • Less obesity risk
  • Reduced cancer risk - this is especially true for breast and colon cancers
  • Longer life - we all know that being too sedentary is not good for us
  • Better posture - a real bonus for me as I already have osteoporosis, and need to keep up my core strength to combat it.
Another thumbs-up for me in standing at the computer is that I don't stop moving; I may shuffle my feet, sway slightly from side to side, or roll up gently on the balls of my feet.  And my leg muscles, which often feel flaccid and lazy when I get up after sitting too long, act more like they've just enjoyed a brisk, 30-minute stint on the treadmill.  Who can argue with that!

If after reading this, you are interested in purchasing a stand-up desk, I encourage you to read the article linked above in full.  And don't stop there.  Google is full of information on this subject.

But whether we choose to sit or stand while working, we can all take solace and comfort in the knowledge that God's love for us stands forever firm, forever faithful.  We can stand strong in this world because of His grace and mercy that are readily available to each and every one of us.

We need only pray.



  1. Martha, Clearly standing is far better than sitting. And yes, we can stand firm in this world because of Jesus. For that, I'm so very thankful!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, me too, Kim, and that's an undisputed fact!
      Love and blessings, and thanks for sharing on Facebook!

  2. After reading this I want to stand up and write, but I like sitting here too much...Ha!! I will just take a break and stand up a while and walk around. That is what I try to do periodically. Standing in the need of prayer always...we pray for one another no matter what posture. Oh, I received "The Moment of Truth" in the mail I will have something new to read this weekend!! Can't wait! Have a blessed weekend my friend.

    1. Pamela, standing up frequently to take that break and deliberately walking around, maybe taking care of laundry or tending to that Secret Garden, is exactly what we need if we find ourselves sitting too much at the writing/reading desk. I absolutely understand that standing while working isn't for everyone. It just happens to be working out incredibly well for me. And yes, prayer, sitting, standing or kneeling, is the ultimate communication with God!
      So glad The Moment of Truth arrived. Enjoy a weekend of happy reading!
      Love and blessings!

  3. what a neat desk. I added a small tray like contraption last year to put my lap top on so I could stand. I also put on the timer and make myself get up and walk every 60 minutes or so. Read someplace that too much sitting is the new tobacco when it comes to health risks. That was one statement that made implement this. Have a great weekend Martha!

    1. I'm glad to know that you're trying the standing experiment, too, Jean! I've found it helps, as we have wood floors, to place a folded towel down, and either have bare feet or flat-soled shoes. You might want to try that.
      And yes, I treasure this unique "desk." Though it doesn't provide all the room I think I need, it does help me to stay uncluttered.
      You have a great weekend, too!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha,
    I've heard of this and now I'm going to try it too! Thanks for sharing. I'll let you know how it goes.

    1. Yes, Beckie, please let me know if this works for you. So far, so good for me!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Thanks for the review on the standing desk. I have thought about getting one since I am on my computer a lot. After having bypass surgery I am looking for ways to get healthier and that desk would help. Blessings Martha

    1. Betty, I'm glad you connected with this as something that might help your health, too! As I advised, though, do read more about it, although it sounds like you already have.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I've heard of this idea, and never tried it either. It does sound like it would be nice to stand instead of sit! And yes, praying always is the way I live... trusting in the Lord, without His help moment by moment, I can't imagine life without the avenue of prayer.

    1. I can't imagine a life without prayer either, Marilyn. What a blessing we have in being able to talk to God any time we want!
      And since writing this, I am still standing at the desk, not even sitting in the mornings when I'm still coffee-deprived. It really is helping me in so many ways; hope you decide to give it a try!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...