Friday, March 13, 2020
Going Viral!
Amos 9:10
"I sent plagues among you
as I did to Egypt.
I killed your young men with the sword,
along with your captured horses.
I filled your nostrils with the stench of your camps,
yet you have not returned to me," declares the Lord.
The headlines blare the news of the latest Corona Virus statistics. The stock market in on a roller coaster. Italy quarantines their entire nation. Israel announces that anyone entering the country must submit to a 14-day holding period to determine whether or not the entering party is carrying the virus. The United States bolsters its borders, and bans air travel from both China and Europe.
Yet, the infection manages to reach our shores. A plague I pray that warmer temperatures will weaken.
My husband, Danny, and I, are counted as potential risks to this disease as we are both over 60. He, especially, is vulnerable because of his pacemaker, and the fact that he had such a virulent case of pneumonia years ago, the doctors had to place him in an induced coma, hoping this would help his immune system conquer the illness. We determine, going forward, to make the wisest choices possible.
Until the threat is lifted, we are restricting our departures from the Orlando Compound to a minimum. Even though this means staying away from the gym, our church (oh, how I hate that one!), and shopping for food early in the morning when the presence of others is negligible, we feel it's necessary at this time.
I must admit here that I'm infinitely grateful that we both tend to thrive as introverts. I can't begin to imagine what havoc this virus is reaping upon those who feel called to, or have to, because of their professions, be in the company of others. We are blessed to have a choice.
Some of you, no doubt, will call us alarmists. That's okay. You most definitely have a right to your opinion and your take upon the whole situation.
But how many of you, in light of this plague, have prayed more sincerely to the Lord? How many of you have placed your trust in Him for protection and guidance? Could God, through this latest virus, be inviting us to turn from our sinful ways, and embrace the path of goodness and mercy He freely offers?
If we have prayed more and relied more upon our loving Father, then there is an upside to this virus after all.
Hope you all will join Danny and me in praying for the eradication of this plague, and that the Lord will deliver us sooner than later.
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Grace for the Race
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Hi Martha, glad to hear you are doing fine. And yes, prayer is the best thing to do. If this thing will bring people on their knees I'd say: hallelujah!
ReplyDeleteYes, a blessing in disguise when it brings us to our knees in prayer, Marja.
DeleteLove and blessings!
ReplyDeleteAs we all should!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Thank you for being brave at tackling this subject on your Blog. Braver than I. I've considered this as a post on my Blog but so far did not do so. We can discuss off-line if you wish.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all you say and pray for you and your family.
God bless you all always.
Yes, Victor, a touchy subject, but ignoring it is like not acknowledging the elephant in the room. We are so thankful for good health thus far, and will continue to pray for all who are/might be afflicted.
DeleteLove and blessings, and thanks for your prayers!
Martha, praying for you and Danny to be well and safe.
ReplyDeleteSchools around here are now on a two week shutdown and large assemblies are prohibited from gathering.
Not sure how much is hype and how much is reality, though as individuals we need to make the decision we believe is right and will prevent further spread to others as well as ourselves and most importantly... not panic and rely on the one who is in control.
Absolutely, Ryan - not panic, but preparedness. Wow! I can't believe schools are shutting down for two weeks! We do have some school closings here in Georgia, but will have to check to see for what duration.
DeleteLet us trust in the Lord to see us through this.
Love and blessings!
Since I live in the same area as Ryan he has already spoken for me. I also question how much is hype and how much is fear. But I will pray for you and Danny to stay well.
ReplyDeleteI question that, too, Bill, but because of Danny's preexisting condition, we have to be extra cautious. Thanks for your prayers!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Hi Martha...great blog! I kept Blake home today, would have kept Gil but she had to get some school work. With my mother on oxygen due to congestive heart failure and my asthma we are being very cautious too. I was in fact at Walgreens this morning getting what I hope is the last of things we need from the store for 2-3 weeks.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit I have become a bit hypersensitive to the safety of my family after losing Jess and baby Philip at Christmas. I know the impossible DOES happen. I pray for HIS mercies for my family and our friends including you guys. For now we are exploring a new norm of homeschooling, telecommuting fulltime to work and cooking at home a lot more... Hey ask Danny, if he has any easy recipes to share? LOL Love to both of you guys!
Thanks so much, Jinna, for stopping by the blog today and leaving this comment. Yes, I have been praying for y'all and will continue to do so. I think it's wise to keep the kids at home, to telecommute, and to play it safe, especially with the condition your mother is in. While panic is never the solution, preparedness is, and it sounds like you're taking all the necessary precautions. Danny gets lots of his recipes from Food Network; you might want to give that a go!
DeleteLove and blessings!
I stand in agreement to pray over this outbreak. May God unite us all in prayer and may we see His hand work miracles!
ReplyDeleteAmen, Valerie! Let us all keep praying, knowing God hears and cares.
DeleteLove and blessings!
I believe the most important thing is to pray for our nation, our President, our families and friends, and do what is safest and best for our own needs. May God give us peace of mind and heart, and keep us safe and healthy.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Pamela! No time like the present to pray for our leaders, our nation, our family, and our friends. Trusting that God has our backs in all of this.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Praying here and just staying calm while being vigilant and careful.
ReplyDeleteStaying calm, resting in the Lord, is key, Terri. No need for panic whatsoever. Just taking precautions and praying will fit the bill.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Amen Martha.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, Marla! Let us pray . . .
DeleteLove and blessings!
Thank you for sharing from your heart. As you probably know, for the past 35 plus years I have taught people how to build their immune systems. My clients, family, and friends have rarely had a cold, and certainly not the flu for all these years. Immunity is our defense and it grieves my heart when people shun the advice. God gives us wisdom and certainly protection.
ReplyDeleteThank you for being brave in sharing what you have done and are doing to protect yourself. And for addressing the subject of peace during these times.
Carol, I'm so gratified that this post spoke to your heart. I felt I needed to share this, and that we are bound as Christians to serve and protect others, placing our own self-gratifications aside. Protecting our immune systems as we age can be problematic, can't it? Will be in touch!
DeleteLove and blessings!
I often quote over my family and myself, "There shall no evil befall us, neither shall any plague come nigh our dwelling." God is still sovereign and in control, even though the world around us is reeling out of control. He is still our provider and defender, as always. None of this surprises Him, and it is in Him that we must keep our trust.
ReplyDeleteYes, Cheryl, we must choose to place our whole trust and being in the Lord. He is in control, He is sovereign, and He knows our needs before we ask. Let us pray for all those affected by this virus, and pray that the Lord would help us find a cure soon!
DeleteLove and blessings!
As a person who has had thirteen bypasses, three stents, a pacemaker and diabetes, I know I am high risk, however; I do not embrace the panic I see in many. My husband just finished chemotherapy and radiation treatments this past August too. We are going about our daily lives as usual. We are staying home more and and practicing good hygiene, but the most important thing we can do is pray and trust in the Lord. He has told us this: 2 Chronicles 7:14 —“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Keep praying and believing. God is our fortress and refuge. Thank you for sharing, Martha.
ReplyDeleteOh, wow, Nells, you have certainly been through so much, as has your husband! God has looked out for you, healed and loved and cherished you during those times. I'm so glad you refuse to panic; that only makes things worse. And 2 Chronicles 7:14 is a favorite verse of mine when I'm praying for this nation. Yes, I won't stop praying to our Rock and Refuge!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Martha, I see the Lord using what's evil (covid-19) to bring about good by drawing people closer to Himself. The enemy sows in seeds of fear and panic. That's not our God. His perfect love casts out fear. As Christians, we must be salt and light and agents of His love and PEACE. The good Lord gave us common sense, and we must use it, of course.
ReplyDeletePraying for the physical and spiritual health of "the church." May we all draw closer to Jesus during this crisis as you have suggested.
Blessings on you,Danny and your loved ones!
Oh, yes, Beckie, the Lord is always ready to bring good out of an evil situation, and prayer is tantamount in it all. I'm not fearful, nor am I panicking, as I know the wiles of the enemy all too well. But being cautious and judicious at this time, I believe, is the wisest choice.
DeleteMay this crisis serve only to bring us closer to Jesus!
Love and blessings!
A 2-time (former) cancer patient and now dealing with COPD, my hubby is uncharacteristically disinclined to leave the house. There's so much we don't know, there little to do but pray, prepare and put our fate in His hands.
ReplyDeleteThere is so much we don't know, Myra, and I believe Tom is wise to remain home-bound at this time. The power we all have, as you say here, is to pray. All is in God's hands, and if we trust in Him, we need not fear. But we can use the common sense He gave us.
DeleteLove and blessings!
I am certainly joining you in praying for the virus panic to be over sooner, rather than later. Stay safe, Martha! God is with us.
ReplyDeleteGod is with us, Laurie; I haven't forgotten that for one moment. Yes, let's pray that those at the helm of treating and controlling this virus are as competent and measured as they sound at press conferences. And may we all stay safe!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Thanks for a balanced view on this. Like you, I do not see any reason to panic, only to be extra cautious. It doesn't bother me to stay home except for church. I went to the store today as I was running out of tissues and milk among other things, and it was absolutely packed. There were not many boxes of tissue left but I did get some. Organic bread was almost non-existent. But many items were still filling the shelves. Our schools are shutting down for an extra 2 weeks added on to March break. Events are continually shutting down. I really think the media is over-hyping this and people tend to believe the media absolutely without thinking for themselves. Prayer and proper hygiene plus levelheaded thinking are what we need to concentrate on as you have said. May the Lord keep us all safe in His arms and under the shelter of His wings. God bless.
ReplyDeleteDiane, I completely have to agree that the media is over-hyping this latest virus, interested in breeding panic instead of clear-headed common sense. Thanks for updating us on the condition of your local grocery stores. You're in Canada, correct? I heard that P.M. Trudeau's wife has the virus. Adding her to my prayer list! Stay safe, my friend, and continue in the knowledge that God's arms are our safety net, and a very present help in times of trouble.
DeleteLove and blessings!
This is a good post. I am enjoying reading what my blogging friends are doing to cope with the current situation. You do, indeed, have some special considerations and I think you're on the right track. Early morning grocery shopping. I had not thought of that one. I might like that even when there is no virus scare.
ReplyDeleteI think we're on the right track, too, Barbara, and I know that you and Beloved will do everything you can to stay safe, too. Getting old is not for sissies, is it? Seems this virus wants to target our age group, so not taking chances is wise.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Oh, Martha. I think you are being so wise to huddle together and stay healthy. I'm very grateful for the internet for all of us to still stay connected to the world. As an introvert myself, I keep saying I wouldn't mind a self-quarantine but I know I really don't even know what that would be like for 2 weeks. Praying you and Danny stay healthy and enjoy your time together.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like the internet was created for times such as these, doesn't it, Lisa? We can all stay in touch even when physical touching is risky. And yes, even as introverts, we might go a bit stir crazy after a while, but we'll see. At least we get out and walk our neighborhood!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Oh, Martha. I think you are being so wise to huddle together and stay healthy. I'm very grateful for the internet for all of us to still stay connected to the world. As an introvert myself, I keep saying I wouldn't mind a self-quarantine but I know I really don't even know what that would be like for 2 weeks. Praying you and Danny stay healthy and enjoy your time together.
ReplyDeleteAmen and Amen!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, PS! :)
DeleteLove and blessings!
I am sending prayers for you and Danny. Bill and I are the same age - we are in the "danger zone" too.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the reminder to put our trust in the Lord.
Thank you for your prayers, Laurie. I will keep you both in mine, too!
DeleteLove and blessings!
There is a fine line between taking reasonable precautions and overreacting. And where that line is seems to be in the eye of the beholder. What you are doing sounds very reasonable to me.
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who is also in the highest risk category. He is really struggling because he lives alone and depends on his work and his social life to keep him busy and happy. And when he's home he likes to watch sports, many of which have also been shut down. So I'm making a point to call him on the phone and chat with him. There are lots of ways for us all to stay connected and help those who might be feeling very alone.
I'm so glad you are reaching out to this friend at the time when he needs it the most, Galen. That's what we all need to do when we know someone could be isolated and lonely during this outbreak. And yes, there is a big difference between common sense precautions and panic, that's for sure. I might be an introvert, but I have to admit that I find myself wishing that this virus would go away today.
DeleteLove and blessings!
I hope you always healthy. We have to increase our body endurance to prevent corona
ReplyDeleteWe are doing our level best to stay out of harm's way, Vicky. You all stay healthy, too!
DeleteLove and blessings!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteMartha, things have changed so much since you penned this post. I'm still thankful that my pastor decided to have church last Sunday--we all needed that time apart from the crazy of this world. Many of the most vulnerable came on their own (no one forced them)--they are faithful and much stronger, healthier than what the experts would have us believe.
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks for the oldest of my church who likely don't have internet access or much contact with others as it is.
There's more I could say, but I'll hold my peace for now.
Love and blessings!
I know how you feel, Kim, especially for those folks who don't have internet access, or whose churches are too small to have that sort of equipment at the ready. Yes, the Lord's people are scattered now, but we can remember His promise to gather all His children to Him when the time is right. On a good note, I think this virus is changing many a heart toward God, and people are praying harder than ever.
DeleteLove and blessings!