Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Let's Go on an Adventure!

Proverbs 17:22
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

In these unprecedented times of self-quarantine and social distancing, perhaps your spirit is feeling rather crushed right now.  You could use a healthy dose of cheerfulness in your life, something to brighten your world and distract you in an entertaining, uplifting way.

May I suggest reading The Glade Series and Adventures in The Glade?  Yes, I know I'm tooting my own horn here, but from the critiques of many, many folks, I can guarantee that you, too, will be enchanted by the adventures of Davy, Racer and the whole gang at The Glade.

Here's a brief overview:

Spending the summer at Grandpa Will's farm with his family is the last thing ten-year-old Davy wants.  How will he survive without his friends, the pool and his computer?  There isn't even a television at Grandpa's house!  Doesn't anyone see how miserable he will be?

In his frustration, Davy turns his anger on his mother, Kate, his sister, Anna, and especially his stepfather, Jim.  Davy is determined to make their summer as dismal and disappointing as he believes his will be.

But then, Davy has a most surprising and unexpected encounter . . . one which will change his heart, and his world, forever . . .

Okay, okay, I can hear you now.  "Hey, this is a kid's story!  Why would I like it?"

Oh, but you will!  As I've told people numerous times, these stories are for "children" ages nine to ninety-nine.  You'll enjoy every moment of discovery, mystery, suspense, and humor that these novels impart.

You've already read them?  Then why not order for friends or family members who are isolated right now?  How about sharing this blog post on Facebook or Twitter so that you can spread the news, reaching out to others not acquainted with either my blog or my books?  That would be such a blessing for me and to others in need of inspiration.

We may not be able to physically touch one another during these days, but we can share our love with a gift of memorable books to read.  It's medicine to cheer the heart, and comfort food for the soul.



  1. I really recommend Martha's book. I tried to leave an AMAZON Review but they stopped me because I had not spent enough on books with them. That aside, thanx Martha for your dedication to writing. And for your support for my feeble offerings too.

    God bless always.

    1. Hooray ... I managed to put a Review on the UK AMAZON website.

      God bless.

    2. Thanks so much, Victor, for the review! I just left a positive one for "Theodore Luxton-Joyce - the Lovable Eccentric" yesterday. Now to go back and do some more. :)
      Love and blessings!

    3. Oh, and Victor, your latest book, "Don't Let the Devil Win," just arrived today. I'm doing the happy dance!!! It's my next read, for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Tooting your own horn or not, what a great way to spend that extra time alone while social distancing. I'll finish up the reads and get some reviews out there!

  3. Good for you! Davy actually reminds me a little of my 9 y/o self on those long lonely summers I had to spend on my grandparent's farm. No Racers that I recall, but I had many conversations with a couple of the cows. :)

    I actually donated the remaining books you so generously gifted to the lending library at the Montgomery VA Hospital.

    1. Oh, what a great gesture that was, Myra, and I so appreciate it! I think if I had been in your shoes at age nine, I'd be talking to cows, too. :) But oh, how I would have loved a Racer in my life when I was a child. Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind having one here and now - lol!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Your books were such a blessing to me and you are right, I should be sharing them with others. I do have the full set and would be happy to share. I can highly recommend them to others for sure!!

    1. Oh, Pamela, please do and multiple thank yous to you for doing so! I'm so glad the novels touched your heart and inspired you to share them with others. Let us spread the good news of God's love for all of us!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, I was (and am!) so blessed with your gift of your books. I've read them and need to re-read so I can submit some reviews. Your novels are a great escape from all that is happening.

    Love and blessings!

    1. I guess we could call them "The Great Escape," Kim! Yes, reviews would be much appreciated, as would be sharing this post on Facebook. Who knows how many out there are in need of an uplifting story?
      Love and blessings!

  6. Replies
    1. Beckie, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Your books have blessed me beyond measure, that's for sure. Feel free to leave your link to them here.
      Love and blessings!

  7. It has been awhile since I read your first book and met your charming characters! Especially good lessons during this time we are experiencing!

    1. Oh, Terri, you must reread the first and order the rest! They will lift your spirits, guaranteed! Can't we all use some respite from the concerns facing us at this unfortunate time? Let us bless one another.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Jest say'n - I'm really not much of a novel/fiction person, but in this case it was 'required' reading! I remember finding my self on a tarmac ferociously trying to finish one of Martha's manuscripts because I couldn't read fast enough to see what was next. You see, this story is something else and it won't let go of you until you have finished. Try book 1 - oops y'all be hooked. Sorry.

    1. Thanks so much, honey, for your testimony here! Yes, friends, I can literally count on one hand in our 15 years of marriage, the times I've caught Danny reading fiction at all. It's just not in his engineering head. Yet, these stories enthralled him. If that's not a recommendation, I don't know what is!
      Love and blessings, Danny, and Happy Anniversary in two days!

  9. We are allowed a little horn-tooting! This sounds like a good story. Maybe my grandson would like to read it!

    1. I'm sure he would, Laurie, but I think you'd enjoy it, too!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Your books sound amazing, Martha! I am hoping to be able to order them one day. May the Lord bless you and your every effort for Him!

    1. Yes, I do hope you can read them at some point, Cheryl. They will definitely entertain you!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I agree with Meditations in Motion Martha. How's that for alliteration and 3Ms?) :) Seriously, I loved your books and have recommended them to several in the church with children whom I think would enjoy these adventures.

    1. Great alliteration, Bill! :) Thanks so much for all the support you have given me and the books. I want them to bring joy to others.
      Love and blessings!

  12. I definitely recommend these books! I'm 64, and I enjoyed them! I gave them to our public library, but they had to review them first. The librarian promised me I'd get them back if they didn't put them on the shelves. I was so upset to find out they sent them somewhere else. I would have given them to the church library, but I thought the public library might have more readers. My only consolation is that God can direct whoever reads them wherever they are and use them to bless others out there. Love and blessings of safety and peace, Martha!

    1. Trudy, just know that all this effort you went through to promote my books in your community is so very deeply appreciated! I do believe that they ended up with someone who most needed to read them, as God always knows best. When all this virus stuff is over, I'll be glad to send you a set for your church library - I just can't leave the house at the moment.
      Love and blessings!

  13. You've made me smile today. Thanks for sharing a great option for getting through these times

    1. So glad this brought a smile to your face, Jean. We can all use more of those these days.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...