Thursday, December 17, 2020

Faceless on Facebook


I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business.  Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. ~John 15:15

Friendship is one of life's most precious gifts from God.  Whatever would we do if we had no friends to count on, to empathize with, to love unconditionally, to cherish?  Our days would be lonely and depressing, indeed.

That being said, I consider all of you who follow me here on Meditations of My Heart, whether or not you ever leave a comment, to be my friends.  You've cared enough about my words and thoughts to subscribe to these posts, and that speaks volumes!

I can't deny that I've made many friends, and got reacquainted with others, during my years on Facebook.  Maybe, some of you have depended upon seeing my posts there instead of subscribing, via email, directly to my blog.  If that's the case, and you wish to continue reading what I write, I'm asking you to do so now.

You see, I've decided to break with Facebook at the end of this year.  There are many reasons for my decision, not the least of which is the company's blatant bias against those who dare to speak up for or defend anyone who doesn't agree with its liberal agenda.  This is a bold and vicious attack on our First Amendment right to free speech.  I simply do not want to be a part of any organization that undermines our Constitution.

Though I will miss seeing so many of you on Facebook, I'm hoping that meeting up with you here at the blog, or possibly on the new social media platform, MeWe, will more than make up for that.  It is my hope that you will subscribe today, and then pass on the link to Meditations of My Heart to friends and family whom you think would enjoy my writing.

That would be such a loving and meaningful Christmas gift for me, and I thank each and every one of you in advance for helping to spread the Christian-themed stories I share here with others.

May God continue to bless and keep you now and in the New Year!



  1. I am not on Facebook. Left it long ago. I use Twitter sparingly - only to post links to my daily Blog posts. I am now on MeWe. Easy to use, and I have posted links to your Blog posts there because I believe what you write deserves a wider audience. (Explanation: By wider audience I do not mean people large in size!).

    You know you can set up your own "group" on MeWE. Here's mine:

    Now here's a thought for you. If there was social media at the time of Christ, His sayings and writings would have attracted abuse, insults, ridicule and worse. So you're in good company my friend. Please continue to proclaim His glory in your writings.

    God bless.

    1. Victor, thank you so much for your encouraging words here, and for giving me some very valuable info on using MeWe more effectively. Needless to say, I'll be spending a lot more time there in the New Year! And yes, I do believe Facebook would have banned Jesus from the venue. What a sad statement to make, but it's the truth.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I love reading your posts and have subscribed to your blog many moons ago. I understand your reasons for leaving Facebook. I would do the same except for the family/friend connections I have there, and so many memories in those pages with loved ones who are now gone on before us. I am not ready to cut that last little link to messages from my son especially. But I rarely get into the issues on Facebook anymore. I mainly use it to share my blog and to connect with several very meaningful groups and pages that I look forward to reading. Also to be a lighthouse in a continuously darkening world. I understand your feelings and totally appreciate it. However right now my mission is still to try to be some "light" in the darkness until it is no longer possible to do so freely. I can't handle too many social platforms at once, so won't be moving to MeWe at this time. But I will enjoy communicating with you here and on my blog as I value your friendship very much.

    1. Pamela, I fully understand your reasons for wanting to stay attached to Facebook - they make all the sense in the world. Danny is going to keep his account going, so there will still be a connection for me, including photos, although Danny thinks there is a way to "capture" photos off of Facebook and store them elsewhere. We'll see! And yes, I subscribed to your blog many moons ago, too, and always, always enjoy your posts, my friend. We will keep on communicating!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I have never regretted once not getting on FB. I have never heard of MeWe. I will continue connecting with you here or personally.

    1. And that certainly works for me, Bill! So glad to have you on board, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Good for you. May God bless your efforts to part with the platform of Facebook.

    1. Thank you, Mark, and welcome to my blog! Know I'm so gratified you are here.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I only lasted a couple of weeks on Facebook and never looked back. I wish more people would leave and come back to blogging.

    1. Amen, Martha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who decided to ditch Facebook, and I'm also glad that we are following one another on Blogger.
      Love and blessings!

  6. These are tough times right now and therefore hard decisions have to be made. I've got your link in the left-hand sidebar on my blog, so will continue to keep in touch with your writings that way.

    May we all seek the Lord for wisdom as we navigate the ice bergs of life!

    1. I'm so, so glad that you will continue to follow my blog, Barbara, as I will follow yours that I enjoy so much. Thank you!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Applauding your resolve!
    Yet like Pamela, I'm staying on FB for the sake of old-time friends and family. That said, come January I'm going to make a Real Effort to spend more time posting and interacting on MeWe.

    1. Good for you, Myra! I'm still learning how to better navigate MeWe, and will spend lots more time there in the New Year, too. Enjoy your Christmas!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Replies
    1. I think that's great, Linda. I don't think I'm going to have any problem leaving it behind.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I understand. I will continue with facebook due to my church committments there with communication between members and my calling to be a positive influence there and elsewhere. We can still connect through our blogs.

    1. Yes, we definitely can, Jean. And I do understand about the church commitments - that's so very important!
      Love and blessings!

  10. I do, and will continue to, enjoy your heartfelt and inspirational posts Ms. Martha. I understand and support your decision to leave Facebook, but am ever-grateful that we can continue to connect through your posts ma'am. God's blessings sweet friend.

    1. Oh, and I am ever so grateful that we can stay connected, J. D. I love your wisdom and insight, and would be a poorer person without your words. So happy that you will stay in touch through blogging!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I continue to unfollow or unfriend the nastiness on FB and am not quite ready to leave there yet but will stay connected on MeWe and, of course, here. Love & hugs!!

    1. I hear you, Terri. Many of us have family connections via Facebook that are just too precious to break at the moment. I'm hoping we both can learn to navigate MeWe better in the months to come, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha, I understand and commend you for making the break. I will miss you, but look forward to your beautiful posts on this blog. I will check out MeWE.

    Blessings to you!

    1. Good for you, Martha. I was on it years ago, mainly for family, but I soon quit it. Some of the language and interactions depressed me. My kids and grandkids know I'm not on, so they send pics to me personally from time to time. Sometimes I think of it again, mostly because there are some Bible Study groups there. But then I remember how overwhelmed and downhearted I became. I'm grateful God brought you into my life, my friend, through our blogging. :) Love and blessings to you!

    2. Thanks so much, Beckie! I'm still learning how to better navigate MeWe, and probably won't go full steam into it until after the New Year. I really think it has potential, though.
      Love and blessings!

    3. Trudy, I absolutely understand how Facebook can become overwhelming and dispiriting. I've simply had enough, especially when I learned that they donated millions of dollars that probably interfered with the recent election. They will never get my vote!
      Love and blessings!

  13. I already follow your blog so I'm glad I won't miss anything, Martha! :) Hope you and your husband have a wonderful Christmas.

    1. I'm so glad to hear that, Lisa! I hope your family has a wonderful Christmas, too.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Your posts come to my inbox, I use FB but never for personal posts as encouragement or witness primarily, I’ve never wanted photos of myself or family etc . I’ve friend who posts lots of personal stuff frankly I dint tryst FB they own whatever you put up there so beware is wise.
    Blessings sis, totally get and commend you for your decisions.
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. I'm glad to know that my posts come to your inbox, Shaz, so no issues there. I subscribe to yours through the Blogger system, so they show up on my reading list. Very convenient!
      Love and blessings!

  15. I know many who have got off facebook. We will stay on because its the way to follow our missionaries and we use message all the time to communicate. But I certainly do not agree with their policies.

    1. I certainly hear you, Betty, about having to stay connected to certain entities as being crucially important. Other readers have said the same. I'm just so glad to know you are on the mend!!!
      Love and blessings!

  16. I hear you, Martha. Staying in touch via your blog. I'm not active on social much lately and my blog has been dormant too. But I'll remain my site, Pure and Simple, and hope to be more active there in '21. Wishing you and yours a Blessed Christmas. Much love.

    1. Oh, how I would love more contact with you through your blog, Debra! We so need to stand together in these times, and the prayers and loving thoughts of others grow beyond measure when we stay in touch. Let us keep the faith!
      Love and blessings!

  17. I surely don't blame you, sweet friend. We have never opened a facebook account and are so grateful we made that choice. I am getting ready to close out twitter and not sure I will continue blogging on blogspot, either. Just seeking the Lord. But, I completely agree that we should not pander to them when they are so blatantly against what we believe and the truth. I want no part of anything that is against my Lord. God bless you as you follow Him.

    1. I'm trying with all my heart and soul to follow the Lord, Cheryl. I gave up Twitter after they allowed a photo of a gun aimed at Megan McCain as she was grieving at her father's funeral. I was never a fan of McCain, but that was inexcusable and an affront to American values. Let us see if Blogger comes through to protect us from the arrows of the left before we decide to leave. Voices have to be heard!
      Love and blessings!

  18. I will miss you on Facebook. Best wishes on your new journey with other sites. Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours. I’m taking a break until after the New Year. Will catch your posts then. Love and Blessings

    1. Nells, I will miss you, too, but so glad I signed up long ago to receive your blog via email. After this coming week, I will also be taking a week off before the New Year. This year has been so trying, and I just want to tweak a better attitude about 2021.
      Love and blessings!

  19. I so much enjoy interacting with you here on your blog, Martha. I have had to step back from FB due to all the nastiness and hate posted there. I follow only runners on Twitter and they are a positive bunch, so no hate there! :) Looking forward to reading more of your wonderful posts in the new year!

    1. I hear you loud and clear, Laurie! There is so much nastiness out there, and it's so depressing. It is positive, though, to follow just your runner buddies on Twitter; Danny is a weather nerd, so that's about all he follows on Twitter. Good way to avoid negativity!
      Love and blessings!

  20. Martha, While I'll miss you on Facebook, I support your leaving the platform. Who knows, I may be leaving it too. Suppression of free speech is never a good thing.

    Love and blessings!


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