Monday, December 14, 2020

To God be the Glory

 And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28

For many years, I choose not to send Christmas cards to friends and family.  It is due, in large part, to the overall cost of this endeavor, but also, with the advent of the e-card craze, I no longer feel compelled to indulge in the real deal.

Ironically, it is the online subversion of genuine, caring greetings that finally rouses me to take a much more personal approach.  I've made so many dear friends through blogging, and my heart simply wants to send them an affirmation of my love and appreciation for them through a snail-mail greeting card.  Oh, and that's not to dismiss my family members!  Fear not, they receive hand-signed cards, too.

A dear friend of mine recommends ordering my Christmas cards from Christian Book Distributors, so I take her up on it.  I go to Amazon, however, to make another order so I have a surplus of cards to send, or keep for the next Christmas.

The Amazon order?  It arrives in mere days.  In fact, these cards are already signed, sealed and will be delivered soon.  The CBD order?  I play the waiting and the waiting and the waiting game.

When I'm finally notified that my shipment has arrived, I am completely confounded.  Even though the packing slip reflects the promised and paid-for cards . . .

I receive this Advent devotional book by Paul David Tripp.

How does this happen???

I consider contacting CBD to complain about their mismanagement of my online order, but God blesses me with a wake-up call.  If I engage their customer service number, I'm bound to get someone in the delivery department in hot water.  Do I really want to make someone's life miserable in this season of joy?  After all, I realize, I'm grateful for receiving this unexpected gift to use during Advent 2021 for the same price I pay for the Christmas cards.  

And I do not doubt for a moment that God's hand is in it all.  He knows our needs before we ask, and always works for the good of those who love Him.

So, I will bow out and give God the glory, the One ever worthy of our thanks, praise and worship.



  1. God obviously felt you needed the devotional book more. Praise Him.

    Over here, the postage is more expensive than the cards themselves. For first class mail it is about $1; and for second class (arrives three days later) it is about 87 cents.

    God bless.

    1. Wow, postage truly is expensive, Victor! If it were that much here, I doubt I could afford to send cards at all. And yes, God must have known I would need this devotional down the road.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I've had the same issue with CBD. I am still waiting for an order I placed 3 weeks ago. Meanwhile, I have received yesterday (Monday) an order I just placed on Amazon on Saturday. It contained a Christmas gift book for my grandson. I'm glad I did not order from CBD. I want to support them but, man, they have to get their shipping act together. As for the book...I am reading it through for the 6th time. I read it 3 times in 2017 (October through December) and once each year since then. It is a phenomenal book and will most definitely help prepare your heart for Christmas.

    1. Bill, I had to smile when I saw you pull that book out and quote from it during last Sunday's service. That really brought home to me how much God wanted me to have it, too. And I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who has encountered problems with CBD. I did order the remaining cards I needed from Amazon, and they were here the next day! Now, where are those stamps we ordered from the postal service? Yep, waiting for those before I can mail out my greetings.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Wow, I am sorry to hear that about CBD. I used to order from them a lot, but haven't in a while. But somehow that mixup must have been for your benefit. I hope Advent devotional book is a good one... and as far as cards go, I am just getting started. Not sure how many will actually get sent out this year. I am way behind in everything, except playing with my train and toys...I seem to be in my 2nd childhood, I told my hubby. I just want to play and not work. LOL. Help!! Take care and God bless you...however, I do think I would still let CBD know of their mixup. Your cards are still out there somewhere!

    1. Pamela, I simply turned around and ordered cards from Amazon. I have all my cards ready to go, but as I told Bill in the above comment, we've ordered stamps from USPS that have yet to arrive. My cards, at this rate, may not get delivered until after Christmas! Enjoy that second childhood!
      Love and blessings!

    2. I have a relative in the Atlanta metro area who also was waiting for stamps for a long time and they finally arrived one day this week, so I hope yours are coming soon. I'm still working on my cards little by little.

    3. Oh, Pam, I hope they are, too! Still waiting . . .

  4. I like the way you are looking at it and handling it. Enjoy the book!

    1. Thanks, Martha, and I will enjoy the book next Advent season.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Wow, Martha. Interesting post and story. And your perspective of not getting someone in trouble at CBD shows off your good heart for others.

    1. Thanks so much, Karen! Yes, there's no need to make someone's holiday, especially in this trying year, more difficult.
      Love and blessings!

  6. How disappointing! But no. I believe (that) everything happens for a reason. (Well, most of the time anyway. LOL)
    I hope to remember your lesson, the next time I'm tempted to fire off a nasty-gram.

    1. I hope you'll remember the lesson, too, Myra, because truthfully, that was my first gut reaction. An Amazon delivery of cards came to the rescue, but now? All my cards are ready to go, and the stamps we ordered have yet to arrive. What a dilemma!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I order our cards every year from Miles Kimball and have never been disappointed. We only buy a card that depicts the Nativity in some way and Miles Kimball always gives us several options to choose from. I'm sorry your order was mixed up but your attitude is one we can all learn from! Thank you for that, Martha Jane! xo

    1. I'll definite remember Miles Kimball for future orders, Terri, and really appreciate your recommendation. And as I mentioned to Myra above, being generous in spirit was not my first reaction to the situation. Thank goodness God gave me that wake-up call!
      Love and blessings!

  8. I just about forgot to come back to comment! I got sidetracked on Miles Kimball's site. :) God surely works in mysterious ways, doesn't He? I hope the book blesses you, Martha. It seems to me you once got the wrong order from Amazon once, too? Then you donated them to homeless families? Love and blessings to you!

    1. You are so right, Trudy, we did get an unexpected diaper delivery from Amazon a while back - lol! Yes, those were delivered, along with some gently loved toys, to our Foster Care Ministry at church. I do believe the book will be a blessing to me in so many ways. Glad you checked out Miles Kimball, too.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Oh, sweet friend! That is such an amazing story! Do you know what I think? I think there is something in that book that is really going to minister to you. I think it was definitely a God thing, and it is so sweet that you did not want to get that employee in trouble. I am learning that when things happen like this, there is always a Divine reason. Sometimes we just have to dig to find that reason, as you are so faithfully doing. You have such a dear and true heart. SO pleasing to our Lord. May He bless you richly.

    1. Oh, Cheryl, your sweet words here warmed my heart with gratitude for such a dear friend as you are! Yes, when these things happen, I always think there is a reason God has acted in the way He has. I'm looking forward to allowing this book to bless me as He intends.
      Love and blessings!

  10. What a great story. I've had things like that happen to me. It always turns out to be a blessing I had not planned.

    1. An unplanned blessing . . . that's a great way to look at the things that happen to us unexpectedly, but joyfully, Galen.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Can only add an "Amen" my friend. It seems you too choose to find a reason for joy. You might have to re-order cards, but God gave you a blessing you needed, even if you didn't know you did. LOL I love that you are passing that blessing on with this post. Thank you; and Merry CHRISTmas ma'am.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind and thoughtful words here, J.D. God so often blesses us in ways we don't even know we need, and sometimes, those blessings are the best!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Boa noite meus queridos amigos. Parabéns por vocês levarem à Palavra de Deus e glorificar o nome Dele. Deus abençoe vocês ricamente.

    1. May our Lord keep you in His love, too, Luiz.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Hi Martha, I have had that happen too but not with our Christian bookshop, they are very very efficient and am grateful for that. I get nothing from Amazon, use only local or order from small online stores okay do use eBay too. Our postage stamps we buy from post office and mail at the same time, no hassle. Never heard of ordering stamps. Guess Oz is very different.
    Am glad reading comments that devotionalbook is excellent. Lord is wise and good.
    Praying much for your nation. Grateful for you, Martha, pray Gods blessing on you and yours this Christmas.
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. I'm so grateful for you, too, Shaz, and for your friendship. Your prayers for our great nation are much appreciated, too!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Who knows that little book turns out to be a priceless treasure. By the way, I always make my own cards to send out around Christmas. People keep them for years, even use them as ornaments :) I always use scripture or a biblical word!

    1. How amazing is that, Marja! You certainly are multi-talented, my friend. I know that if I received a card like that, I would treasure it forever.
      Love and blessings!

  15. I hope you enjoy your devotional book, Martha. You have such a good heart!

    1. Thank you, dear Laurie! I will save it for next Advent, and I'm sure God will bless me richly through the reading.
      Love and blessings!


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  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...