Thursday, October 14, 2021

Jumble Rumble!


For the word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. ~Hebrews 4:12

During the Covid shutdown, many of us develop new ways to entertain ourselves at home, expanding upon hobbies and interests we've allowed to fall by the wayside, or taking up entirely new activities to pass the time.

A new activity I adopt during my homebound months is working Jumble puzzles.  That's right!  I love words, as you can probably guess, and I look forward to the job of unscrambling letters to form a word, and then. formulating the correct answer to the puzzle using the letter and clues from the cartoon.

You would think, after tackling hundreds of puzzles, that I would be proficient at this by now, but you would be wrong.  I find that some words, even the five-letter ones, will stump me at times.  Ironically, if I step away from the puzzle, and return after several moments of brain rest, the word will pop right out at me, making me feel a bit foolish for not deciphering it in the first place.

Other times, by looking at the cartoon clues, I will get the answer to the puzzle (love it when that happens!), and will figure out the words accordingly.

And when I'm truly stumped, I'm not above sneaking a glance at the answer page, at least to get the letter the word begins with.

Like I said before, practice, for me, hasn't perfected my ability to rumble the Jumble!

So, why do I continue to do them?

  • Because they are entertaining.
  • They work a part of my brain that wouldn't get exercise otherwise.
  • I love the challenge!
And sometimes, reading the Word of God can be challenging, especially when we encounter a difficult-to-understand passage in the Old Testament, where a scholar's interpretation comes in handy.  But we can't forget that God's Word is alive and active, and can cut right through from past to present in truth and relevancy for us living in these modern times.

Whatever it is you take time to enjoy each day, make reading your Bible one of those good things you practice with regularity.  Let the Word of the Lord exercise both your mind and your heart.

It's guaranteed to solve any jumble you find yourself in.



  1. I am often amazed when reading the Bible I come across a verse or chapter which I read in a new light. Something I had never seen or understood before.

    Have you ever read a book by John Woolley, a hospital chaplain, who received many words of divine encouragement from the Lord during prayer. These are set out as one page readings. I often open the book at random at any page and am surprised at how often the Lord is speaking to me regarding what is on my mind at the time.

    God bless.

    1. I have not heard of that book, Victor, but I will certainly look it up. I love how verses in the Bible and even devotionals like the one you've mentioned here will speak to our hearts in fresh and meaningful ways. The Word of God is ever a source of wisdom, comfort and inspiration.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I do the word jumble int he newspaper every day.

    1. My mother used to do the same, Glynn. Maybe, I'm carrying on this tradition for her? I do enjoy working them out, that's for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  3. What memories you've unleashed! Like my mother, I loved doing the word jumble. Crosswords, too. Now I'm unsure why I let them slide; goodness knows, my aging brain deserves the exercise.
    I, too, often find the Old Testament challenging to digest.

    1. I never was any good with crossword puzzles, Myra, but these Jumbles do provide some brain activity I wouldn't get otherwise. Let me know if you decide to start doing puzzles again.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Dearest Martha Jane,
    My Dad was an avid puzzle man and also my Mom loved to do them.
    As myself, I've so far never had the time, or luxury of time for sitting down with just a puzzle.
    Keeping track of my seven languages for communicating the world over with friends and family is filling a lot of my time!
    Guess we all have a different task!

    1. Wow! Seven languages??? Yes, Mariette, I'd say that plenty of info to keep your mind sharp as a tack. No help necessary!
      Love and blessings!

  5. There's been times in my life when God's Word itself felt like a giant Jumble; one that I might never understand. Alas, that's when we become so grateful for the Holy Spirit's intervention. He can help us gain understanding when we learn how to truly seek His truth. Amen my friend!

    1. What you've said here, J. D., is so very true. The Holy Spirit can be of such help when we are trying to digest and understand God's Word. And I do love reading a verse I've encountered many times before, but have it jump out at me fresh and new. God' Word is for all time.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I used to love doing crossword puzzles and logic puzzles, but once Sudoku came on the scene, it stole my heart. :) It's my way to unwind.

    1. How I wish I could even begin to understand Sudoku, Lisa, but I'm not a math person. My daughter does know how to play this game; when we visit them over Thanksgiving, I might have her teach it to me.
      Love and blessings!

  7. My mom loved doing the Jumble in our newspaper when she visited and she got Joe started doing them. They were both quite good at them. I fail horribly when I try. That part of my brain must just be completely inactive!! Thanks for the good memories, Martha! xo

    1. I doubt that part of your brain isn't working, Terri, but is more than likely stimulated in different ways. It's fun to know that your mother and Joe both enjoyed the Jumbles in the paper. That's what my Mom did when her daily paper arrived. In fact, we used to tease her and say she only subscribed to the paper for the Jumble - lol!
      Love and blessings!

  8. I enjoy jumble puzzles as well. I like crossword puzzles too. I agree with you that I just simply like words. I love reading God’s word too. Much of the Bible is poetry and beautiful as well as uplifting. Some of it can be confusing and I may have to talk with someone more learned than I to help me decipher it. Blessings

    1. I'm glad to know you like word puzzles, too, Nells. I tried my hand at crosswords several years back, but I don't have the patience for those like I do with Jumbles. And I do believe that the more we read the Bible, the more we do understand, especially when we ask the Holy Spirit to help us interpret it. Of course, the Biblical scholars can open our eyes to so many new ways to interpret God's Word.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Wow! What a great idea! Why haven't I thought of this? I love words and these look like they would be fun. Great ideas. Thank you.

    1. They are fun to do, Pamela, even though some become a bit challenging. You can order Jumble books on Amazon. Enjoy!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Sorry I'm late to this party Martha. I have never been one to "enjoy" games like this. I don't know why. But I do like your application. Opening God's Word each day is a brand new experience. It never ceases to amaze me how I have read a passage over and over and then BAM! new insight comes to me. That is just one reason why people should never stop reading and never stop studying.

    1. Exactly, Bill! The Bible is like an old friend and a new discovery every time we read it. And we should never cease wanting to understand more about God's Word.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I love any type of word game, Martha. YES, The Word can have a new or different lesson each time we read it. What a wonder!

    1. Isn't it a wonder, though? I'm so glad that God's Word never grows old and can offer fresh insights every time we read it.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha, what a fabulous analogy. And I know I'd get hooked on this if I ever started-the Jumble Rumble! I'm a very analytical thinker so it would challenge me.

    I pray to be hooked on God's Word, letting it challenge me in my Christian walk and remembering "God's Word is alive and active, and can cut right through from past to present in truth and relevancy for us living in these modern times."

    1. We should all be hooked on God's Word, Karen, that's for sure! If you have an analytical mind, I do think you would enjoy doing Jumbles. Let me know if you decide to give it a try. :)
      Love and blessings!

  13. So many good ways to engage the brain. Such a complex part of each one of us. I have a friend, who was raised in Japan, and she loves all the different jumbles and sudoku and all the other mine enhancing tools out there. Glad you are enjoying them. ALways thank you for commenting. I am very far behind and trying to catch up. Take care

    1. Yes, Anne, there are so many multiple ways to engage our brains and give them the exercise they need; it should be the same with us wanting to stay in shape spiritually, too. No worries about not getting back in comments on your blog. I do enjoy reading yours so much!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Martha, thank you for sharing this post. It's good to exercise our brains to stay cognitively alert. The Scriptures are full of food for our souls. Yes, some passages are quite challenging. It's when we really dig into the Word and allow Scripture to interpret Scripture that we grow.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Amen, Kim, you are so right! The Scriptures are food for our souls, indeed, and we would wither away without their nourishment daily. May the Lord will that we all stay alert and intent upon His Word.
      Love and blessings!


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