Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Lord Has Done Great Things


I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. ~Psalm 86:12

My husband, Danny, has had a pacemaker since 2017.  Without it, the honest truth is, he wouldn't be with us as he is today.  Because of the incident he suffers last March, when said pacemaker shocks his heart back to life while he's on our treadmill, and a subsequent heart ablation in May, Danny needs to see his cardiologist, the pacemaker surgeon, and the device techs on a regular basis.

Even though I always have hope (my word for the year) that all will be well at these check-ups, I must confess to entertaining unwanted feelings of trepidation when they happen.  And that's exactly where I find myself this past Tuesday, waiting to hear from Danny, as he is at the hospital meeting with all these heart experts.

Imagine my immense relief when I receive this text from Danny:  Dr. C. took me off Amiodarone for good!  WOW!  This is the strong drug the cardiologist puts him on right after the shock attack.  It is a lifesaver, as it regulates the heart's rhythm, but it's side effects, if taken for too long, are undeniably frightening and debilitating in a myriad of ways.

So, this is marvelous, miraculous news!  The heart ablation has successfully done its thing, and Danny's heart is beating as strongly and naturally as any heart possibly can that has suffered physical damage.

We both have every reason to praise the Lord our God with all our hearts, glorifying His name.  In His grace and mercy, He has done great things for us.

And we thank the Lord for all our blessings, His miracles, His forgiveness.

His unfailing love.

How are you feeling blessed by God today, friends?  Please share in the comments.



  1. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Sitting up after having let one of our kitties in. She sat on the bench in the front porch during a still ongoing heavy thunder storm... Hate this wet-wet weather!
    So happy to read here that Danny is off the dreaded med of Amiodarone.
    We too pray for life's extension for Pieter with his very weak heart and many meds to be taken.
    His cardiologist often warned that it can happen without any warning, any time... Best for being prepared in life!
    Hugs and blessings to you both for being granted some 'over time' by God.

    1. Oh, Mariette, I had no idea that Pieter has a weak heart, too! Does he have a pacemaker, or is he just on medication? Know I'll keep both of you in my prayers as God gives you that "over time", too.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Martha Jane, just on medication is an understatement...

  2. Praying for Danny's good health and for you and your family Martha. We all have good reason to praise and thank God often. Wishing you all the best and happiness too.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, Victor, we should praise and thank God for everything, every day. Thanks for your prayers for Danny! He is doing well now.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Oh such wonderful news, Martha!! I know that is a huge relief for both of you!!Maybe now you can relax and enjoy your fall festivities a little more. Yes, Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow!! I am thankful for many things...just wrote about a few of them in my Friday post. God is answering some prayers, especially for Shannon! Amazingly she has been back at school all week, albeit in a wheelchair, but determined to keep going. Amazing...and there's other sweet things too. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful weekend, enjoying this good news you've had. Praise God!

    1. Oh, Pamela, that is terrific news about Shannon! Her determination is an inspiration to all of us facing adversity. Know I will continue to pray for her and for you and yours, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, it is, Glynn, and we are beyond thankful.
      Love and blessings!

  5. My eyes just grew wet! I'm so very happy for both of you, Martha! God is so very good! (... and I don't even care that I'm using too many exclamation points - lol)

    1. Aww, Myra, thanks so much for your kind words! And one can never use too many exclamation points when celebrating God's goodness.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Have my praise on at this fabulous news! Take a DEEP breath of relief!

    1. Deep breath taken, Lulu. We are, indeed, so very grateful to the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  7. After 13 bypasses, 3 stents, a pacemaker, and one graft which translated means an artificial artery that runs all the way down my side to the legs, I have at least 18 good reasons to glorify and praise our mighty God. He is awesome and praiseworthy. That doesn’t mean I don’t have dozens of other reasons to shout His greatness. I’m extremely glad to hear that your Danny is doing well too. While I’m on this subject of praising, as I recall, you were very instrumental in helping me get my blog started a few years ago. I praise God for sending you my way and you for your help. Thank you, my friend, love, hugs and blessings.

    1. Oh, Nells, you have absolutely blown me away with your testimony here! My head is spinning trying to wrap around all the surgeries you've endured, and yet God has seen you through each and every one of them. Miracles? You bet! Our Lord is worthy of all our praise and worship and thanks.
      I don't recall being instrumental in encouraging you to create your blog, but if I did, I'm so very thankful that God used me in that way, dear friend. We never know how many lives we might touch, but God certainly tells us to keep touching others with His love.
      Love and blessings!

  8. What a wonderful blessing for you both!! Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow! I am so happy for you. xo

    1. Oh, yes, indeed, Terri, this is a blessing we will never take for granted. Let us praise the God of never ending mercies!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Oh I'm so very happy to learn of the great news about Mr. Danny and coming off that drug. I'm taking Multaq now, and hoping I too don't have to resort to more powerful drugs. Like Mr. Danny, I suspect, I'm looking forward to the day (soon I hope) that we won't need any drugs or interventional devices. God's blessings friends; and thank you for ending my week on such a positive note.

    1. I'll be praying for that drug-free day right along with you, J. D. May God bless you and give you good health for the length of your days here serving His kingdom as faithfully as you do. Glad to have helped end your week on a positive note. :)
      Love and blessings!

  10. Rejoicing with you, Martha! Praise the Lord!

    1. Praise the Lord, indeed, Beckie! And may we never cease to praise and worship Him for His unceasing mercy and miracles.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Praise God, that IS wonderful news! We too know about those"sighs of relief." My husband underwent a liver transplant in December 2018. Every six months he has an MRI and a CT scan (in addition to blood work every few weeks) to check on his liver. It's a glorious moment when we hear the words, "All is well!" And in the sigh of relief that follows is a prayer of thanksgiving, because we know GOD is the One working through the wonderful doctors, giving my husband his new lease on life! Hallelujah!

    1. Oh, Nancy, I'm so sorry that your husband and you have to go through those moments when you pray to hear, "All is well." But how marvelous it is that his liver transplant is holding, and that God has gifted doctors with the skill and knowledge to prolong valued and valuable lives in these modern times. The Lord has done great things for the both of us, that's for sure!
      Love and blessings!

  12. such good news. Amazing what they can do now in medicine. A miracle!

    1. Yes, Jean, modern medicine is truly amazing, and for that, I'm so very grateful. It is a miracle!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Aw, I am so thankful to read this wonderful news! God bless you and Danny with many more happy, healthy years together, my friend!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl! I'm praying that God will grant us those happy, healthy years.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Wow, Martha, I'm praising the Lord with you and Danny. So thankful he is off the medicine and his heart is doing this well. Lovely photo of you two by the way!

    1. I'm so thankful, too, Karen, as I'm sure you can imagine, and God certainly deserves all the praise. Glad you liked the photo; it is a couple of years old, but it was one I could grab easily from my files.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Got to this party late Martha. So glad Danny is doing well and God, the Great Physician, is still on the job surprising people in a most marvelous way. Praying the next few days, weeks, years are good ones for you both. Blessings! (I heard that somewhere)

    1. Late or not, Bill, I'm happy you're here! Yes, God is still on the job and on the throne. We are thankful beyond measure for His miraculous ways.
      Love and (you guessed it) blessings!

  16. I love to stumble across a blog - and find a praise and answer to prayer!! So encouraging. Hope you are still basking in the wonder of it all!!

    1. Oh, yes, we definitely are, Jennifer! So glad you stopped in today.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Pra8se God, rejoicing with you dear sister, every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before.
    Evrry medical diagnosis omits the God factor.
    As believers may we wslk in His light.. by faith alone.. not by sight. Praise His glorious name.

    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Thank you, Shaz! Yes, we are definitely rejoicing in God's goodness in freeing Danny from this awful medication, and thankful that he's doing so well.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Praise the Lord! What wonderful News, you must be so relieved.

    1. We are relieved beyond measure, Marja, and are thanking God for all His mercies.
      Love and blessings!

  19. I sincerely rejoice with you at the progress our Lord has brought about in Danny's health. Happy stories help us all in our journey of faith. The Lord bless you both!

    1. We all need happy stories, Barbara, to encourage us and help us in our journey forward. We realize how much we have been graced by God's favor, and we can't stop giving thanks. May we celebrate God's love each and every day.
      Love and blessings!

  20. I am visiting you from Wise Hearted's blog. What wonderful news about your husband. It is so encouraging to read of God's tender care and answered prayers. Every day we have is a gift from Him, may we enjoy and see the beauty in each one. ~ FlowerLady

    1. Amen, Flower Lady! Every day is certainly a gift from God, and one we should never take for granted. We are so grateful for everything He has done.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Prayers for Danny's good health. I know you felt so blessed to have that worry off your mind. Wonderful news. My couin Mike shares this similar cardio problem. He has a wicked sense of humor and somehow he keeps plugging away but he has other health issues so I am in constant prayer for him and his wife Velma. They work so hard and have done so much for others. Your thoughts on the education post made me smile as I thought of MIke and his days as a teacher at our local hometown community college. He loved opening those minds and listening to their views and expressions on subjects. He always says it was one of the best times in his life.

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers for Danny, Anne, and for sharing about your cousin, Mike. It sounds like Danny and he not only have the same heart issues, but have healthy senses of humor, too. That goes a long way in staying positive, doesn't it?
      Like Mike, I do look back on my teaching days with fondness. I always felt that teaching was an honor and a privilege, and I took it very seriously.
      Love and blessings!

  22. Martha, PTL for this wonderful news! I'm most thankful and praising the Lord for how well Sunday's service was received. It's an honor to share from the Word.

    Love and blessings!

    1. It is an honor to be able to share God's Word, Kim, and you did just that this past Sunday. What a gift our Father has given you! Yes, we are still celebrating Danny's positive healing and thanking God for His innumerable blessings.
      Love and blessings!


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