Monday, February 7, 2022

That's a Wrap!


Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. ~Matthew 24:35

Why the photo of the Seal Wrap Zip Safe at the top of this blog?  Let's zero in on the date this was opened.

 That's right!  August, 19, 2019, away and beyond any inkling of the coming pandemic and the shortage of some daily necessities it leaves in its wake.  So why, you might ask, does my husband, Danny, proactively order such an item to take up space on our countertop?

Well, this is the Orlando Cafe, where lots of cooking, baking, chopping and mincing go on day after day.  The wrap is a necessity; who wants to make repetitive trips to the grocery store, just to purchase a flimsy roll of wrap when we can rely on this stalwart fixture?  As far as we are concerned, this faithful roll has more than met our expectations over these trying Covid months, when efforts to fortify our pantry have been an ongoing challenge.

Yes, this is how our shelves still look today.  Call us preppers, call us extremists, but honestly, during this tiresome time, we have lacked for nothing material.  I'm not sure how many others out there can stake that same claim.

But back to the Zip Safe wrap.  We are now, in February 2022, just about to run out of the endless supply of food-preserving plenty.  Another roll awaits its debut, at the ready to assume its mission of provision.  We.  Are.  Counting.  The.  Days.

There are so many precautions we can take to preserve our way of life, our comfort zones, our peace of mind when times get tough.  And as foolish as some of these tactics might appear to others, they are of merit and worth to us.

Yet, if we fail to consider the weight of eternity in the decisions we make, great and small, we can miss out on the lesson God wishes for us to learn.

His Word, and His Word alone, is the only thing that lasts.

Any effort, any attempt, we make beyond that one goal is futile at in the end.

Does that mean we shouldn't do our best?  Try our best?  Hope for the best?  Of course not!

But it does mean we should be laser-focused upon what the Lord has promised, what He has done in the past, and what He will continue to do in the future.

Used and appreciated, the Seal Wrap will pass away.

It will be replaced.

God's Word needs no replacement.

It's a wrapped-up promise sealed for good.



  1. You make a very good point today, Martha. Thank you. God's Word is true today as it ever was.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, God's Word stands forever, Victor, and we can rejoice in that.
      Love and blessings!

  2. You said the truth near the end Martha: "God's Word needs no replacement." Amen and Amen. The sooner we realize that and not run to other things the sooner our lives will make sense.

    1. I will second your "amen," Bill. There is no replacement for God's Word, and the sooner we learn to rely on it, the better off we all will be.
      Love and blessings!

  3. For at least 10 years, we've used three bookshelves in our basement to store what the pantry was too small for. When the pandemic hit, it looked like we had knowledge aforethought.

    1. It's good to know we're not the only ones who used extra shelves for "run off," Glynn. We were doing the same before the pandemic, but the need made the storage more intense.
      Love and blessings!

  4. My son -- who works in food service -- was lecturing me on the same thing Sunday afternoon. He said, "If the average shopper realized how perilous the food chain (is), there'd be a rush on panic buying like you can't imagine." As it stands, the last year he's only able to get 25-30% of the orders he's placed. It's obvious, we need to step up our own game; I'm envious of your storage space!

    PS - Yes, I believe God will provide. I'm certainly not as versed as you, but I suspect He wants us to meet him halfway.

    1. Wow, Myra, I had no idea about the details with the food supply chain, and I really appreciate you filling us in here. Your son certainly has first hand knowledge of the issues that are at stake. Yes, I'm grateful that we do have extra storage space here at the house, but I'm thinking a small shed or a re-done closet could do the same for you.
      Most important to remember, though, is that God will, and does, provide.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I have a large extra pantry area too. I was one of those who didn't have to worry when the toilet paper shortage came along. I always stay pretty well stocked up on all nonperishables since we are used to half the year being hurricane season here. It's best to know we can make it a few weeks or more if we have to.

    1. Hurricanes would most definitely prepare you for times of hardship/inconvenience, Martha. The older we get, this method just seems to make more sense to me. Why run to the store five times a week when you can maybe go once every two weeks? Glad to know we're not the only ones to stockpile!
      Love and blessings!

  6. I'm so glad God's word never changes!


  7. Wow, Martha, that is crazy how long the wrap has lasted. And I love your analogy here,

    "...if we fail to consider the weight of eternity in the decisions we make, great and small, we can miss out on the lesson God wishes for us to learn.

    His Word, and His Word alone, is the only thing that lasts."

    Yes, God bless sweet lady, hope you are getting back to 100% and soon!

    1. I'm so happy that this post spoke to your heart, Karen. God's Word is the only thing that will truly last, and we need to bask in that promise.
      Everyday, things are getting better - thanks for asking!
      Love and blessings!

  8. You have a gifted way of sharing beautiful truths out of ordinary life situations1 It is amazing how long that wrap from Costco will last! We know from God's word that there are difficult days ahead. We see so much coming to pass that we never thought we'd see in our lifetime. We put our trust and faith in the Lord, but also know that we can be physically ready too. God's blessings to you both!

    1. Like you, Marilyn, I do sense that tough days are ahead of us in this nation, but I have no doubt that God will see us through, and perhaps save many in ways they least expect. Let's continue to have faith in what we know God is able to do, and trust in His provision.
      As far as seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary, I can only thank the Lord for this gift.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Amen Ms. Martha Jane! Great lesson here. And it's good to see that Mr. Danny is someone else who knows the value of a good Gamma Lid when he sees one. I've often considered how hiding God's word in our hearts is prepping for a time to come when it will be needed. The best time to get something is when it is available, not when it's needed. Again, great lesson here my friend.

    1. Absolutely, J. D.! The best time to get anything is when it's available, not when it's needed (that could be really problematic!). I love your reference to hiding God's Word in our heart so it is always close and at the ready when we need it. May we all make that a healthy, daily practice.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Dearest Martha Jane,
    We use kitchen paper towel, plastic wrap and foil which hang from a dispenser. The counter is clear and can be cleaned effortlessly.
    Neither is our garage a place for stocking up on things...
    We have a pantry with air conditioning so things keep at their best.
    Guess God also uses his own conditioning for keeping us at our best!

    1. So glad to know your pantry works for you, Mariette. Wish we actually had one, but we've done pretty well making do with what we have. Actually, the garage stays fairly cool both in winter and summer, so there isn't a huge fluctuation of temperatures. That certainly helps in storage!
      And yes, God does use His own conditioning to keep us at our best. Thank goodness, He does!
      Love and blessings!

    2. We both love our pantry! Did not want to miss that part of our home. Just got back from my doctor's appointment, having stitches removed from skin cancer surgery and all is well. Next had my teeth cleaned so I'm ready to go...
      Here is the link from our pantry:

    3. Thanks for sharing the link, Mariette. I'll be sure to check it out. Glad to hear all is well after the skin cancer surgery, too. The southern sun is not kind to fair complexions, that's for sure.

    4. Well Martha Jane, I don't have a fair complexion and seldom 'lay out' in the sun...😉

  11. We've been prepping for years now. Don't regret a minute of it, as we can grab a pack of hamburger or porkchops or chicken from the freezer when we don't feel like battling store crowds. Some things of course expire, spaghetti sauce, tuna, etc. but still, better to store up and be prepared for any scenario than be sorry. Toothpaste, toiletries, deodorant, everyday items, never expire. We have enough paper products to last a lifetime - if we don't live as long as Methuselah. Even so, we trust that, no matter what befalls us, God will provide all of our needs.

    1. Debra, I'm so relieved to know that we aren't alone in the prepping department. It does make sense in the long run, doesn't it? Especially if you live where weather can change on a dime. And even if that's not the case, knowing you can concoct a meal on the fly just based on the ingredients you have on hand is such a bonus.
      And even if the stuff outlives us, well, our kids are all set!
      Love and blessings!

  12. I had a roll like that which lasted me for years during my days of raising children. I have a son who is a dooms day prepper. I told him one time, "My plan is to join you." He answered, "First you have to get here, Mom." I laughed out loud. HOW TRUE!

    1. That is too true, Lulu - you'd have to make it there first - lol! Knowing you, though, I bet you would find a way.
      Glad to know you think ahead in the supply department, too. It really pays off in the long run.
      Love and blessings!

  13. My family think I could feed an army at times but when other c couldn't find things during the pandemic, we were well stocked too.

    1. Nothing like being prepared ahead of time, Jean! Knowing God's Word certainly prepares us for those times of trial we know will come eventually.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Another thing we have in common, Martha! We too stockpile on things we use/eat often, especially when they're sale. Loved your conclusion to this post: God's Word is "a wrapped-up promise sealed for good." Praise God for the peace and comfort he provides through the Bible, and every word of it 100% reliable. Hallelujah!

    1. Thanking God for His peace and comfort right along with you, Nancy! Glad, too, to know we're not the only ones who stockpile and plan ahead, especially when items we use are often are on sale. But of course, nothing is as reliable as God's Word.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Boa noite, Martha
    Grande lição. Jesus está voltando, e esse dia será Glorioso. Um forte abraço.

  16. And your last statement wraps it all up perfectly! This was delightful! Interesting "pantry" full of supplies. It is good to be prepared, especially in these uncertain times. But most of all, to be assured of our place in heaven is the most important decision of all! You got that right!!!

    1. Oh, yes, Pam, the most important decision and the one thing to always cling to is the promise of God's Word. Something that will never fail us and upon which we can always rely.
      Love and blessings!

  17. So thankful to get your sweet post and to know all is well with you, dear friend. Your words reminded me of the Scripture where it talks about the ants and how hard they work, etc. I love how your stock is so organized and orderly. We are surely living in the perilous times the Bible warned us about. I pray you and Danny always stay safe and trust you are continuing to gain strength and feel better day by day. Sending hugs and love your way today!

    1. I'm so glad you liked this post, Cheryl, and I'm so very appreciative of your prayers for my recovery. Yes, I'm getting better with each passing day, and I'm so grateful to God for all His healing.
      I have to agree that these are perilous times, my friend, but I'm trusting in the Lord for all things; He can turn what was meant for evil into good - always!
      Love and blessings!


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