Thursday, July 28, 2022

Free Indeed


Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. ~John 8:36

Give me liberty, or give me death. ~Patrick Henry, 1736 - 1799

In the late 1700s, in the fortuitous country that would become the United States of America, the ideals and values of a nation truly free because of God's grace, and His unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, would become, miraculously, realized.  But not without our Founding Fathers being aware of, yet willing to sacrifice fortunes and ranks, lives and livelihoods, to see it happen.

Oppression under the Crown of England was tolerated by the colonies until it no longer served them or their interests - think taxation without representation and viewing American colonists as the great unwashed.  With so many of our unique freedoms taken for granted in today's society, it's easy to forget that our Founding Fathers were willing to pay whatever price was necessary to secure these freedoms for posterity.  Their wisdom was, inarguably, God-inspired.  For it is Christian values that rule the precepts both in our Constitution and in the most daring document in American history - The Declaration of Independence.

When I was feeling a bit despondent this last July 4th, because so many voices in the media were hell-bent on disparaging and delegitimatizing our Founding Fathers, I thankfully discovered this marvelous gem of a book, The 56 by Douglas MacKinnon.  Immediately, the information contained within boosted my spirits, and reminded me why we should, to this day, be proud of our conception as a nation, founded on our God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

MacKinnon does an outstanding job of setting the stage for what is happening in the colonies when it's decided to convene a Constitutional convention as a first step in declaring from England.  He then goes on to detail the lives of all 56 men who courageously signed the Declaration.  An overwhelming majority of these delegates had substantial wealth, and stood to lose everything to the Crown for their traitorous actions.  Yet, to a man, each one was more than willing to take that risk.

I found myself both inspired and grateful as I read the brief biographies of each of our distinguished signers.  MacKinnon successfully fleshes out personalities, and makes readers feel as if they are in the same room with these giants of history.  Yes, The 56 is that good!

In light of this, I'm giving away a copy of the book to one lucky winner who comments here.  Your name will be placed in a "hat," and I'll have Danny draw the name of the winner two weeks from now, and I'll announce that winner on the blog.

And if you don't win?  I do hope you will order this gem of a book for yourself, and then pass it along to friends and neighbors, or donate to your church library for the edification of others.

As President Reagan warned us decades ago:  "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."

May we resolve to keep the lights of liberty shining!


About the author:

Douglas MacKinnon served as a writer in both the Reagan and Bush administrations.  He later joined the Pentagon where he had top secret government clearance.  His other books include Vengeance is Mine, and a memoir, Rolling Pennies in the Dark, all available on Amazon.


  1. Oh Martha, this sounds like a very interesting and intriguing book that needs to be read by all, young and old! Thank you for sharing this information with us. I believe I would enjoy reading this book very much! We have taken our freedoms for granted for too long, and now we are seeing them being taken away little by little, and in some cases, quite blatantly. Our younger generation just doesn't realize how blessed and precious our freedom is....and one day when it is lost they will find themselves in bondage to another cruel and evil dictatorship, much worse even than the crown of England was back in the day. I pray that we never see that in our lifetime, but it is closer than we think. We need to wake up and stand our ground before it is too late.

    1. Pamela, you have stated it perfectly here - we need to wake up and stand our ground before it is too late. There are too many countries smelling blood in the water, ready to pounce and change our way of life forever. The sad thing is, the "traitors" who don't appreciate our freedoms are living among us. I just pray that these people will never prevail. Let's keep our freedoms alive and well!
      Love and blessings!

  2. I was reading this week that both Monticello (Thomas Jefferson) and Montpelier (James Madison) have "gone woke," and it's better to avoid the guided tours. You'll hear little about what they accomplshed and a lot about their sins.

    1. Such a shame and disgrace, Glynn, as these wokesters are remaking history in their own image. That's why this book couldn't come at a better time to inspire all of us who love this country.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, thanks for sharing this. I always enjoy your posts! Be blessed!

    1. I had know idea that you followed my blog, Jack - I'm so pleased! I do hope you'll leave more comments in the future. Love and blessings to you and yours!

  4. Amen and amen, again, Regine!
    Love and blessings!

  5. Sounds like a great read - thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Sure thing, Gramma. Thanks for stopping by!
      Love and blessings!

  6. The book sounds like one we all need to read, and then read it again. Thank you for putting my name in the hat, Martha! I have ancestors who fought in the Revolution and am very proud of the Patriots who gave so much so long ago! xo

    1. I remember you mentioning once of twice that you were a DAR, Daughter of the Revolution, Terri. Such an honor! Sadly, my direct line of descent arrived in this country in the 1800s, but they were immigrants who were very proud of their new country. Yes, it is a book worth a reread, for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I think Blogger ate my comment (sigh). I think my son, the history buff, would really enjoy this book.

    1. Blogger has been acting very squirrely of late (no offense to Racer!). Glad you were finally able to get through, Myra. Your son would enjoy this book, most definitely. Hope you win!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Sounds like a book the whole nation needs to read, especially the ungrateful ones who want to change what they have or complain about their freedom. Thanks for the recommendation Martha.

    1. You are so welcome, Bill! Yes, I do wish the entire nation would read this wonderful book and take the lessons to heart. May God protect and defend us!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Douglas McKinnon deserves already kudos for daring to publish this at present time!
    His 4.5* is well earned it seems like and his ranking #64 in Political Leader Biographies tells it all.
    Our late President Reagan was so right! He was our FIRST President when we came to the USA on August 29, 1983 and I've shared many Birthdays with him.
    Let's hope and pray hard that we will see more leaders like him.
    And yes, One Nation Under God needs to be brought back to this nation and no longer a total eradication of religion. That caused the total loss of moral values...
    Big hugs,

    1. How wonderful to have experienced Ronald Reagan as your first U.S. president, Mariette! He will always stand head and shoulders above the crowd in my mind, and in the eyes of history. Douglas's book is precisely what we need at this point in our country's decline in moral and ethical values; the attempt to radicalize Christianity, too, has certainly caused its share of problems for our great nation.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Martha, want a great book review and discovery. Thanks for sharing it!

    1. You are so welcome, Karen! We can all use a fresh dose of patriotism about now.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Every young person in America should be required reading in every school in our nation.

    1. Amen, J. D.! I heartily agree with you.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Perhaps it's different viewed from the other side of the Atlantic, but "Put them in mind to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient to rule, to be ready to do every good work, to speak evil of no one, not to be contentious, [to be] mild, shewing all meekness towards all men", comes to mind. Isn't the consistent view in the Scriptures to be subject? Hasn't the church flourished (and isn't is flourishing now) in places where the government persecutes it?

    1. A very salient point you bring up here, David. Yes, I'll agree that Scripture does tell us to render unto Caesar what is his, but to render unto God what belongs to God, which is every facet of our being. God trumps man every time.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Sounds like a must read.
    Thanks for sharing this, Martha.

    Hugs and blessings.

    1. You are so very welcome, Veronica.
      Love and blessings!

  14. It never works when government tries to suppress those who stand upon the principles of God's Word. His light cannot be extinguished. There are those who seek to erase anything from history to fit their own agenda. We are all human, so I am sure there have been failures, but we have founding fathers who trusted in God. Thank you for sharing,

    1. Your words here, Cheryl, certainly cement that when we stand upon God's Word, defeat is never an option. The light He has established will never be extinguished as long as we commit ourselves to be the messengers of His wisdom from generation to generation. This book certainly convinced me that we are on the right track with this stance.
      Love and blessings!


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