Monday, July 25, 2022

Never Alone


Where can I go from Your Spirit?  Or where can I flee from your presence? ~Psalm 139:7

As I've mentioned on the blog here and there, I'm not fully recovered from my bout with pneumonia last January.  I've come to accept the fact that it's simply going to take more time, and I have to be patient with myself and with the pace my body is taking.  Do I wish this process was faster?  Of course!  But I've learned, too, that if anything good is going to happen, it will be in God's time, and God's alone.

I have a visit with my doctor last Wednesday to ask lots of questions and get his take on my progress thus far.  One area of concern for me, as it has seemingly come on quickly and unexpectedly, is hair loss.  Yes, my hair has always been on the fine side, but not to the point where there are notable "partings" where there should be none.  Luckily, the hair growth supplement I've been taking for about a month and a half gets a thumbs up from Dr. S., who advises me to continue that regimen (the brand is Hairprin).  He doesn't think it's a result of any medication I was prescribed during my convalescence, and it does appear to be working.  Keep your fingers crossed!

The battery of blood test Dr. S. orders come back with little to no complications.  It seems I'm getting adequate nutrition in my system, and though my hips still ache, no red flag indicating arthritis pops up.  For the persistent discomfort and limited mobility, Dr. S. orders some physical therapy, which I begin next Monday.  Yes, I have been walking on the treadmill, but I know I need something more targeted toward the problem.  Suffice it to say, in the meantime, I'm thankful for handicap ramps!

Dr. S. also prescribes a visit to the imaging department to have a bone scan done.  It's been years since my last assessment.  I have been supplementing my diet with calcium and vitamin D, so I'm hoping for the best.

Some truly wonderful news, though, is the status of my blood pressure.  When I'm released from the hospital, my feet go through fits of swelling; so badly at times, that I can't even get my shoes on!  So, Dr. S. takes me off amlodipine, which is known to contribute to swelling, and switches me to a betablocker called Carvedilol.  The only side effect to this drug is occasional sleepiness.  It turns out, this is the culprit in my almost daily need for short naps.  Dr. S. tells me not to worry about it, and just enjoy the rest time.  Okay, I'll take it!  Especially, since my blood pressure reads at the most perfect score I've seen in years:  110/70!!!  Think quitting smoking has something to do with that?

Yet, through all of these changes, discoveries and adjustments, I've never felt alone in my struggles.  I've had the distinct conviction, day in and day out, of God's abiding presence right beside me, ready to give comfort, relieve worry, and calm my heart and mind.  There is no place I can go in this world where He cannot or will not be found.

So no matter what you're facing today, friends, know that you are loved and treasured by our Father in heaven.

You are never, ever alone.



  1. I am praying for you right now, Martha. Let us have faith in God. Indeed, He is always at hand. Whenever Jesus met someone in need, He always dealt with people on a one-to-one basis; like He is doing with you at this moment and always.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Victor, for reminding us here how Jesus dealt with each person He met - seeing to their individual needs, one at a time. That should give hope to each and every one of us who are going through struggles with health, family, etc. Thank you so much for your prayers, too!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Whatever my cause, I've become grateful for naps. Do continue praying your full and complete recovery my friend. Hang in there, and keep trusting our Great Physician. God's blessings.

    1. I'm so glad I have a napping buddy, J. D.! Thank you, too, for your prayers; I will certainly keep you in mine as I do all my blogging friends.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Amen!! Martha, thank you for the update on your health. You will remain in my daily prayers... and yes, that you stopped smoking has a lot to do with the great BP!! xo

    1. I figured it did, Terri. :) Thanks so much for your prayers, my friend, they mean a lot to me.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Never never alone! Amen!! Thank you for this wonderful health update. You are making good progress, even if you don't feel 100% just are on the right track and I pray you will be able to stay moving in that direction. And a daily nap is not a bad thing at's become pretty much a regular part of our daily routine and when we have to miss it we know it! I don't always sleep really soundly through the night, (hardly ever), and so the little extra nap after lunch is always a blessing. Oh, that is a great BP!! Great news!! And I am sure your hair will grow back. Our kids both suffered hair loss after having Covid, but it has finally come back in nicely again. Just one of those things I guess. Please just take one day at a time and give God the glory, as I know you already do!

    1. Thanks so much for your encouraging words here, Pamela! I'm finding the daily nap to be so beneficial, and I'm glad I'm not alone in that department. :) That's interesting to hear about your kids' hair loss being related to Covid - I wasn't aware of that side effect. Could I have had a "touch" of Covid and didn't realize it? I wonder . . .
      And yes, I will continue to take it one day at a time, one moment at a time, all to God's glory!
      Love and blessings!

  5. What a comforting thought! Martha, I'm so pleased to hear of your continued recovery. Too, that there was no arthritis found in your hips! it's no fun, but I keep the pain at bay with Meloxicam. Thanks for this mention of the hair loss supplement; I'm going to check that out!

    1. Yes, Myra, I'm so grateful that no arthritis has been detected - it's such a blessing! My doctor did suggest, however, if I'm having discomfort to take Tylenol formulated to tackle arthritis pain. I'll certainly keep that in mind. Let me know if you decide to give the hair supplement a try.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Sorry I'm late Martha. You know I have been out of town since Sunday. Anyway, I wrote my devotion today before I read this. The timing is impeccable as reading this just help cement my thoughts. I'm so glad you are slowly getting well (slowly for us but in His perfect time) and that you are improving in other areas. I am so proud of you for stopping smoking. Keep the regimen; it will eventually reap rewards you cannot see. If anyone is interested:

    1. Yes, Bill, when I read your post today, it bowled me over to see that both of us were pretty much on the same page with our messages. Great minds do think alike, don't they? Lol! I do hope other readers will stop by for a visit.
      Yes, I've come too far to slip back into the smoking habit. I think I'm pretty set in that area.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Oh Martha, I am sorry to hear about your health issues (still). I pray for a total recovery in Jesus'name!

    1. Thank you, Marja, for your continued prayers. I do need them, some days more than others, but I'm encouraged by the progress I've made thus far.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I'm sorry you're having continuing health issues, Martha, but I'm grateful you have felt God's abiding presence beside you all the way. He is so faithful! Love and blessings of peace and further healing to you!

    1. Feeling God's presence has made all the difference in this journey of healing, Trudy. Honestly, I don't know how people who don't believe in Him even survive.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Amen to that reassuring fact, Martha! Keep putting one foot in front of the other and marching forward. It is good to be vertical and ventilating!

    1. Vertical and ventilating . . . I love it, Lulu! Yes, I plan to keep marching forward one step at a time.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Dearest Martha Jane,
    So, feeling a bit rested up after my 4,969 miles solo driving... Slept around the clock last night and got on the balcony for half an hour napping in the sun.
    No, we certainly are never alone and constantly in God's caring hand—provided we keep our relationship open through prayer and thanksgiving.
    As for your hair loss, you might want to look into my previous post about it, after the use of steroids:

    1. I sure will check that post out, Mariette. Even though my doctor didn't mention steroids, I've suspected that those could be the culprits, especially since I've been off them for a while so their effects wouldn't be immediately noted.
      Glad your home safely from your travels and can get some rest!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Martha, glad the report from your doctor is good news. Sorry to hear about your slow recovery, but sounds like you are recovering at your own pace toward health and that's the most important thing. God bless!

    1. I'm doing my best, Karen, and so glad God is with me through it all.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Good news from your doctor. I find myself stopping to rest during the day. I washed out our trash cans this morning after the pick up, they were so smelly and gross. It was getting hot but I washed them out really well and then came in and rested. When we watch the grandboys ages 4 and nearly 3 we need a day of rest. They are so busy and play hard. When it comes to our good health, I believe in stopping and resting and it gives me more opportunity to stop, rest and pray. Go at your own pace. You are amazing. Please take care. xo

  13. I wanted to order the book The 56 but it is currently out of stock. I felt the same way in July. Our city did nothing for the holiday. It is sad how they keep tearing down our country. Then there are so many other awful things. My state had been the only one who allowed aborting babies up to 28 days after their birth. People are so incredibly clueless. It is sad this was turned over to each state because you will see all the liberal governments joining this God hating, Satan loving government we have here. But as my husband tells me when I am upset over it all, God is in charge. I would not wish to be in the shoes of those who agree with this. Some of the posts that are older would not let me leave comments. But I am persistent. I will try later. Take care dear Martha.


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