Monday, December 19, 2022

To God be the Glory


Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. ~Genesis 2:7

At this time last year, I had no earthly idea what my word for 2022 would be.  What becomes my one word is not one I consciously choose; it chooses me.  And this year is the same - no word has yet appeared, although I'm confident it will happen in God's good timing.

That's the way my one word, Breathe, came to be.  As some of you already know, I began 2022 in the hospital with acute pneumonia.  I was placed on oxygen for days, and even then, it was a struggle to get a deep, satisfying breath.  That simple, reflexive act that we engage in repeatedly without giving it a second thought became a laborious effort.  After I recover, I realize that I never want to take the miracle of my own breathing for granted again.  It truly is the gift of life from God.

As we're fast approaching Christmas, the very day last year when I begin to show some respiratory distress, I find myself suffering with PTSD.  I would never, ever want to experience such trauma again, nor would I wish such upon my worst enemy.  But like so many painful experiences we go through, we can't always understand what God's purpose is in all of it.  What is He encouraging us to see?  To acknowledge?  Why has this rotten thing even happened in the first place?  Is there a lesson here just waiting to be learned?  Turns out, there are many positive takeaways from the pneumonia experience that work together in giving me my one word for 2022:

  • Kicking the smoking habit not only allows my lungs to heal and grow stronger, but I am honoring my body as God's temple.
  • I am more prone to give thanks for the smallest of gifts.
  • I cherish each moment and time spent with family more than I thought possible.
  • And, I take nothing for granted even, and especially, the basic act of breathing.
I've also come to understand the solemn truth about our earthly existence - we are here because it's God's will for us to be here in this time and place.  He knows the plans He's made for us; He knows all our steps from the first to the last, and everything in between.  I'm positive that if I'd completed all the works He had for me to do at the time of my illness, He would have taken me home right then and there.

But He didn't.  God gave me a new lease on life, and a fresh appreciation for who He is, and all He has planned for me in the days to come.  I pray that as long or as brief those days might be, that my every breath will be taken in doing His will and walking in His ways, giving all glory to Him alone.



  1. Fantastic testimony Martha! I'm so glad God brought you "new life" in so many ways, but just knowing the marvel and wonder and majesty and appreciation for Him that you have is testimony enough for me. As for the not smoking...I like that!! I pray you will find relief from the PTSD and keep remembering the grace of our awesome Lord who brought you through the fire and restored your health. May you and Danny experience the joy of Christmas in a fresh way.

    1. Thanks so much, Bill, for your kind and encouraging words here today. This has definitely been a year where my faith has been strengthened ten-fold. For that, I am ever grateful to God for all He has done and all He continues to do in me and through me.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I agree with Bill. This is a great testimony. God obviously needs you to accomplish a lot more. That experience you had was a stepping stone towards his goals for you.

    Praying for you. God bless.

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful, kind words here, Victor. God has much in store for me to accomplish, of that I am certain. May I continue to live in His service with a grateful heart.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Yes, for as long or as brief those days might be, there is quite a need for walking with God—on our at times difficult journey through life.
    Good thing that you gave up smoking and that you have healed!
    On Sunday I could lend my humble soprano voice to the chancel choir and present our Christmas Concert with organ, piano and orchestra.
    Pieter enjoyed it so much and I'm grateful that he lived to be there with me.
    Yesterday my appointment and still kind of down from the lab results that showed I was three percent down... But we must move on and trust God that he will hold us up till the very end.

    1. I will keep Pieter and you in prayers for continued good health for many moons to come, Mariette. How wonderful that you could lend your voice to your chancel choir, too. Singing is such a gift, and the perfect one to use when praising our Lord.
      I am grateful for all the healing God has done in me, too.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I'm so moved by your testimony, Martha! Interesting, your mention of PTSD. 4 years ago a friend's daughter, 8 months pregnant, suffered a near-death experience (double aneurism) and spent more than 100 days at UAB. Sue relates, as the anniversary approaches Melissa still suffers from panic episodes.
    God is so good!

    1. Not that I'm happy for anyone who suffers with PTSD, Myra, but it's interesting to know that others go through the same thing when anniversary times roll around. I'll say a prayer for Melissa.
      So touched that my testimony spoke to you, too.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha: Yes, praise be to God for your healing. We never know where the events of our lives will lead us. We have to trust Him for everything. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Indeed, Cecelia - trust God in everything and for everything.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Another wonderful dose of encouragement, Martha. All of us who have come to love you and the way you share your gifts are rejoicing with you that God wasn't done with you. Thank you for allowing us to share such an obviously impactful episode in your life. Though all of have had our trials and frightening moments, most of us have not had those experiences where we wonder if our exit plan is unfolding. Lessons God lovingly teaches in times like that are not just powerful for the one going through them, but for those who will hear the story and have their faith reinforced and their hopes rejuvenated. God bless you my long-distance friend, and may your Christmas celebrations be filled with the treasured moments that time cannot steal.

    1. Oh, Ron, thank you with all my heart for the kind words you've written here. It's my hope, whenever I post a blog, that some of the inspiration I feel in writing it passes on to those who read my words. It does sound like this particular one spoke deeply to you. Yes, we all go through times of trial and uncertainty, and we all need to feel encouragement along the way. If i can do that for one person, my task is successful.
      Love and blessings!

  7. It's something for all of us to remember, because it applies to all of us. Thanks for sharing this, Martha!

    1. It certainly does, Glynn. We are all on different journeys, but with the same destination that we will reach one day.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Amen, and amen! I am so thankful God blessed you with more time, dear friend. You are such a blessing to us all. I trust He will richly bless you and Danny this Christmas. Not sure why it won't allow me to comment under my name, but this is Cheryl Smith @ Homespun Devotions.

    1. Your name did show up here, Cheryl; I don't understand what the initial problem could have been, but I'm glad everything worked out in the end. And yes, I'm thankful to be here, celebrating yet another Christmas with Danny. I think God has truly taught both of us to measure our days.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Dear sister in Christ, dear Martha, thank you for your testimony. And for sharing about how this year has been for you. I find a lot of comfort in what you wrote. Right now, my husband is sick with COVID-19 and I am worried. But what you wrote gives me comfort and brings me back to our God and Father, and to the Bible.

    I appreciate all of your responses on my blog, especially because you took the time to go the extra mile (translate).

    My word was "beloved" (loved by the Lord).

    1. I will certainly be praying for your husband's full recovery, Aritha! Covid is a scary and unpredictable villain that has hung around far too long. I can't begin to tell you how your words here have touched my heart; to know that my words gave you encouragement and peace at this time is an overwhelming gift.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Hi Martha Jane, your testimony is lovely. I have been through many trials in the Lord, but they strengthen us. I have also experienced a miraculous healing through a prayer I received in a church gathering in Adelaide Australia, and also a NDE when I was in my late 20's. When we have empathy we have sympathy, and God can use all our experiences, whether 'good' or 'bad' to us, to bring others to Jesus. We know not what tomorrow brings, but God does, and His thoughts are for our welfare, and not to harm us - as you have stated in your post. God bless you with all He has for us in our Lord Jesus.

    1. Thank you, Brenda, for your kind and thoughtful words here today. You not only testify to the power of prayer, but to how our experiences can be used later to help someone else come to accept Jesus in his or her life. Empathy does breed sympathy in us, and its something this world could surely use more of.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Praise God for your miraculous healing, Martha, and all the blessings that accompanied your miracle. I love the way you sought out what God would teach you and other positive takeaways from your experience. Praise God (again) he always brings good out of even the most difficult of circumstances! I have a feeling this Christmas will be especially meaningful for you, after the trauma of last year! And I know you will give God the glory for every celebratory moment!

    1. Nancy, it is always so true that God teaches us in the lowest of our moments, and brings us forward to understand and to use our experiences for the good of others seeking Him. If I can participate in that in any way, I am honored and humbled. God has multiple messages for each and every one of us, and we must keep our hearts and minds open to hear His will for us. I don't do a perfect job, that's for sure, but I do want to keep trying.

  12. Love your word: breathe. So appropriate for you and for everyone. God is our breath, our every breath. I have yet to choose a word for '23, but I hope one will choose me. It has happened in the past. One year "press in" came to me in a dream, and they became my words. We'll see. Meanwhile, dear one, keep breathing deep cleansing breaths. May total healing and wholeness be yours.

    On a different note. I took a blogging sabbatical for a while now, but my hope is to return brand new in '23.

    Christmas and New Year blessings!

    1. Oh, Debra, how I've missed you, and do hope that God is calling you back to your tender and insightful ministry of blogging!
      Yes, to breathe is so very basic, but somehow, we forget to just be still, relaxed and open to the value of every breath we take. I stand in awe, and always will, of God's convincing presence in my life during this time of illness. If I can just inspire one person, I believe I've done what God has assigned for me to accomplish.
      Love and blessings, and Merry Christmas!

  13. Martha, I'm sure this is very traumatic to revisit even the memory of this time last year. I'm grateful you kicked the smoking habit and recovered. It reminds me how I've prayed and written these words, "Lord, thank you for breath and life and grace." Thankful He is the Breath of Heaven! Merry Christmas!

    1. Oh, Karen, He is the breath of Heaven, indeed, and we all should rejoice! As alluring as the memories are that wish me to return to that time of uncertainty, I know God doesn't want me to sit, pout and feel sorry for myself. I'm choosing at this Christmas season to simply be grateful and to inspire others to give their lives and their desires to God. He will take care of it all.
      Love and blessings!

  14. That word certainly worked for me in 2022, Christine, and I have no doubt that God will give me the perfect word for 2023. So glad I found you through a mutual friend's blog (I believe it was Regine)

  15. I remember those scary days and all the prayers lifted up during that time Ms. Martha. I celebrate with you for all the victories you've won and all the blessings God has given you in the past year.


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