Thursday, April 18, 2024

Keep Calm and Pray


As they sailed, he fell asleep.  A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.  The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!"  He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.  "Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples.  In fear and amazement, they asked one another, "Who is this?  He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him." ~Luke 23:25

Springtime, especially in the Midwest and Southeastern states, too often ushers in bouts of violent weather as masses of warm air clash with the lingering winter cold fronts.  Danny, as some of you might already know, is a self-admitted weather geek, and has over the years, found some reliable meteorologists on YouTube he trusts.  One favorite of his is Ryan Hall at "Ryan Hall - Y'all," to which you can subscribe and stream for free.

When I tell him that my sister-in-Christ and long time "pen pal," K., could be right in the line of fire for these latest round of tornadoes, he advises that she watch Ryan on YouTube.  His steaming updates are extremely timely and accurate; in this last tornado outbreak, there were even storm chasers in Iowa to report the latest.  So exciting to have experts updating us!

Yes, K. signs up for the site, and is so thankful that we suggested she do so.  This is part of her note to us, and I paraphrase:  What meant the most to me was not just the weather information, but that Ryan's voice was so CALM (emphasis hers).  Our local meteorologists on the radio always sound so frantic when severe storms are approaching our area.  Ryan truly made it much easier to keep alert, yet peaceful inside.

Thanks be to God!

I sometimes try to imagine how Jesus' human voice sounded to His disciples, not just in commanding wind and waves to cease, but in moments of traveling through Judea as He healed the sick, both physically and spiritually, and turned those impossibilities to possibilities for those who believed He was the long-awaited Messiah.  No matter the timbre or cadence Jesus' voice had in His human manifestation, my heart tells it could calm the soul as equally as the storm.

And when we seek Him through prayer and worship, no matter what storms we are going through, He will grant us the peace that passes all understanding.  The peace that only our Lord and Savior can bring to this troubled world and our troubled hearts.

The voice of our Lord speaks to us today.  Are we listening?


Are you or your loved ones facing a stormy time right now?  If you feel comfortable with sharing your story, please do in the comment section.  We will pray for you!


  1. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Guess that Jesus' voice was at all times composed and calming!
    We all can learn from that by living not only in this world—but beyond all earthly things where our souls will forever live.

    1. Composed and calming . . . two comforting words to describe the voice of Jesus, Mariette. Because He lives, we can also live in this world and the next with no fear.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Such a good post. We do need to be calm and simply listen to the Master's voice.
    I have an unspoken request. Please pray for me? Thank you sister in Christ. I think I might be behaving like the mythical Atlas because I'm trying to carry the world on my shoulders. It's getting too heavy to continue on. Time to "drop it" and let the "world" do what it's going to do. Amen?!
    God bless to you and yours.

    1. It is my privilege to pray for you, Sparky. God knows what you are going through at the moment, and He is right there with you to comfort and guide you along your path in this world. May we ever trust in Him!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Thank you so much for this post, Martha. Very timely and much needed right now.

    God bless you and your family.

    1. You are most welcome, Victor. May God continue to bless you and yours, too, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Wonderful post for all of us in these turbulent times...whether it be the weather, or the world situation, or in our own homes and in the lives of people we know and love...Jesus is there to whisper, "Peace, Be Still!" and He gives us the calm assurance that He is with us no matter what the forecast. Thank you for this timely post, and also, yes, we do watch some of the weather forecasters that are on live stream. I'm not sure if Ryan is one or not, my hubby is the one who does the following of them and I am not sure of the names, but yes, they give very accurate reports and we are thankful for them. Hope you and Danny have a safe and non-stormy day!

    1. If John doesn't currently check in with Ryan as a weather source, you might encourage him to do so, Pamela. When severe storms threaten your area (and we pray they don't!), he calmly lets you know what to expect.
      So many people I know are going through storms in their lives. We all need Jesus to quell the turbulence and give us the courage to move forward with hope in God's promises.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Due to 'tornado terror', I never believed I could live in Alabama -- yet here I am, 6 years now. While that doesn't mean I'm less frightened, I just try to prepare for the worst and say my prayers. I'm adding Ryan to my watch list this morning ... thank you!

    1. My earliest nightmares that lasted well into my young adult years were always about tornadoes, Myra, so I can absolutely identify where you are coming from. I no longer have nightmares about them, but I would be crazy not to pray to the One I know can calm the storms and take protective steps in practical ways. Danny will be so happy to know that you'll be another Ryan fan!
      Love and blessings!

  6. What a great lesson. I learned yesterday that the number one state of the number of tornadoes so far this year is OHIO. oh no! I find some of the local weather people to be calming but sure know some of them get frantic too. Glad you found a calm one. Have a great weekend full of wonderful weather, Martha!!

    1. I read that statistic about Ohio, too, Jean. That's certainly not one any of us would like to claim for our state, is it? Ryan is not only calm in his voice and demeanor, but he focuses on those areas that are in the path of potentially destructive storms.
      So glad, too, that this post resonated with you, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Springtime in St. Louis = severe weather. Yesterday, we spent an hour in the basement - five "rotations" were crossing the area, and we were smack dab int he middle of two of them. Our oldest son was commuting home from work on Interstate 44 and got caught up in the one that passed just to our south. He's OK, we're OK, and God watched over us. This is the third "basement run" we've had in the last two weeks.

    1. Oh, wow, Glynn! I'm so glad to hear that all of you are safe! I think I might have mentioned this to you in the past, but when I was about two, my father was getting his doctorate at Washington U. We had our share of tornado watches and warnings, not that I remember them, but I know my mother was terrified.
      Whenever I hear about storms, my first reaction is to pray for all in the path. God was definitely looking after you during this time, no doubt!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha, my sister in Christ, thanks for sharing what you did.

    1. I'm glad to know this post touched you, Lon.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Oh yes--a voice of calm makes such a difference. When we endured hurricanes in Florida it was a great comfort to hear a local meteorologist tell us in even tones that an especially strong band of wind and rain would soon pass over us. Just knowing what to expect helped calm our nerves. During the storms of life I'm even more thankful, of course, for God's voice of comfort in scripture, contributing to that peace beyond understanding you mentioned. He is so good!

    1. God is absolutely so good, Nancy, every time and every place if we trust completely in Him. It's so comforting to hear His voice of calm when we are facing the storms in life. And I love that others can reassure us, too, especially when physical storms are about to strike.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Wonderful post/ inspired I am certain by a great book! It taught me so much about listening.

    1. That book about listening has been helpful, Lulu, that's for sure. I think you would agree that this is not an overnight transformation, but a lifelong commitment to maturing in Christ and practicing the art of listening daily.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Adivinha onde vim dançar, adivinha! Ah, assim não vale. Você viu...

    1. Whatever happens in this life, if we rely upon and put our trust in God, He always sees us through.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Staying calm and praying is sometimes the best thing you can do.

    1. Definitely! Praying is always the first thing we should do.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Yes, God does lead us through those dark storms. Our Pastor is back in the hospital again. The doctors told his wife that it looks like sepsis. PLEASE PRAY. He has been out of the hospital 4 weeks today. All this started for them on January 29th. He has several blood clots that have caused both legs to swell. We all believe that God is in charge. Right now, we want the best for this lovely couple. Thank you.

    1. God call us, as believers, to pray for others in their times of need. Certainly, I have been and will be praying for your pastor and his wife, Cecelia. They are facing storms that only our merciful Lord can get them through.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Thank you for your comforting words, Martha. Amidst life's storms, Jesus offers us peace.
    Let's find solace in the voice of our Savior.

    Blessings to you and yours, Martha

    1. Our Lord offers comfort and hope to us every day when we pray and trust that His answer will always align with His will. I'm so thankful and humbled that He has allowed me to be that mirror to others of His comfort and peace.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Sorry to be a little late to the party, Martha, but I love the way you encouraged us to calm down. As a guy who tends to want to blow his stack when I hear and see the kinds of unmitigated evil going on in our country, I needed to hear that. Diane does remind me at times that my animated expressions of outrage don't really contribute all that much to resolving the problems. And as you creatively suggested, it's the depth of our faith, not the volume or intensity of our voices that enhances the power to push back against the storms that threatens us. God bless you for another timely and inspiring admonition dear friend.

    1. Thank you so much, Ron, for your gracious words here. Yes, I must admit that many things happening in our upside down world do rattle my cage and stir up too-loud indignation from time to time. Diane is a wise woman, my friend. It is definitely in the depth of our faith that we will find the peace and grace to go forward in truth and love, doing our part to bring His kingdom of peace to this world that seems to be falling apart before our very eyes. Jesus is the calm and our shelter in the storm.
      Love and blessings!

  16. I'm convinced Jesus knew there would be a storm. What did He do? He took a cushion. :)

    1. I never thought of that before, Bill. We must always remember that our Father knows best. :)
      Love and blessings!

  17. Boa noite, Martha
    Mensagem edificante, Jesus é paz e tranquilidade em meio as adversidades da vida. Peço oração por alguns familiares que estão desempregados. Obrigada pelo comentário no meu blog, um forte abraço.

    1. Jesus is our only anchor in life's storms, Lucinalva, that is for certain. I will be praying for your family members in need of work.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Thank you for sharing this post. I found it very interesting. I do pray to God and I am thankful to have Him in my life.

    1. I'm so thankful for God's presence in my life, too, Debby, and I pray for those who don't know Him to ask Jesus to come into their hearts.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Yes! It's that voice within that gives us peace and calm, isn't it my friend. Of course, we have to be listening to the right voice, don't we? :-)

    1. Listening to the right voice is key, J. D. We could all too easily fall down that rabbit hole that the devil wishes we would. May we ever trust in God with our whole hearts and minds.
      Love and blessings!

  20. I love what you have said here about the voice of Jesus, how calming it surely must have been. We all need His calming voice.

    1. Every one of us needs His voice to calm and guide us through life, Barbara. Let's pray for those who have yet to come to Him.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Thank you so very much for the support and for building us up. I like how Joel Osteen talks about these things too. Wishing you beautiful week friend. Aloha

    1. Thank you, Cloudia, for your kind and thoughtful comments here today. May we all learn to be still and know the voice of Jesus in our hearts.
      Love and blessings!

  22. What a wonderful post, dear Martha. As he was in this world, so are we. Yes, we also have been commissioned to calm the storms. As his Word dwells within, and as his presence is always with us, and as his voice still speaks, and as we walk with him, so shall we carry his calming and peaceful presence everywhere. I say to every storm, whether figurative or literal, "Peace be still."

    1. You have certainly hit the nail on the head, Debra, with your thoughtful comment here. Because Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, lives within us as believers, we can say to those storms to subside in this world, depending on His peace that passes all understanding.
      Love and blessings!

  23. I actually haven't thought much about how Jesus' voice sounded, but I find it interesting to think about now. I recently just taught my students about Jesus calming the storm to stop and him speaking to the disciples and to Zaccheus - now this thought is going to be in my head! But it's a good one and how comforting it is that he is with us in our boat of life and can calm our fears and give us comfort. Thank you also for your visits to my blog. Your comments encourage my heart and I just really appreciate you taking the time to write. :) <3

    1. Thanks, Ashley, for your thoughtful comments here today. By what you've shared, I'm assuming you teach in a Christian school, would that be correct? Jesus will calm all the storms in our lives if we trust completely in Him and the promises of the Father.
      I do so enjoy your blog, and I hope others will click on your name at the top of your comment and choose to become followers, too.
      Love and blessings!

  24. Hey Martha, I like how your pen pal thought the YoutTube meteorologist voice was calming. Especially to consider what the voice of Jesus was like during healing or the storms. What a great analogy.

    1. Thank you so much, Karen, for your kind words here! I'm so sorry it took me longer than usual to answer you. Please forgive!
      Love and blessings!

  25. What a powerful reflection on the calming presence of Jesus amidst life's storms! It's remarkable how even the disciples marveled at His authority over nature. Just like the disciples found reassurance in Jesus' calm command over the storm, it's heartening to hear how Ryan's calm updates brought peace to those facing severe weather. It's a beautiful reminder of the peace that Jesus brings to our lives, especially in turbulent times.

    Read my new post

    1. Thank you, Melody, for your thoughtful words here. Jesus is certainly our voice of calm and peace in the midst of our storms, both physically and spiritual. I will certainly check out your blog.
      Love and blessings!

  26. Excellent post! I am always thinking about Jesus. I am trying to catch up so when you see me, know how much I love & appreciate you.

    1. Thank you so much for your words and thoughts here, Anne. Our focus should always be on Jesus.
      Love and blessings!

  27. Some years ago we had a tornado come low enough to take all of the roof covering off of our house. It did touch down a mile or so down the road and destroyed a few homes killing a co-worker of my wife. We don't see many tornados in this area but it is considered a tornado alley for the region. The Lord is definitely our keeper and protector.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. I'm so very sorry you all had to experience this, Jim, and that your wife's co-worker was a victim of such destruction. Tornado alleys are not safe nor fun if you live in one. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.
      Love and blessings!

  28. Facing unexpected circumstances, we might be often bewildered and forget what to do properly. We need a good ear to catch the real voice.

    1. So true! May we all hear God's still, small voice when times get tough, for He is the only One who can give us peace and hope.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...