Monday, June 24, 2024

A Win-Win


Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?  Run in such a way as to get the prize. ~1 Corinthians 9:24

Don't forget to enjoy the game. ~Quote from G. H. W. Bush as recalled by his granddaughter, Jenna Bush Hagar.

Danny and I still love playing backgammon every evening while we listen to mostly country or Christian music.  Before all his health issues arise in January, we would keep score on our kitchen whiteboard for an entire week so we could assess that week's winner.  That practice, in and of itself, isn't a bad thing.  We are both extremely competitive players, but while Danny is able to lose gracefully, I find myself too obsessed with winning to simply embrace the game in the moment.

I'm not proud of this aspect of my personality.  To win, no matter what, obstructs the purpose of the game, period.  Just relax and enjoy it!

After all we've endured these last months, I realize that truth more than ever.  Life is not a sprint, but a marathon.  And living well leaves no room for petty tantrums or poor sportsmanship.  Honestly, who wants to play with a sore loser?  I wouldn't want to, yet Danny doesn't give up on me.  He has taught me so much about both patience and perseverance in this challenging game he's so passionate about.

We no longer keep score on the board to remind, usually me, of my pathetic losing streaks.  Now don't get me wrong; I still relish a win here and there, and Danny notices how much better I've become in dealing with the plays the dice give me, but I no longer angst about besting him in any contest.  I'm just so thankful to have him here to play the game at all!

Isn't it amazing how realities can alter, for the better, our perspectives on this game called life?

Yes, if we are honest with ourselves, we all want to be winners, but there are no losers when we accept Jesus' training of us for the long haul.  Knowing He is beside us and before us, trusting in His strength alone, we can run a steady race until we all receive that ultimate crown of victory in God's eternal kingdom.

So, let's resolve to run that race He's set before us, knowing Jesus is the best prize of all, and enjoy the game of abundant life He's given to us along the way.

That's a win-win in my book!



  1. I've always been interested in Paul's use of racing as a metaphor, and the stress he puts on training. It speaks to the popularity of sport in Roman times (and our own).

    1. It certainly does reflect the times in which Paul lived and our own obsession with sports/winners in our modern era, Glynn.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Excellent post. My husband is the epitome of patience and perseverance as well and he has taught me how to live this way too. I tend to be a sprinter because I'm so adventurous but am learning to tone it down. Old bones don't do well with too many risks. *lol* I need a T-shirt that says, "Under construction by the Holy Spirit".
    Your posts are always so uplifting and edifying. I hope your day is glorious and wonderful! Keep looking up.

    1. We are both blessed to have such patient and long-suffering husbands, Sparky. God is so good! As we age, it's difficult to admit that we HAVE to slow down, but we can't not face the truth. Have you searched the internet for a shirt with that sentiment? I would love to have one, too! Thanks for your encouraging words here, too, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Oh, already the Romans knew how to attract a crowd and how to keep them entertained—give them bread and games!
    Both of us never found time playing any games as there was no time doing so. The home, garden, biking, household chores and READING! We didn't watch movies either.
    But indeed, knowing that Jesus is always beside us and will guide us Home is the best.

    1. Neither Danny nor I care for the standard board games like Monopoly, etc., Mariette. Backgammon is a game he's played for 50 years and taught me shortly after we got married. Since we're retired, we have more time to engage with it and get the chores done around here, too.
      And no doubt about it - Jesus should ever guide and lead us. He is the best prize!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I've never been good at backgammon; that should give you an opportunity to win if we ever play.

    I'm so thankful Danny is better.

    A great post today, Martha; with a good lesson.

    God bless you all.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words here today, Victor. Backgammon is like anything else - the more you play, the better you can get with strategy. Yet, there are always the whimsy of the dice roll that can land you in hot water, so to speak. I'm so grateful that Danny is better, too.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Bom dia, Martha
    Postagem muito edificante, Jesus é o melhor prêmio, como você bem colocou, vamos correr essa corrida da fé sem desistir. Que legal o jogo de vocês, imagino como foi divertido. O meu esposo comprou um quebra cabeça de 300 peças, comecei a montar com os filhos e genro e o esposo terminou, pense no trabalho kkkkk. Um forte abraço.

    1. Puzzles have never been my go-to activity, Lucinalva, but I certainly understand folks liking to do them to relax and simply have fun together. Jesus is definitely the prize all of us can claim when we live for Him and God's glory.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Did my comment go spam, I wonder?

    1. It shouldn't have, but I can certainly check, Mevely.
      Love and blessings all the same!

  7. Oh my, that is such a powerful lesson today, Martha! Thank you. Yes, the only win we really need to be concerned about is in our relationship with Jesus Christ. If we miss out on that, we lose the whole purpose of this "game" called "Life". Would you believe I've never played Backgammon? I guess we never had a set of the game so we never learned it. But we enjoy other games like Dominos, different card games, and occasionally Chess. I rarely, if ever, win at that one! But it's good to challenge the old brain now and then. Thank you for this very meaningful post today.

    1. And thank you, Pamela, for your encouraging words here today. Your feedback is always so thoughtful and caring. Danny taught me how to play backgammon; I knew nothing about the game before that. He's taught Sarah, John and Virginia, and they play at home when they get the opportunity, which isn't often as life is hectic for them at the moment. I haven't played chess in eons, and would have to learn it all over again. However, you're right to say that any game of strategy is great for the aging brain - Lol!
      Love and blessings!

  8. I love playing backgammon. Jo doesn't. She thinks I cheat because I will put her in the middle. I don't like to lose but at the same time it is a game of chance determined mostly by a roll of the dice. I realize there is some strategy involved as well but she does not see it that way so my backgammon game sits idle on the shelf. You are right though about one thing: winning at all costs and not celebrating the win of another is a lose-lose. I would prefer the win-win. Soldier on martyr. :)

    1. I will soldier on, Bill! Tell Jo that I've been on the bar more times than I can count. It really is a pitfall, especially when I can't roll the right number on the dice to get back into the game. It's okay, though it's tough to deal with in the moment. Thanks for reminding us, too, that we need to celebrate when someone else wins along this Christian journey on earth.
      Love and blessings!

  9. What a super Life Lesson! Timely, too. Only yesterday morning in Bible study, our leader asked us how we'd complete the phrase: "I always want to be ..."
    Two ladies answered, "... right." Firm in their convictions, but at the same time, realizing a little flexibility might be called for.
    Thank you for sharing this glimpse into your lives.

    1. I'm so glad that you took the time to come back here and leave your wonderful thoughts, Myra! Too many of us want to be "right" about so many things, but only God knows the truth and holds all the answers. We are made to love the Lord, and to cherish the life He has given to each of us. Following Jesus is always a win!
      Love and blessings!

  10. YES! Amen, Martha!! Enjoy the company, win or lose. xo

    1. Absolutely, Terri! We are never too old to learn, and God is there to guide us on better paths for His sake.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Martha, I haven't played backgammon in years. I love this analogy to the game of life and running the race set before us. It is easy to get competitive and want to win. I just pray to remember your beautiful words here, "Knowing He is beside us and before us, trusting in His strength alone, we can run a steady race until we all receive that ultimate crown of victory in God's eternal kingdom." God bless! Karen Friday

    1. I'm so glad this phrase spoke to your heart, Karen. Without the love and guidance of our Lord, we would all be so lost and hopeless. I'm thankful that God is showing me a better way to live each and every day.
      Love and blessings!

  12. I haven't played backgammon in years, never really understood it and that's probably why I lost most of the time. There are lessons for all of us in whatever we do, enjoy the process and let the expectations fall to the wayside.
    Have a wonderful day,Martha. Blessings to you.

    1. Backgammon isn't that hard to learn for the basics, but it's the strategy of particular moves that were so difficult for me. I don't have much of a mathematical mind, whereas Danny is a retired engineer, so his patience with me in learning has been magnificent. God is teaching all of us all the time in so many ways, isn't He? Let's treasure and enjoy each moment!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Martha Jane: We don't play board games in our home. Hubby is one who prefers to win, at all costs. I agree that there are no losers when we follow Christ. Basically, I prefer to live "one day at a time." Today, they started working on our street in front of our house and then stopped. Yesterday, they worked to the east of our house but had the street barricaded at both ends and on a side street. I had plans to go on visitation with a friend and then out to lunch with that friend and another one. It was interesting trying to get back home, Tomorrow, is Bible Study, I hope to be able to get there. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. One day at a time, one moment at a time, is really all we can do, Cecelia, you're so right about that. I'm so sorry to hear about the roads near you being blocked/worked on - so frustrating, especially when you don't know it's going to happen. I hope you can get to your Bible study tomorrow!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Backgammon is a game I never learnt to play, I have never been a big fan of board games, except Monopoly

    1. Monopoly, it seems, is still a favorite for many, Jo-Anne. I did buy the game for my oldest granddaughter, but she lost interest very quickly because the game went on for such a long time.
      Love and blessings!

  15. What precious together time too and doesn't matter who wins, right?

    1. No, it doesn't matter who wins, Jean. I'm so grateful to still have my Danny here with me after all his trials and tribulations. God is so good!
      Love and blessings!

  16. My Dad always beat me at Backgammon, but I enjoyed playing with him. I want to thank you for all of your kind comments on my photo blog. I always look forward to reading your comments.

    1. Thanks for your kind words here, Jeff. I do so enjoy your photography; it's been a hobby of my husband's for a long time, and he's really good at it, too. I'm glad to know that your dad taught you the game of backgammon and you enjoyed it even when you lost. :)
      Love and blessings!

  17. This is (as always) a well-written post, Martha Jane.

    Your observation: "Isn't it amazing how realities can alter, for the better, our perspectives on this game called life?" -- is soooo very true.

    1. So very true, indeed, Barbara, and you certainly speak from a heart of wisdom and love with all you have been through. I'm so glad you enjoyed this post.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Wonderful post, Martha. The game of abundant life IS a delight and one we can always win as we focus on all things excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). (Remind me of that when difficult circumstances arise!)

    1. I'll try to remind you, Nancy, but more often than not, you remind me with your weekly inspirations. Life is as difficult and complicated as we make it - that's not Jesus' intention for us.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Great post with a very good theme. It is a marathon for sure. Perserverence is needed to complete the race.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Perseverance is key to a race well run, Jim. You've hit the nail on the head!
      Love and blessings!

  20. It's true, we often get caught up in the pursuit of winning or achieving, forgetting to savor the moments and appreciate the company we have along the way.
    Thank you for this beautiful reminder of what really matters in life. Blessings to you and Danny as you continue to enjoy your backgammon games and each other's company!
    BTW, I use Copilot for my AI mice.

    Hugs and blessings, Martha

    1. The busyness of life can certainly detour us from the true meaning of living in the moment, Veronica. Danny and I both are cherishing all the time that God is giving us together. Thanks so much for your kind words here, and for sharing what tool you use to create your adorable AI mice. I will let Danny know.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Hi Martha Jane, this is a beautiful, very scriptural post you have put up. My husband and myself love to listen to country music and Christian music on YouTube. There is a lovely young Irish man called Owen Mac who sings the most beautiful songs . One is called 'If Jesus comes tomorrow.' God bless you for sharing what you have shared.

    1. I will have to look up Owen Mac on YouTube, Brenda, and so appreciate knowing your taste in music runs the same road as ours. May we all celebrate this amazing, abundant life Jesus has given us, knowing that we are all winners in His eyes.
      Love and blessings!

  22. Replies
    1. Smiles right back at you, Linda.
      Love and blessings!

  23. Thanks so much for your kind words here, Henny Penny.
    Love and blessings!

  24. Thanks for kindly reminding me where I stole that quote! Thank you for your prayers and your visits

  25. You are more than welcome, my friend.
    Love and blessings!

  26. thecontemplativecat here. For the past year, we have been wrestling with one health issue and another. God has been with us mightily.

    1. Yes, Susan, God has been, and will continue to be, with you through it all. Life is not without its many twists and turns, but God is here to guide us through.
      Love and blessings!

  27. "I'm just so thankful to have him here to play the game at all!" I say things like that often in regards to my dear husband and son. God has blessed us, my friend! We are so incredibly blessed!

    1. Oh, yes, we certainly are, Cheryl! I thank God every day for His grace and mercy.
      Love and blessings!


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