Monday, July 15, 2024

The Greatest Story Ever Told


For the word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. ~Hebrews 4:12

I can't recall a time in my life when I didn't love words.  All those stories read aloud by my mom at bedtime; classic fairy tales, the lilting cadences of Mother Goose rhymes, and silly stories about Midgie, the mischievous elephant, my dad would make up on the fly for my brother and me.  Certainly, their own love of books and reading had a profound affect on this developmental aspect of both my brain and my heart.

By the time I was ready for first grade (we did not have public kindergarten at the time - yes, I'm old!), I was already reading way above grade level.  I could depend upon words to transport me in time and space to exotic lands and imaginary realms like nothing else could.  A trip to the library for me was like traveling to a coveted amusement park with no end of rides and excitement. 

Writing is the natural fallout for a word lover like me.  Ever since my fourth-grade teacher showed us a picture from a magazine (remember those?) which featured children happily fleeing the school house to embrace a carefree summer, and challenged us to write a short story about how the characters were feeling, I've been hooked!

So, what does any of this have to do with these Jumble puzzle books featured above?  While some people enjoy figuring out giant jig-saw puzzles to stimulate their minds, I prefer unscrambling words to help keep my cognition up to speed.  This not only relaxes me, but also gives me an advantage (I hope) in keeping the dementia wolves at bay as aging often invites these unwanted guests into our latter years, causing chaos and confusion.

This world in which we live is already chaotic and confusing enough, isn't it?  No need to add insult to injury!  When all seems to be spinning out of control, we can lean into our loving God and His eternal Word, as alive and active today as it always has been and ever will be.  We don't need to panic nor fear.  We know our Father is the One at the helm of our lives, and only He will judge the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts.

And when I find myself at my wit's end as I attempt to unscramble a Jumble word, I know I can turn to the answer key for direction.  In our Christian walk, God and His Word are the keys to all the answers we will ever need to live an abundant life, the life Jesus promised, to His honor and glory.

May we all fall in love with God's Word, the greatest story ever told.



  1. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Strange that you did not have a public kindergarten as you are younger than I am. Yes, I did go to Kindergarten and that was the start of loving books and reading.
    It enriches the mind and I wish the young(er) generations would do a lot more reading instead of silly games.
    The entire world has seen a perfect example of our God being in control—all the time. By saving President Trump he has shown us WHO is really in command.
    We all have to acknowledge God and pray hard for the betterment of this world.

    1. There may have been public kindergarten in other states at the time, but not Georgia. I was aware that kindergarten was a staple in many European countries, though. I wish, too, that parents would spend more time reading to their children and limiting the online games, etc.
      And Mariette, you've hit the nail on the head when you speak here about God being in control at all times. Saving the life of President Trump is nothing less than one of His many miracles. May this act in and of itself bring countless others in many nations to submit to God's will and treat others as they would like to be treated.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Proud to be an American and a Child of God!

  2. Thank you for a comforting post, Martha. Yes ... in the beginning was the Word ...

    Coincidentally, (forgive the advert please), these were my thoughts when I titled my latest Father Ignatius novel "Living the Word".

    God bless always.

    1. Amen, Victor! The Word that was and is and ever shall be. I never doubted that you had that in mind when you titled your latest book, which is just as enjoyable and comforting as all your other Fr. Ignatius stories. I urge my readers to order "Living the Word" at Amazon. They will be delighted just as I am with your writing.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I have been doing a lot of online puzzles such as connections, squaredle, crosswordle, strands. They relax me-Christine

    1. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who enjoys the relaxation and fun that puzzles can impart, Christine. Have fun!
      Love and blessings!

  4. The word jumble is a daily ritual at our house, and I think for much the same reason.

    1. Then I'm in good company, Glynn! We don't get the newspaper, so I started ordering the books at Amazon. My mother had to do her Jumble every morning, or the day didn't start out right.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Wonderful post Martha! I was never very good at jumbled words (maybe because my mind is jumbled? :) ) Anyway, while I don't do puzzles like you do, I love to read. Even at 71 I try to keep reading new things. My shelves look like an old man's library. Books every which way. Straight up, and down, sideways, tilted. If I'm still here when I breathe my last breath, Pastor Ryan will sure have an interesting library. One thing we do have in common: a love for the Word. There is no other place to go for answers that matter.

    1. Amen, Bill! The Word of God holds every answer key we will ever need. I, too, love to read, of course, and have way too many books on my shelves. Reading and learning about new things/ideas certainly can give our brains a needed workout.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Well darn. Blogger must be really hungry this morning ... it ate my comment.

    1. I don't know what's up with Blogger, Myra. Thanks for giving it the old college try!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I don't do the daily word jumble, but I play three games on the computer called Wordle, Connections, and Strands. They are each unique, and definitely make me have to think. I have found that to be helpful each day and I look forward to it and also other friends on FB enjoy the game and we share our results with each other to commiserate and/or rejoice with each other that we got it! And yes, I remember writing little stories and essays in school that stimulated my writing creativity. I think it would be a good exercise to still give ourselves such "assignments" to help stimulate creative thinking and keep the old brain cells alive. You passed the ultimate test in writing such wonderful books in your Glade series of books. Those were outstanding stories, and I sometimes wish you write some sequels...have you ever thought about it? God has given you an amazing gift, and thank you for sharing it with us!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind and complimentary words about my books, Pamela - I am so humbled! Unbeknownst to many folks, publishing a book is an expensive undertaking. I'm simply not motivated to do more when I know, because of health issues that prohibit a lot of traveling, I can't adequately promote sales as I would want to. God will show me what I should do in the future, and I trust in Him.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Unscrambling words is a good hobby. I don't do enough of that but I do spend time almost daily with a Sudoku puzzle.

    1. Call me slow, Barbara, but I've never been able to figure out Sudoku. I guess it has something to do with my math 'phobia.' Congrats for doing those!
      Love and blessings!

  9. What a wonderful post, Martha. To help keep our minds sharp, we practice the Inupiat eskimo language that we learnt back in the 90s when we lived in Alaska.

    1. Now that's impressive, Bill! Good for you both to keep that up after so many decades.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Reading is something I have found refuge in since I was knee high. I still do. The Parents couldn't keep my nose out of any book. Even when we traveled, I would sit in the back of whatever American land yacht my Dad bought that only got 10 mpg and read or listened to my little red transistor radio.
    Blessings to you and the family! 💙

    1. I was exactly the same, Sparky! Everywhere we went, I always had a book with me. Fortunately, I never once got carsick as some people do trying to read while being a car passenger. I'll never forget the time I was reading "Where the Red Fern Grows," got to the end, and sobbed my eyes out. My poor parents thought I'd lost it!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Martha Jane: I got started on Jumble when I rode to work. It was in the newspaper. We still get it in our newspaper: some days I find them almost impossible to decipher. I also love the cross word puzzles in our local newspaper. On the weekend, they have the LA Times puzzle. I cannot do that one. I do the puzzles for the same reason you do. However, I did not know the Jumbles were in book form. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. I'm glad to know you like Jumble puzzles as much as I do. My mom used to get the paper (we don't), and it featured a daily Jumble that she loved. It was my brother who discovered that Amazon had actual Jumble books, so that's when I started ordering them for myself. It's a lot cheaper than subscribing to a newspaper, Cecelia. I encourage you to check it out.
      Love and blessings!

  12. I believe that learning and writing (both disciplines struggling with words and ideas) - give our brains '''a good workout".

  13. This is a great one, Martga!!

    1. Thanks so much, Lulu, I'm glad it spoke to you.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Yes, indeed! Amen. I've been a reader since first grade with a love for books and getting lost in the words and the places and characters created by stellar authors (like yourself!). Our God is an amazing God!!

    1. He is amazing, indeed, Terri! Thanks so much for your too-kind words about my writing; I am humbled.
      Love and blessings!

  15. No wonder you've come to be such a treasured long distance friend, Martha. We serve the same Lord and share a love and a reverence for the power of words to open worlds of understanding and to transport us to places and times we could never get to without them. You and I share at least one other thing. God is the first and greatest writer the world has ever known, and He has allowed us the privilege of engaging in that activity as well.
    Thank you once again for being so faithful in using your words to share the love in your heart for the One who used words to speak worlds into existence.

    1. As always, Ron, your words here are filled with thoughtful encouragement and Godly wisdom that I appreciate so very much. God is the One who uttered the first words and all things came into being through Him. As He chose to make us in His image, it is natural to suppose that we would also receive creative gifts from Him. I'm so grateful that He saw fit that I should write for Him.
      Love and blessings!

  16. I'm with you on that need to sharpen our minds, Martha. I am finding myself having more "senior moments." :) "When all seems to be spinning out of control, we can lean into our loving God and His eternal Word, as alive and active today as it always has been and ever will be." Amen! He is our Firm Foundation! Love and blessings to you!

    1. Yes, Trudy, God is definitely our firm foundation, our rock and our refuge of strength and courage. He wants us to stand boldly and unafraid for Him always. And though we are getting older, we can still be of service to Him in so many ways. Even if our feet slip or our minds fail, Jesus loves us.
      Love and blessings!

  17. I don't remember a time when the Lord didn't call me to Him. From my earliest moments there has always been a presence I now realize was of Him. I never had many of the advantages that many others had since I came from a family where both parents had to work just to survive. Words were mostly of the spoken kind but the curiosity of the mind and desire for knowledge drove the need to read and learn. Words have been a greater influence in life than almost anything else. The bible is the greatest of those influences. Love your post this week.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks so much, Jim, for your kind words here and for sharing your personal story so transparently. I do think God gives His children a mind that is curious and longs to know more, and hearts to know Him as our Father and Creator. Knowing more for me has not pulled me away from my faith, but increased it tenfold. God has blessed us, indeed!
      Love and blessings!

  18. Martha, we are kindred spirits, I've been a word-lover since I was a young child as well. The word puzzles are a neat thing to do for your pleasure and relaxation and as you said, seem to have many benefits to the mind. So thankful the Lord's Word is so alive and active in our lives. It's my favorite book of words over everything else. God bless, Karen Friday

    1. It's my favorite book, too, Karen, over all the others! And I believe that we are kindred spirits as we've bonded over each others' blogs and your amazing Friday's Forever YouTube adventures. I may miss a few because of circumstances, but I do love every episode I do get to see, and the ones with Mama Friday are so sweet and special. Tell Mike 'hello' for me.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Olá, Martha
    Linda postagem, a leitura enriquece a vida, gosto muito de caça-palavras. O meu pai gostava muito de ler, ele foi um exemplo na leitura, um forte abraço.

  20. Thanks so much, Lucinalva, for your comment today. Reading does enrich our lives in so many ways, and I'm glad to know that your dad had such a positive influence on you.
    Love and blessings!

  21. My sweet mom used to love doing those types of puzzles, too. She was sharp as a tack, mentally, until the day God called her home to heaven at the age of 84. I love word puzzles, also. I'm so thankful for eyesight and a sound mind and the older I get, the more grateful I am. Acts 17:28 means more to me all the time. It surely is in Him that we live and move and have our being! He is so good!

    1. My mom loved her daily Jumble, too, Cheryl. I am so thankful for all the gifts God has given us and that He is present with us every moment.
      Love and blessings!

  22. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing, my friend.

  23. Hi Martha Jane, I too have always loved both writing and reading, and enjoyed reading what you have written here. The story of our beautiful Saviour Jesus is truly the greatest story ever told. God bless you for sharing.

    1. I'm glad to know that you enjoy reading and writing, too, Brenda. And no doubt, the story of Jesus is the greatest one ever told!
      Love and blessings!

  24. Martha, I love how you connect your passion for words with the comfort of God's Word. Your journey from childhood stories to word puzzles is inspiring. It’s a beautiful reminder that, even in chaos, we can find peace and clarity through faith. Thank you for sharing! 🙏📚

    Hugs and blessings

    1. I so appreciate your kind and thoughtful comment here, Veronica. Our faith in the Lord will give us peace and clarity no matter how unstable our world becomes. He is always in control!
      Love and blessings!

  25. I too loved reading and writing from an early age--word puzzles too! These days I enjoy The New York Times "Wordle" game online. I agree--brain-exercise is surely good for us. And God's Word is supremely good for our souls!

    1. Good for both mind and soul, Nancy. Anything that keeps us sharp and ready to do God's will here on earth is worth our time. I'm not surprised to know that you are a lover of words and His Word.
      Love and blessings!

  26. Thank you for uplifting us 🙏🏽


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...