Monday, July 29, 2024

The Race We're Meant to Win


Do not be deceived:  God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows.  Whoever sows to please their flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. ~Galatians 6:7-8

I have always been a fan of the summer Olympic games.  I especially look forward to the gymnastics competitions where the human body defies gravity with physicality and grace, and the swimming meets, when bodies conquer waters' resistance by sheer strength and will.

Behind every elite athlete chose to represent his or her country are countless hours of practice, determination, sacrifice, and downright grit.  We all should celebrate the caliber it takes to be such a person in whom we can witness earthly glory and accomplishments, but as Christians, we should rejoice in each aspect of their talents as generous gifts from God, gifts He inspires within them.

I'm confident that I'm not alone in saying this:  After the decadent and heinous debauchery unabashedly displayed during the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics, I will not be watching the games this time around.  Yes, I'm sure I'll 'catch' some winning performances on the news, but that will be after the fact.  I refuse to support the games in real time, nor will I endorse any advertisers who hawk their products on the stations affiliated with the official broadcasts.

Let the unbelievers claim I'm a homophobic, intolerant, better-than-thou hypocrite all they want.  I know that it's not true of me, and God knows it, too.  The Lord gave me my life that I might live it fully for Him, and give thanks daily for all the blessings He has lovingly bestowed on me and will continue to do so.  Before knowing Jesus and His saving grace, I was just like them; unaware of the depths of depravity that the father of lies has perpetrated throughout this fallen world for generations, and continues to do so to this very moment in time. We can take this moment, though, as an opportunity to ask ourselves some deep and potentially life-changing questions.

  • Why is it deemed okay by the world to brazenly deride Christians?
  • Why is there an horrific rise in anti-Semitism in our nation and in others?
  • Are other religions persecuted in the same shameful fashion in the public eye?
  • Who benefits from clumping people into groups and pitting them against one another?
No, friends, you don't have to answer these questions in the comments, but I do hope you will ponder them intently, going to God in humble prayer if the answers don't readily come.  He will faithfully guide you into all goodness, and give you strength for any battle, inward or outward, you may face.

In the Olympics, there are winners and losers.  But as Christians, may we vow to "run with perseverance the race marked out for us." (Hebrews 12:1b)  Marked out for us by none other than Almighty God.

That is the race we are meant to win.



  1. Hi Martha Jane, I think the answer to all those question is one sentence. Jesus said 'You will be hated for my namesake.' There is a reason that Jesus will return for the 'remnant'. The scriptures say that many shall fall away from the faith, and that seems to be happening in this world now. God bless you as you journey on in our lovely Lord.

    1. Yes, Brenda, we know that Jesus told us to expect persecution and ridicule if we follow Him. We are being tried on the world's stage, but we will not waver, will we? May we all stay unwavering in our Christian faith.
      Love and blessings!

  2. For a while now I have been saying that the UK has become secular more and more and Christianity is often mocked on TV and people proudly proclaim that they don't believe in God. It is not just here in the UK, but it has spread elsewhere too.

    God can deal with the mockery and insults. He did so whilst hanging on the Cross.

    For our part, we should continue to trust Him in prayer.

    God bless.

    1. That trend toward secularism in Western culture is so disturbing and distressing, Victor. As you say, we must put our faith and trust in our Lord, and pray continually for the salvation of all.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Hi Martha! I have faced the Olympics dilemma by choosing not to say anything. While I am disgusted by the blatant anti-Christ and anti-Christian display (which they can try to defend all they want. Whoopi take a seat) I have chosen not to say anything so as not to give them any more publicity than they are already getting. My choice. I find it interesting though that even one of their "own" (Jillian Michaels) chastised them. Be that as it may, your questions do get to the heart of the issue. We are told we will be persecuted (already mentioned in comment #1). The question about other religions is spot on. No way would they have offended Muslims and gotten away with it (just ask the athletes who refused to shake the Israeli hands). There is absolutely no benefit in any of this except we will find who is on the Lord's side and we will see judgment come down on those who mock Jesus.

    1. I hear you, Bill, and I thought about not bringing attention to it either, but this whole display of disrespect and arrogance kept niggling at me in a way that I knew God wanted me to speak up and speak out. I'm not a pastor, so I think I have more leeway in this to express my personal impression. May Jesus give us the strength and wisdom to stand up strong for Him!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I forgot: I will not be watching the games. Never had planned on it anyway. Sadly, the good has been overshadowed by the evil.

    1. So sad, indeed, Bill, that evil runs rampant, even in the sports we love or not. Thanks so much for adding to this conversation!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I was not aware of this. I do not watch the Olympics. Yes, we have a wonderful race to win, as you mentioned from Hebrews 12. I love that!

    1. Since you hadn't heard about it, Mrs. White, the opening ceremony featured a recreation of the Last Supper portrayed by drag queens. It was so disgusting and disrespectful to Christians all over the world. May the Lord have mercy on all of them and turn their hardened hearts away from evil.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Well said Martha. 100% agreement here too. I've not watched the Olympics since I was a kid. I was saved from the occult (long story) and realized early that the 'games' are an ancient pagan ritual to glorify and worship false gods. I also quit watching old horror movies for that reason. That stuff scares me 'cause they don't know, or maybe don't care, about what they're dealing with. It's dangerous to their eternal souls to toy with channeling or worshiping demons. Best to stay away from it. I pray for them to get saved soon. I believe we are one click away from the Rapture. May the Lord rescue us soon. For those left behind it ain't gonna be pretty. 💙

    1. Sparky, you have hit the nail on the head with your last statement, for sure. It isn't going to be pretty for those who refuse to acknowledge God's goodness and grace and mercy while there is still time. I pray that all will come to know Him and love Him before that fateful day.
      Love and blessings!

  7. If you ever needed an example of the decadence of Western civilization, that was it.

  8. I agree with you and applaud you for saying it so well here. It has spoiled the events for me as well. I haven't watched any in 'real time' and only caught snippets of replays. So very sad.

    1. It is so, so sad, Terri, and has soured the Olympics for millions of Christians around the world. May we pray for those who persecute us.
      Love and blessings!

  9. The Olympic opening ceremony was so long I did not see it all mostly higlights. Sorry it was so upsetting for you I did enjoy seeing Paris.-Christine

    1. Thank you, Christine, for your comment here. It is appreciated.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Bom dia, Martha
    Não assisti a abertura das Olimpíadas em tempo real, vi a foto no instagram do ocorrido, foi terrível, mas como você bem colocou: "Não se deixem enganar: Deus não se deixa escarnecer. O homem colhe o que semeia. Quem semeia para a sua carne colherá destruição; quem semeia para o Espírito, do Espírito colherá a vida eterna". Gálatas 6:7-8. Rayssa Leal do skate, que ganhou a medalha de bronze, mandou sua mensagem usando libras: Jesus é o caminho, a verdade e a vida. que o Senhor continue usando a vida dela e de todos que servem a Jesus. Bjs querida.

    1. You are so right, Lucinalva. God cannot and will not be mocked. Those who do so take their eternal souls into their own hands; not a safe place to be. Thanks for sharing what Rayssa Leal said, too.
      Love and blessings!

  11. 100% Martha! I do applaud one advertiser (C-Spire) who pulled their ads, stating: "We were shocked by the mockery of the Last Supper during the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics. C Spire will be pulling our advertising from the Olympics."
    Unfortunately, our Pastor chose instead to shame some of us for our 'judging' comments on Facebook ... asking that we love one another. 3 days later I'm still miffed.

    1. Yes, Myra, I did see that C-Spire pulled their advertising and I think that was a courageous (and correct) move on their part. If saying something against that ludicrous pageantry in the opening is 'judging,' I'll let God be my judge when all is said and done.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Where has respect disappeared to? Why can't people just respect others and what they believe in.

    1. I know, Bill. The Olympics were designed to bring the world together in friendly competition, not tear each other down for our personal or religious beliefs. The devil is having a hey day, I'm afraid.
      Love and blessings!

  13. I hear where you are coming from. I didn't see it live on TV but of course have seen it all over Facebook.

    1. It is so shameful, Debby, and I'm still trying to figure out who on the Olympics committee in France thought this was a safe-for-the-whole-family opening. So many people are speaking up and speaking up, that I hope no one will be so foolish in the future.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Dearest Martha Jane,
    God must be shaking His head at the people in the Western civilization as they have completely abandoned any high morals and respect.
    It is those that do away with it all—facing themselves in the end their final Judge!
    So embarrassing...

    1. Our morals and values have been abandoned precisely because there are so many people who think they are God and He is not. This is truly a wicked and immoral generation, Mariette. I'm praying that the perpetrators will be awakened by God and repent that they might be saved and our world restored.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Such deep truth in that scripture! Thank you for encouraging us 🙏🏽

    1. God's Word is the ultimate encouragement at every stage in our lives, Cloudia. Thank you for your positive comment here.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Thank you for this wonderful post, Martha. I totally agree with you on every part of it. I've been grieving over this "event" all week long. So very sad and heartbreaking that our world is becoming this way...but I guess we shouldn't be surprised. Jesus said it would be this way, especially in the last days. My only hope is that we as Christians can continue to live our lives in such a way that others will see Jesus living in us and want what we have instead of what the world is offering. That is my prayer, until He comes to take us home. Thank you again for your courage to speak out. I've been posting things on Facebook a little at a time and praying it will fall on ears that will hear and hearts that will be willing to change. Amen.

    1. Unless people are willing to change their ways, Pamela, they won't be saved from their sinful ways, but believers like you and me are called to sow those seeds every chance we get. God will decide if those seeds take root and thrive. I know you join me in prayer that more will repent and be saved that heaven's door will open to them when that time comes. Thanks so much for your encouragement!
      Love and blessings!

  17. I agree Martha. Yet it seems like the body of Christ has always been strongest when persecuted. Much as we may not like it, Jesus is more concerned about us bringing people into His Kingdom than the puny attacks the enemy wages. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood…” B Blessed my friend

    1. Thank you, Mike, for your thoughtful comments here. I do pray for those who persecute us that God might soften their hearts and convict them of their evil ways. I do want as many to come into His glorious kingdom as possible. May the Lord give us the courage and strength to help Him in that mission.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Martha Jane: I was not led to watch the opening ceremony. I am thankful that God chose not to lead me to watch it. I read about the debauchery online. I stand with you on this issue. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. I hear you, Cecelia, and I'm glad you could avoid it all at the time. God is so good! My prayer is that those who would do such egregious things shamelessly would repent of their sins and seek His forgiveness.
      Love and blessings!

  19. It is my opinion that we are in the 'front row seats' of the prophesied End Times. Although I've believed for a very long time that such things would happen, I didn't think until maybe the past 20 years that I would still be living on earth to see these things for myself. But here we are.

    It is a comfort to read your post and those of others of similar belief. In addition to the constant Presence of the Holy Spirit within us as Christ-followers, it is a balm to know others living with us believe the same way.

    1. Barbara, I agree, that it is such a comfort to blog with a community of believers because in this day and age, we need all the encouragement we can muster. I hope, too, that we may work toward bringing others to Jesus because of our words.
      Love and blessings!

  20. Martha, I didn't see the opening ceremony, only heard about it. Sad, isn't it? And troubling. I love to watch the gymnastics too, but haven't watched anything live either. I do like what Franklin Graham shared on Twitter that was in the news as well. "Congrats to 16 yr old
    @RayssaLeal who won bronze at the Olympics! After her win she used sign language to share John 14:6, “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” God bless you Rayssa!" Amazing witness for Christ! God bless!

    1. Karen Friday here by the way. :-)

    2. Oh, Karen, that beautiful story of Rayssa gave me chills! I hadn't heard that good news, and boy, do we all need some of that right about now. That's another reason I love your episodes of hope and joy on Friday's Forever whenever I get the chance to watch on YouTube. You all are the best!
      Love and blessings!

  21. Amen!!! It is my hope to reach not only those in this country but everywhere.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. You have echoed my hope and prayer, too, Jim. May all know the love of God through His Son, Jesus, before the curtain falls.
      Love and blessings!

  22. .My husband and I came in during the parade of nations so we missed that disgusting drag show. Oh the ones who put on that sleazy show can claim they weren't mocking The Last Supper all they want. And drag performance with children? I know what hidden message they were sending.
    Anyway, Christ is still on the throne and He will be returning! What a glorious day that will be!

    1. That will be a glorious day, indeed, Regina! At the rate this world is spinning out of control, I wouldn't be surprised if Jesus shows up at any time now.
      Love and blessings!

  23. Also I won't be watching the games either. I loved swimming and gymnastics but now things are so political. It's just disgusting.

    1. It's such a sad commentary, I agree. These games are supposed to bring the world together in sportsmanship and peace, but there are always those who want to crush that spirit.
      Love and blessings!

  24. Love the sinner. Hate the sin.

    1. Amen, Regine! I'm praying every day for the salvation of these people, and that God will take mercy on all of us. No one is without sin.
      Love and blessings!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hi, this is my first time commenting on your blog. Thank you for speaking out. I wasn't planning to watch the Olympics; I heard about the opening ceremony, and I still couldn't bring myself to actually watch it. It was only confirmation to me that I would never waste my time on the Olympics ever again. I don't see it improving. The athlete who refused to shake an Israeli hand - ended up getting his shoulder dislocated. Additionally, there was an audience who gave a Nazi salute when the Israeli national anthem was played, and then the transgender athlete was allowed to box a girl and beat her up so badly that within 40 seconds, she quit.

    When I mentioned it on my blog, a few people commented, asking why punish the athletes. Okay, that's sad, but it isn't about the athletes—they're just caught in the middle. It is about mocking our God. Many lukewarm Christians are compromising their integrity for the sake of entertainment. They can't bear to not watch it. It saddened me, and I believe it saddened my Lord and Savior as well. He grieves, and we should grieve with Him.
    We as Believers need to quit wearing "the label" if we are too afraid to make the stand.

    1. I'm so glad you decided to stop by and leave such a deeply thoughtful and inspired comment here! Through the news, I've become familiar with all these irregularities in the Olympic games, and my heart is saddened by all of it. Instead of these events bringing us together on a world stage, they have only pointed to our deep divisions and actual hatred and contempt for persons of other countries.
      This is NOT how Jesus wants us to treat one another. As Christians, it is our duty to stand up and speak up. Those who can't stand for something will fall for anything.
      Love and blessings!

  27. And I'm thankful that you found my blog, too, Shug, and I will be sure to check yours out. And regarding the Olympic games, the events have shown just how corrupt and "me" centered our world has become. Let us continue to pray for repentance and salvation for those who have yet to know Jesus.
    Love and blesssings!

  28. Thank you for this heartfelt and powerful post, Martha.
    It saddens me to see the moral decline in events that once celebrated human excellence.
    Your questions are indeed thought-provoking and necessary for us to consider as we navigate these challenging times.
    It's a reminder to stay vigilant and rooted in our faith, seeking God's guidance in all matters.
    Thank you for always sharing such insightful and spiritually enriching posts.
    May we all continue to run the race marked out for us, with perseverance and unwavering faith in our Lord.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Thank you most sincerely for your excellent comment here today, Veronica. It is so appreciated! May we all, as you say, stay rooted deeply in our faith and stand tall and strong against the evils in this fallen world. With God's help, we can!
      Love and blessings!

  29. Our saviour was rejected when here, and His people will be rejected if they cling to Him and His word. We're not meant to be acceptable to the world.

    1. You are absolutely right about that, David. Jesus told us we would face persecution and rejection, didn't He? Thanks for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  30. The Olympics began as idol worship and still remain that today. We are to come out of sin not mix in with it, so I do not watch them and never have. Friends think I am too harsh.

    1. You aren't too harsh, Annie, you are being honest to the core. I do love how you are never hesitant to cut to the chase and call things for what they are. We all need folks like you to help us wake up and smell the coffee.
      Love and blessings!

  31. Its very sad the way things are. God is out. Sin is in! But all the athletes worked so hard to get there. Many CHRISTians too! This world is a mess. We need to pray harder as my mom would always tell me. We know CHRIST prevails. Nothing else really matters.

    1. We do know that Christ does and will prevail in the end, and must persevere with Him in all things. I'm with you about the athletes, too; many are Christians who most likely abhor those opening ceremonies, but they have worked so hard to represent their countries. I so hope many will speak up and out once all this is over.
      Love and blessings!

  32. You have stated this very well. I love my husband dearly but I know I can only be saved by Jesus. Our world is filled with demons. I saw an athlete on the news and also a local reporter. Their eyebrows were so similar to Anton LaVey. I wondered why in the world....or perhaps neither one of them would know who he was. It is the same with those sitting in high political places. I do not listen to or watch them as I have seen demons sitting on their shoulders and it makes me so sad. It also frightens me because so many are so crass about it CHRISTianity! When Jesus comes out of the clouds I want to be 100% ready to meet Him there. Thank you for your beautiful writings here.

    1. Thanks so much for your beautiful comments here, Anne. It is frightening what you've seen when you look at certain personalities, but I'm not surprised at your insight and discernment of the way the father of lies is trying to be the winner here. So many have been deceived because of his wiles. I pray daily that our nation and our world will come to their senses before it is too late.
      Love and blessings!

  33. Thanks for visiting here, Olivia. I will be sure to check out your new blog.
    Love and blessings!

  34. May God continue to help us navigate the culture, may we find opportunities to speak of His lovingkindness, may we know when to say yes and when to say no. He is able.

    1. Indeed, Linda, our God is always able, and He is only a prayer away.
      Love and blessings!

  35. Oh, Martha! My heart ached for our dear Jesus when I heard of their blasphemous behavior! They mock the very precious One Who died for them! It is so sickening and disgusting! One day, they will bow their evil knees to Him and they will confess that HE IS LORD!

    1. That's what I'm praying for, Cheryl. May they come to know our Lord before it's too late.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...