Monday, August 5, 2024

Simply an Angel


Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. ~Hebrews 13:2

Forty-one years ago, when I discover I'm pregnant with my first child, neither my then husband nor I have jobs with medical insurance.  That's quite the pickle to find oneself in, isn't it?  Fortunately, we are informed that there is pre and post natal care program run by Emory University's Medical School for couples who find themselves in that situation.  The one flat (and affordable) fee we pay covers all check-ups, delivery and ensuing hospital accommodations if required.  That's an offer we can't refuse!

Of course, this program does have its drawbacks.  Each time I go for visit, I can never be sure who my resident/intern doctor will be.  I do see a few more than once, but I can tell there's a rotation happening here.  To a person, though, each professional I see is capable, caring and attentive.  There are several whom I hope I'll have in the delivery room when that time comes.

When I finally do go into labor, I know I'm possibly two to three weeks late.  Seemingly, this never waved a red flag to any of the docs.  Even if I've been warned, I could never have imagined how excruciating the pain is; it's so intense, I feel I'm blacking out between contractions.  Nurses keep coming by to check on my 'progress.'  I'm not making any.  My birth canal refuses to dilate farther than four centimeters.  I can't remember if I was crying.  All my energy is absorbed by the unrelenting agony of labor.

I can hear several voices of the resident doctors debating what they should do; some sound downright argumentative.  With no warning, I hear a woman's voice, authoritative and forceful, resounding in the room.  I'm just able to glance in her direction, and realize in that fateful moment that she is one doctor I've never laid eyes on.

"We have fifteen minutes to get this baby out!"  she barks at the others.  "Move it!  Now!!!"

And move it, they do!  Before I can take two breaths, the anesthetist says, "Are you allergic to anything?"  I can barely nod a 'no' when he jabs me with an epidural in my spine.  Thankfully, it works within the minute, and the curtain is drawn so I can't see the actual procedure.  No more searing pain, just welcomed numbness flooding my lower extremities.  Only pressure on my abdomen as they snatch my distressed baby from the brink of his death.

And mine.

I remain in the hospital for five days, not uncommon at that time for C-section patients.  Every resident who visits me during that stay is one I've seen before.  With one exception.

The 'doctor' who orchestrates the successful delivery.  Surely, I think, she should be the first in that rotation, shouldn't she?  I so want to thank her for everything she knew to do, just in the nick of time.  No other doctor refers to her or discusses my ordeal.  Even though I'm not a believer at this point in my life, I'm convicted in my heart that she must have been an angel.  This divine messenger sent from God out of the depths of His mercy and grace, propels me to actively seek Him.

I've been on that glorious journey ever since.

And if I needed any more convincing?  Her signature on the birth certificate is like a child's, who has proudly learned how to write her name in cursive.  Certainly, not like a hand corrupted by years of taking copious notes in medical school.

A simple name.  A simple script.

Simply, an angel.



  1. Your birth story sounds like mine. After 3 miscarriages and a high risk pregnancy, I had a son(now 43) and today I have 3 kids and 4 grandkids. That is a miracle to me. I am glad your angel showed up for you!

    1. What an inspiring story you've shared with us here today, Susan! Indeed, your children and your grands are all miracles, and I know you will ever be grateful for all of them.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Thank you, Martha, for relating this story. I hope it encourages others in their search for God. He often sends angels to help us; when we least expect it.

    God bless.

    1. Always when we least expect it, Victor. I do hope my story here will touch the hearts of others with just the encouragement they need.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Angel indeed! Your story sounds a bit like the story Frank Peretti weaved in his book "This Present Darkness" and how an angle showed up with perfect timing. :)

    1. As we know, Bill, God's timing is always perfect. I'm so grateful that He saw fit to send me one in my time of need.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Sometimes, it's what it takes : "Shut up and get it done, people!" Great story, Martha.

  5. Dearest Martha Jane,
    What a wonderful opportunity you had to use the combined expertise of Emory University's Medical School!
    WISH my Mom had had such a watchful and observant angel for my older sister who got still born...
    Life at times does not seem fair to all.

    1. Life isn't meant to be fair, Mariette, but God does make it good in the end. My mother also had miscarriages, and one child was a stillborn. I don't think that's anything anyone can get over, even in the time that passes. Thanks so much for commenting here.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Profoundly moving! Reading your account, I felt I was in a runaway vehicle. Terrified.
    Thank God for that angel disguised as a physician!

    1. Thank you so much, Myra, for your kind words here today. There are angels among us, even if we fail to see them. I'm grateful to this day for the mercy God showed me on that fateful day.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Amen to that, Christine!
    Love and blessings!

  8. Wow, truly an angel. Thanks for sharing this incredible story, Martha.

  9. YES there are angels among us and! Wonderful story!
    Blessings, Lulu

    1. Amen to that, Lulu! I'm glad you liked this true story about my dear angel.
      Love and blessings!

  10. I know you were/are thankful for the angel in this circumstance. I do know that our guardian angles intervene in certain circumstances of our lives. I know God sent angels to watch over our grandson a couple years ago. I give God all the Glory.

    1. Absolutely, Shug! To God be all the glory, now and forever.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I always love your posts. Wow, what a story! Makes me thankful I never gave birth (just kidding). But really, that is an angel story. I've met angels too, some knowingly, some unknowingly. One actually brought me back from the brink of death. He was SO HUGE and bright! I did not want to return for nearly crossing the threshold because I could feel the love that pours from God's Holy Throne. Heaven is going to be wonderful. Anyway, that was in 2012. 💙

    1. How can I thank you enough for sharing your own experiences here, Sparky? Your testimony about the love you felt from the throne of God leaves this person who treasures words speechless. God does have His purposes for all His children, and I'm grateful that He spared me and my precious son to do His will here on earth to the best of our abilities. And yes, heaven will be wonderful one day!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Yes, we have angels around us. They protect us even when we don't realize they are doing it. Peace and blessing to you and yours.

    1. Angels are everywhere, Cecelia, even when we may deny their existence. I was one of those, yet God knew more about me than I ever could. I praise Him and His angels for all the care and interventions made in this instance and many I won't know until I'm in heaven.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Nice. I loved the memory, even though I have heard it before.

    1. I've talked to you about this of course, Danny, but have never written about it until now. Thank you for always listening and loving me. :)
      Love and blessings!

  14. Oh my, Martha! What a beautiful story, and yes, God sent that "angel" to be there for you and your baby at just that precise moment in time. That is so amazing and so like our wonderful Savior. Even though you say you weren't really a believer at the time, God knew who you would become, and who your child would be, and He sent His angel to take care of you, His child. I love this. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. Yes, Pamela, God knows our stories before we know them and is the absolute author of our lives. He led me to Himself because this angel was there when I needed her, and I was set back on the Jesus road to redemption. May God ever use me and the mercy He has shown me to be an encouragement to others. I'm grateful to this day that He decided to spare my son's life and mine. (By the way, I didn't learn how close we both were to death until the doctor I saw during my second pregnancy gave me the details of it).
      Love and blessings!

  15. What a touching and lovely story and may well have been an angel sent to help you through that time.

    1. It had to be an angel, Jo-Anne. As I mentioned to Pamela in the comment above, my subsequent doctor for my second pregnancy, when I did have insurance, said he couldn't risk me trying for a natural birth because of how close to death my son and I had come. There is, in my mind and heart, no other explanation.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Thanks for sharing your Angel story, Martha!! They come to us just when needed!! We just need to believe. God is so good!! xo

    1. Thanks so much, Terri! Just know that your story about your Candy Stripe Angel inspired me to share this with my readers. Some might call us crazy, but we can rest assured that we are heavenly blessed.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Hi Martha Jane, that doctor certainly does sound like an angel. Your pain while giving birth sounds horrific. I know myself that giving birth is very painful, although there was a lady I knew in Wales who suffered no pain at all when giving birth - can you imagine that? So glad that you came through it pain free. God bless.

    1. I believe to this day that she was an angel, Brenda. I can't imagine someone giving birth without the pain of labor, but I'm happy for the woman you mentioned here who had no discomfort whatsoever. That's a miracle, too!
      Love and blessings!

  18. My goodness Martha Jane, what a story, and what a miracle. A script for a movie, if you ask me. God is good and he saved both your lives!

    1. God IS so, so good, Marja, that's for certain. I didn't find out until I was pregnant with my second child and had one doctor because of now having medical insurance, about being so close to death. He is the one that told me that fact, which made the presence of the angel even more real for me.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Amen! Thank you friend for sharing this part of your story and your walk. I often think of you and appreciate our friendship and your comments. God bless you always!

    1. Thanks so much, Cloudia, for your sweet and thoughtful comment here. Know your blog with your photos and poems is always a bright spot in my day, too.
      Love and blessings!

  20. It is often on the very brink of disaster that we find ourselves in the presence of a spiritual benefactor such as yours. Thank you for sharing your experience.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks so much, Jim, for reading and commenting here. You are so right that calamities can be exactly what we need that we might wake up and see that angel in our midst, and give thanks to God.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Wow, Martha, what a glorious outcome to your painful ordeal. And how frightening it must have been for you during that time. But God sent his angel in his perfect time. What an awesome God. Much love and many blessings to you, my friend.

    1. It's wonderful to see you here, Debra! God's timing is everything, and He knew exactly what He was doing when He sent the angel to me. That was the catalyst for me committing my life to Him.
      Love and blessings!

  22. thecontemplativecat here. Thank you, Martha! God was with you all the way. My little girl had to endure 45 hours of labor, and then a C section. The realization that she and I could have died from the stress was heavy. God was with, surrounded me. "Be still and know that I am God" was in my brain.

    1. Oh, my, Susan, your story gave me chills! God was right there with you and your little girl, and both of you will always know how much He loved you through it all.
      Love and blessings!

  23. Wow, Martha! What a story! Yes, I believe you were visited by an angel! A thousand Hallelujahs! God bless! Karen Friday.

    1. I'm glad my experience spoke to your heart, Karen. I do believe there are more angels out there than we can ever realize!
      Love and blessings!

  24. What a great story! Thank you for sharing your experience.

    1. Thank you for your comment here, Barbara, after reading the story.
      Love and blessings!

  25. I am a firm believer that there are certainly angels among us! Thank you for sharing your story!

    1. Yes, Cheryl, more angels than we know, for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  26. Bom dia, Martha
    Testemunho edificante, o Senhor cuida de nós em cada detalhe e envia anjos para nos proteger e nos livrar, um forte abraço.

    1. And we are so blessed because of their presence with us, Lucinalva.
      Love and blessings!

  27. so glad you got the care you needed in a timely manner. God is good.

    1. Oh, yes, Jean, God is always good and His timing is impeccable.
      Love and blessings!

  28. Replies
    1. Oh, yes, my friend. It was nothing short of a miraculous gift from God.
      Love and blessings!

  29. What an incredible story of unexpected grace.
    It’s amazing how help can come in the form of someone who feels like an angel.
    Thank you for sharing this moving testament to faith and divine intervention.
    Amen, Martha!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment here, Veronica. God's grace does manifest itself in so many ways, doesn't it? His angels are just one way His power can make such a difference in our lives.
      Love and blessings!

  30. There's always a solution, even when people lack the money. God sees to it.

    1. Yes, Duta, God can and will see us through.
      Love and blessngs!

  31. I like that verse in Hebrews. I do believe that was an angel sent to you. What an amazing story. Martha, you have the sweetest face.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment and compliment, Henny. I so love that verse, too. It reminds all of us to treat others with respect as the Lord would have us do.
      Love and blessings!


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