Monday, October 21, 2024

My Best Face Forward


Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. ~Proverbs 31:30

I have worn makeup for most of my adult life.  Not heavy, mind you, but enough so that I feel, when in public, I'm putting my best face forward.  Maybe, that sounds vain to some of you, but as my foundation contains sunscreen in it, and my skin is quite fair, it does afford me that extra protection from the harmful UV rays that tend to prematurely age one's skin, and possibly lead to skin cancer.

The interruption of my daily makeup routine happens during the pandemic.  Really, when half of your face is covered by and unseemly mask, and you aren't around strangers on a day to day basis, why bother?  I realize that I would only be wasting money by continuing to use it.  And Danny?  He is more than a good sport about the whole thing.  He'll tell me, honestly, that my wearing makeup doesn't affect the way he sees me, and I look as fine as when we met over twenty years ago.  Yes, ladies, he's a keeper!

But let's face (pun intended) the facts.  With every passing year, we are all growing older.  The suppleness of youthful skin, no matter how much care we give it, will eventually betray our age.  We can angst about wrinkles and crow's feet, but I prefer to look at them as badges of honor.  A life lived joyfully, with frequent smiles that involve a full facial expression, is destined to create this phenomenon over time.  And no amount of makeup can erase those.

Our outward charm and beauty cannot last, no matter what potions and remedies and snake-oil promises the advertisers would have us believe contain the fountain of youth.  True confession:  I've fallen for lots of them in the past, and guess what?  They don't work!  Oh, there might be a temporary benefit here or there, and if you know of one that you trust, please feel free to leave your info in the comment section.  

In the grand schemes of things, though, I do NOT want to be remembered because I wore fancy makeup.  I already know that I'm beautiful in God's eyes just as I am.  When the time comes for me to return home to Him, I hope and pray that the people most dear to me will remember me as a person whose heart beat for the Lord, and they could always see Jesus in everything I said and did while I was here on earth, loving them all.  Could there be a better legacy than that?

Yes, with or without makeup, may we all strive to put our best face forward for God and His glory.



  1. Hi Martha Jane, I have worn makeup since my early teens. I enjoy putting it on my face but not too heavy. I think part of it with me might be because I love painting portraits. :-) I have eastern Mediterranean skin, as I am Jewish, so it does not wrinkle early. Not that it matters because it is 'love', not 'looks' that joins me and my husband. God bless.

    1. Love not looks . . . That's such a great phrase, Brenda, and it's totally true. I will always make the effort to put makeup on when we are planning to be out and about, as we will be later today. And I love to know that you enjoy painting portraits - such talent! God has given you some special gifts!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Hi Martha! I have never worn makeup. :) I know lousy joke. I do, however, know the reality of watching my skin change and thin. Even though I never was overweight, I can see some sagging. I hit my arm and it is not unusual for a blood drop to appear and I have either not known or forgotten when I hit my arm. :) Getting old and facing the truth about oneself is necessary. Ain't no way I'm doing botox or any filler or artificial anything (unless it is the knee I'm about to get). I relish being accepted by God no matter how I look.

    1. No botox for me, either, Bill! Aging might not be a pretty thing when it hits us personally, but we should rejoice in the fact that God has seen fit to allow us to do His will for however long we have here on earth. I also have that type of bruising, and have to be extra careful not to bump up against things with my arms. Let's be as content as we can possibly be with how God made us.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Catholics, (and other denominations), believe that when we're in Heaven we will have new bodies. Perfect ones, without wrinkles, and aches and pains of old age, or illness. I never understood that.

    I asked a priest once whether I'll have the same body as now, or a young and youthful one and handsome as I was when younger? How will other people recognise me if I look different and they knew me in my young body and not as now?

    He replied, "People will know you all right!"

    What did he mean?

    God bless you, Martha. And thank you for this thought-provoking post.

    1. What did that priest mean by that? I'm not sure, and I don't think he does, either - LOL! I really believe that if we do God's will here on earth, loving Him and others, we will be recognized by the ones in heaven who have gone before us.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I married a Southern girl, and I've lived with the reality of makeup ever since.

    1. LOL, Glynn! That's such an astute observation. Yes, we Southern gals do like our makeup, don't we, Janet?
      Love and blessings!

  5. Well said, Martha. Thank you. Fleeting beauty can’t begin to compare to Jesus’ promises.

    1. So, so true, Diana. Nothing in this world can ever compare to the promises of Jesus. Let's hold fast to them!
      Love and blessings!

  6. I stopped wearing make-up when I retired from the Museum in 2017. It has been so freeing!! Here in the south, it is HOT and I am not a delicate southern bell who only gets a delicate feminine glow - I all out sweat (sorry if TMI). Now I don't have to blot my face or wonder if my collar has make-up on it. I DO have a tinted moisturizer that I will smooth on if there is a special occasion just to feel like I went the extra mile but my daily, factor 30, moisturizer is my norm. My skin feels better and so do I!!

    1. Anything that makes our skin look and feel better is so worth it, Terri. I hear you about the sweat factor, too. I don't do well in the extreme heat and do NOT want to spend a summer without air conditioning here in Georgia. I can't imagine how bad Florida's climate would feel and admire you and all my blogging buddies who live there.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Enjoyed the post this morning. I do wear sunscreen moisturizer under my makeup. I haven't always been faithful about it but the more I hear of skin cancer rearing it's ugly head the more I think about it. I do wear makeup and have for years. I don't wear heavy makeup but I love to try our new makeups. LIPSTICK is my favorite. LOL! I am well known by my friends and family for being sure to have my lips painted. LOL! I tease my daughters and tell them that they would feel so much if they would paint those lips. LOL! However, my makeup surely doesn't define me in who I am in Christ. But, I was raised by a grandmother that always believed in looking your best. I hope you have a rest of a good week dear one. Remember, you are beautiful in Christ. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. In the eyes of Jesus, Cindy, we are all God's masterpieces, aren't we? I love what your grandmother told you when you were growing up, to always look your best whenever you are out and about with others. And lipstick? LOL! I just started using some again and it DOES make me feel better, though it does have to be a softer color. Can't do those bright reds!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Dearest Martha Jane,
    As for me, very little and I've actually never used any colored foundation.
    Just a good cream with protection against the sun, mainly I used Chanel.
    A silk powder from Yves Delorme that I kept for years and still is some left.
    My eyes need some help though as otherwise as a blonde I'm not having enough expression. Lipstick is mainly the one with rose lip balm and always in a natural color. My hair has never ever seen any dye so in general I'm not a good makeup user.
    Eating healthy and being outdoors in the fresh air does a lot more for your skin. Having always done analytical work, I did check at for cancer causing ingredients!
    Love your final part about our true legacy as our Creator intended.
    It is not about our looks but about the depth of our soul!

    1. Thanks for sharing which products you have used over the years, Mariette. I used to get blonde highlights in my hair, but quit doing so during the pandemic, too. Now, I'm really enjoying my natural hair color, originally blonde, but now a bit darker, though my grey hair does lighten it up overall. Lots cheaper than having it colored, for sure.
      And yes, God looks at the heart, not the outward appearance.
      Love and blessings!

  9. How your words warm my heart! Only when I retired did I slow the application of full "war paint." Aside from my otherwise non-existent eyebrows -- sometimes I refrain altogether. Like Terri said, "it's freeing!".
    "Just as I am, without one plea....."

    1. I love that phrase "war paint," Myra. Yes, applying makeup can take a lot of our time, and we can go too far with our decorating. It is freeing to go without it, and I do when our only plans are to stay at home for the day. And we all know that God takes us just as we are and loves us because He made us.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Beauty is indeed fleeting but still I try to hold on too (not that I think I'm beautiful). God promises we don't have to keep our failing bodies for eternity when we're with Jesus. I'm so thankful for that.
    "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."
    2 Corinthians 4:16 NIV

    1. I love the verse you shared here from 2 Corinthians, Sparky. Most importantly, I'm overjoyed to see you back in Blogland! I have been praying for Steve and you ever since the hurricane hit and it's a relief to know you made it through safe and sound. Always remember that you are beautiful always in the eyes of Jesus.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Amen! I love your thoughts on the make-up. I do wear some out when I have an appointment or see the kids. I just turned 73 and I am truly getting tired of wearing make-up.

    1. I hear you, Debby. I'll turn 70 on my next birthday, and honestly, that doesn't seem possible. Where have the years flown? I take comfort in knowing that it's not about the makeup, it's about my relationship with the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Well said, Martha! I totally agree. I only put on makeup about once a week & very little. Now I do slather on the moisturizer! What I have noticed is most are not paying any attention to me- I finally have a super power- I’m invisible 😜
    Blessings- Lulu

    1. I'm envious of your superpower, Lulu, that's for sure! Somedays, I wish I were invisible. I'm glad to hear that moisturizer works well for you. I do use that, too, after washing my face. It does help me, too.
      Love and blessings!

  13. We all got to be our real selves, no need to fancy up and not be who we really are. I see photos of people who still try to be young using the latest surgery and they look terrible. We should be proud of who we are and what we accomplished and how we live.

    1. Amen, Bill! Some folks think their looks define them. I would NOT ever have any kind of facial surgery as you're so right - it doesn't look real. I think I'll just do my best to age gracefully and in God's time.
      Love and blessings!

  14. I love these words that you have spoken. While I do wear makeup if I am going out somewhere, I do not wear it at home. I am and always have been a SAHM and I feel the same as you. Why waste the money when there is not a need. I do wear a sunscreen that has a tiny bit of color. I think it is great for our skin to be moisturized and nothing more, when possible. Often, my husband will say, you do not need to wear makeup..your face looks healthy without it. Great Post Martha

    1. Aww, Shug, your hubby sounds just like Danny. We married up, didn't we? LOL! I did wear makeup today as we had some errands to run, but tomorrow? I'm going to go with the moisturizer and that's it.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Many friends have also stopped dying their hair, I am a hold out!

    1. I probably would have kept on doing that, Christine, but the pandemic had me changing my mind. It really was the right call as my hair didn't need that stress on it. It's definitely now thicker and healthier because I take Nutrafol and use the generic Rogaine on my scalp at night. It works!
      Love and blessings!

  16. I'm another who still wears makeup, Martha! A little mascara here, a little blush there, etc. helps to brighten my face considerably! / I like Eleanor Roosevelt's statement about beauty: "Beautiful young people are accidents of nature; beautiful old people are works of art." Indeed, it's WHO we are, not so much what we look like that make an impact on those around us. I like what Lauren Bacall had to say too, which echoes your thoughts on wrinkles and crows' feet: "Your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that."

  17. Martha Jane: I don't usually wear make-up for a very personal reason. When I try to, it doesn't seem to stay on as I think it should. As I get older, I try to wear it from time to time. As I type this, I am getting ready to go to a church board meeting. I believe I will try to at least get on some lipstick. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  18. It’s who we are in the inside that God sees.

  19. Martha, you do put your best face forward, not only in makeup, but in letting the face of Jesus shine in you. This is a prayer I wrote a few years ago journaling, "Father, let my face glow with Jesus' beauty, my heart beat with His passion, my soul bloom with His glory and holiness. Amen." God bess! Karen Friday


My Best Face Forward

  Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. ~Proverbs 31:30 I have worn makeup for most o...