Thursday, October 3, 2024

Prayers, Prayers and More Prayers ~ Part Two


Pray without ceasing. ~1 Thessalonians 5:17

As most of you who follow this blog have figured out by now, Danny and I are safe at home.  But allow me to take you back to the anxious time a week ago today when we prepare to leave the Hilton Garden Inn.  We still don't know for certain what awaits us on our return home.  Will there be a branch piercing our roof?  A tree across our driveway?  Will our neighborhood look like a war zone?

We approach the city of Kennesaw, keenly observing any abnormality that might jump out at us.  So far, so good.  Our hearts become just a bit lighter.  Before we know it, the entrance to our neighborhood is in sight.  As we turn in, the sighs of relief become prayers of gratefulness.  No one, it seems, in our neck of the woods has suffered any damage from the storm.  Even the creek at the bottom of our development flows at its normal level, with no trace of storm debris on the road except the usual piles of fallen leaves.

As our car stops at the crest of our steep driveway, we can't see any violation of our roof by tree limbs.  Of course, debris is everywhere, but nothing out of the ordinary that could cause undue alarm for us.  Danny knows, too, because of an app on his phone, that our home never even lost electricity.  How miraculous is that?

We enter our home safely, our hearts are overflowing with thanksgiving.  Just the thought, at our age, of having to start all over again is enough to make the most stalwart of hearts grow faint.  It is a fall-on-your-knees-praise-the-Lord moment!

But as we watch dreadful events unfolding in other regions of the southeast, a deep sense of survivor guilt engulfs us.  Each new tragedy brings fresh tears and repurposed prayers.  We are hit particularly hard by the flooding in our beloved North Carolina mountains.  Place like Chimney Rock and Asheville are reduced to mud-slicked rubble.  The images on our television look like scenes out of a horror movie.

But this is no movie.  It is real life in real time with real people who have lost homes, businesses and, worst of all, their very lives.  As of today, there are still hundreds of thousands of people in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas without electricity, cell service and the basic essentials of clean water and food.  With so many roads washed away in the mountains, I see on the news that mules and horses are being used to bring in such supplies as can be carried to these remote areas.

I know there are hundreds of private organizations, churches and volunteers working round the clock to help in all the areas adversely affected.  But where is FEMA?  Why are they saying they don't have enough funds to last through this hurricane season?  As we say here in the South, and it is NOT a compliment, "Bless their hearts."

Please join me in praying fervently and continuously for the victims of this disaster.  The recovery will be long and arduous for so many.  Even if we can't afford to monetarily contribute, prayer is free.

And God, our one true Life Line, is listening.



  1. So glad your home was safe, Martha. The stories I'm seeing from North Carolina and Tennessee are heartrending. People need our prayers and our help.

    1. They most certainly do, Glynn. These people deserve so much better than the assistance they are currently getting. We will all keep on praying!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Glad you found everything fine upon returning home!
    Your thoughts were a few notches too pessimistic by writing: 'Just the thought, at our age, of having to start all over again...'
    It certainly is a SHAME that our present so–called leaders do nothing for all these victims of the 2nd worst Hurricane in the USA. They just continue to campaign and raise money for their own benefit and power and how many billions they've given to illegals?! May God have mercy with all those heartless politicians!
    Indeed, we need prayer and we better follow our true Leader:

    1. We are so grateful for that, too, Mariette. And it's so sad but true that some are much more interested in getting themselves reelected than caring for the people they claim they want to serve. I'm praying that God will judge them in His time and in His way. Let's keep on praying for the victims and not forget.
      Love and blessings!

    2. 🇺🇸 Yes praying for our brothers and sisters affected by Helene and also helping with funding them!

  3. Replies
    1. We are, too, Christine. We cannot thank God enough for His mercy.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha Jane: God did a miracle for you. I have seen the photos of the devastation on the news. So thankful that you and Danny came through this so well. Prayers for those who have lost everything in this event. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Yes, Cecelia, this was nothing short of a miracle from God. May we all pray non-stop for the victims of this storm and that the help they are seeking will arrive before it's too late.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Wonderfully expressed, Martha! There's nothing I could add to convey the depths of our mutual horror. Still praying .... and ditto to FEMA, "Bless Your Hearts."

    1. Thanks so much, Myra. I know you are praying for all the victims still seeking help and the most basic of necessities. I thought this was America and not some third world banana republic, but I'm beginning to wonder . . .
      Love and blessings!

  6. So very thankful you are safe and didn’t have any damage. Hailing from Louisiana, I am very familiar with the devastating effects of hurricanes. I am praying for all those who suffered loss and all those who are now helping.
    Blessings, Martha!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words here, Lulu. Being from Louisiana, you are all too familiar with the destruction hurricanes can bring. I'm joining you with millions of others who are praying.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Praises to God for your safety and for the protection of your home and neighborhood. It is heartbreaking to hear about all the destruction but it’s not surprising. Maui is still waiting for help from the federal government!
    Native Hawaiians have had to leave their island - it’s only a matter of time before corporate development comes in. Disasters like these are opportunities for takeovers - FEMA is a joke. The good news is like always Christian organizations and churches will be the ones to step up to help. God will provide but counting on the Government will disappoint every time. I heard that when Biden flew in, they actually halted necessary aid and supplies so they could have their photo shoot.

    1. We are most definitely thanking God for our safety through this storm, Debby. And no, sadly, the one agency of government that SHOULD be solvent and used only for disasters has failed the American people once again. The travesty here and the fires in Maui are inexcusable and we should lay the blame at the foot of the current administration, for sure. I'm so grateful for the churches, Samaritan's Purse, and veterans who have been trying their best to bring aid and comfort to so many, even when the so-called government is giving everyone a hard time. Let's continue to pray.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I’m so thankful all is well for your family, Martha. I continue to pray for the many who suffer from the storm.

    1. Thank you, Diana, for all your prayers. Let's keep it up even when the news cycle lets it go. God is with us.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I'm so glad you and Danny are safe, Martha. It's heartrending what many are enduring both in known and hidden disasters. Thank you for pointing us to our true Life Line! Love and blessings to you!

    1. Thanking the Lord each and every day for His protection and praying for all who are suffering, Trudy, just as you are. He is, indeed, our one true Life Line.
      Love and blessings!

  10. prayed through part one and part two. glad for your safety. So many prayers still needed though for so many. When I worked public health and we practiced emergency drills they told us over and over again to know we would be on our own for maybe days and that probably there would be scant and limited resources - unfortunate expectation. People assume the government will rush in but the reality is disaster is too big. and will take time. sad reality. Makes me mad when people get mad at the government when all, government and nongovernment, are all trying to do their best to help. Why or why can't we just work together to help one another and quit bashing each other? love each other, right?

    1. Thanks for all your prayers, Jean, as they are deeply appreciated. Your training to know that going into a disaster zone meant often times scant and limited resources was so valuable, and I'm glad that there are military vets who also have had similar training who are coming in to help find and rescue anyone and everyone they possibly can. I've given to Samaritan's Purse, which always have feet on the ground when any disaster strikes. Keep praying!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Glad you were safe and there was no damage at your home. So many others weren't as fortunate and I hope and pray they find what they need.

    1. I know we are all praying for that, too, Bill. Sadly, every day, the death toll rises and so many folks are still missing. May the Lord help them all.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Amen, amen, amen!! I'm so glad you had no damage and that your power stayed on. Here, too. Prayers continue for all still suffering on so many levels. My sister, near Valdosta, still has no power (but not much damage). xo

    1. Oh, my, Terri, I can't believe they still don't have power in the Valdosta area! I do pray that relief is coming soon for your sister and so many others who have neither power nor cell phone service. I know that President Trump met with Governor Kemp today in Evans, Ga, before heading off to NC. Kemp is trying his best to stay on top of things in our state. Let your sister know we are praying!
      Love and blessings!

  13. First, I'm grateful to hear that you and Danny and your home are all safe. But our hearts are flooded with grief over the devastation in the mountains. My son lived in Asheville a few years ago, and in times like this I'm thankful he's moved to Portland. But I still have friends in that beautiful mountain region. And I'm most heartbroken over the loss of lives and homes and businesses, crops and livestock, beloved family and pets, lives destroyed by Helene. Lord have mercy. My tears and prayers for all those suffering from this tragedy. We, over in the Eastern part of the state survived Floyd, but have seen nothing like this. Nothing of this magnitude.

    1. Your pain and anguish at this horrible tragedy and destruction vibrate in your written words here, Debra. Yes, we are so grateful to have returned safely to a home intact, but our hearts are heavy with the grief and loss our northern neighbors have experienced. May we all continue to pray as the days and weeks unfold, knowing the recovery will be long and arduous for so many.
      Love and blessings!

  14. I am SO thankful that your home and trees/yard were spared any real damage in this storm. I know it could've been so much worse. I just can't even bear to watch any more stories of what the people in NC/TN, etc. are suffering. It truly breaks my heart, and I've been praying for people I don't know and will never know this side of heaven, but God has laid them on my heart to pray for them and so I still do. Praying that people will not lose heart, and that they will see that God is still there, working on their behalf, even if our own government is not doing its part as it should. We shouldn't lean on the government so much as it is, because they can not be depended upon anymore. But God never fails. He WILL provide a way. Thank you for sharing your story of faith and thanksgiving. We rejoice with you.

    1. With you, Pamela, Danny and I are praying continually for the victims of this horrific tragedy, and we know our unfailing God will provide a way forward. He always does. We cannot lose hope or faith in the face of fear. We, too, are infinitely grateful for the mercies God showed us here at home. It makes the need to pray for those less fortunate more urgent.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Hey Martha Jane, I'm so happy that you and Danny are safe and could go home. Just doesn't seem real that all this has happened. So many homes destroyed and people still missing. Makes me realize that I should not complain about small problems, ever again. We left way too many trees when our home was built too, and I worry through every storm. You are right, prayers, prayers, and more prayers...thank you for your beautiful writings. It breaks my heart to watch the news.

    1. It breaks my heart, too, Henny, whenever I see these horrific scenes on the news, but I do lift those in prayer at the moment I see such destruction and loss. Complaining about the small things does fall by the wayside in light of all the blessings we have been given by God. Let us give thanks, always and everywhere, for His protection and love.
      Love and blessings!

  16. I'm so glad you and Danny made it home safely!
    What a relief to see everything intact.
    My heart goes out to those who weren’t as fortunate, especially in North Carolina.
    It’s heartbreaking to see all the devastation, but you're right—prayer is powerful.
    I'll definitely be praying for everyone affected.


  17. Good morning Martha.. My heart is overflowing along with your's that there is no damage to your property. Very thankful that you and Danny are good and that your neighboring area suffered little to no damage. I know this has caused many anxious moments as you were unsure of what you might find. Watching the news daily and my heart is so heavy for the region of Asheville and beyond. So many lives have been loss and the destruction seems impossible...But GOD!! Take care and know that we are continuing to lift you all up in prayer. Trusting God to take care and restore.

    1. Thanks so much for your continued prayers for all those adversely affected by this horrific hurricane, Shug. Seeing all that destruction, chaos and loss of life does leave us feeling hopeless, but we know that when we can't, God can. He will make a way for all of us to get through this together as Americans. We know how fortunate and blessed we are that we were not immediately affected by this storm.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Hey Martha, so thankful you and Danny were spared damage to your home and property and most importantly, you both are safe. Yes, the devastion in East TN and Western NC is so heartbreaking. Places we love to visit and camp for our YouTube channel are catastrophic areas. Praying for those areas and people. Our county still has 17 people missing. But we see neighbors helping neighbors and that's how the Lord intended for it to be. God bless! Karen Friday

    1. Neighbor helping neighbor . . . Indeed, Karen, that's exactly what God would help us do in these desperate times of need and loss. I know that Mike and you particularly feel so badly as you have frequented so many areas of the Smokies and surrounding towns/cities as you create your videos for all of us to enjoy. Just the thought of losing those scenic areas and the precious lives gone should make everyone of us sit up and pray all the more.
      Love and blessings!

  19. As is everyone in your tribe and your and Danny's circle of friends, we're so glad to know that you guys were blessed with no damage from the storm. And of course, we join you in the internal emotional and spiritual challenge it is to watch the videos of communities, homes, families, and businesses being violently torn apart and turned into slimy wreckage. And again, like you and Danny, we're freshly enraged at what we're learning about FEMA and how they not only failed to show up, but have re-allocated the money that should have been available for those devastated families and spent on housing for the invasion of illegals that have poured into our country for nearly four years. It's exasperating, but should have been predictable because we know where their interests really are. Like Jesus said, "where your treasure is, your heart will be also."
    But in any case, we pray and do what else we can to support those who are left financially destitute and with their minds and hearts beaten down in ways they never imagined. May God respond to the multitude of prayers for them and show Himself to be the provider that will not re-allocate His blessing and leave us alone when disasters strike. Thank you for the encouraging update and thank God you guys are OK.

    1. Thanks so much for your words of thankfulness here about our safety and for your continued prayers for those who have lost lives and livelihoods due to the horrific flooding in the mountains of NC and TN. Yes, the truth about the insufficient funds is coming out, piece by piece, and poor judgment and upended priorities are too obvious to ignore. Those who do ignore this do so at their own peril down the road.
      So thankful for the private groups and charities, like Samaritan's Purse, who are doing anything and everything they can to help those in such dire need. As Karen stated in the comment above, neighbor is helping neighbor, just as our Lord intended.
      Love and blessings!

  20. Thank you, sweet friend, for this post. Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  21. Praise God you and Danny are safe, your home is intact, and utilities are up and running! We're all hearing stories of the failures at county, state, and federal levels. Here's a good-news story: I saw interviewed on the news two or three nights ago a race car driver who happens to own a helicopter. He's been helping with the relief effort, dropping supplies. Other privately-owned pilots heard what he was doing and many have joined in. When this gentleman spoke on TV there were over 50 pilots participating! A hangar/warehouse filled with more than 1000 volunteers are packing necessities for the copters to deliver to stranded people. Praise God for such selfless, kindhearted people! God bless them all!

    1. I had seen that same story, too, Nancy, and it certainly is one that renews our faith in the goodness and selflessness of so many caring people. Thanks so much for bringing that wonderful example of love shared with those in such dire need. It will be a long recovery for so many. And yes, we are so thankful that we didn't lose our home or even our power. God is so good!
      Love and blessings!

  22. Friend, the grief I have it something I can’t understand. So many emotions.

    1. Prayers continue for you, Regine, and know that you are not forgotten by God. He loves you!
      Love and blessings!

  23. I am pleased you are home and all is well

  24. So good to read your home place survived without any damage. We know several people who have lost everything. And I just read in the news of a church that had 20 people who survived the storm.

    1. So many have lost all in this recent storm, Betty. I'm sure we are not alone in praying for those folks so adversely affected. Let's keep up the prayers and send up new ones as Milton barrels toward Tampa.
      Love and blessings!

  25. Praise God you are home safe, and how amazing that God kept His hand over your home and area! He is a faithful God and so merciful. I can't even bear to look at the images of all the devastation. It is just awful. I pray God will please help all who are suffering, in Jesus' name.

    1. We, too, are so thankful, Cheryl, for God's protection at this time. This has already been such a difficult year for Danny and me, and having one less thing to worry about is a saving grace. I hear you about not being able to look at photos of the destruction caused by Helene and now Milton. Our hearts are breaking for everyone.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...