Monday, September 30, 2024

Prayers, Prayers and More Prayers ~ Part One


Pray without ceasing ~1 Thessalonians 5:17

The photo above is taken by Danny several years ago, and shows how heavily wooded our yard is.  In light of our environs, and the ton of rain we receive for two days straight, he decides the safe plan for us is to spend the night at a local hotel when we expect high winds from Helene to hit after midnight.  I find myself praying non-stop that God will have mercy on our home, our neighborhood, and all the folks in the path of the impending hurricane.

This is one of those situations where the only thing we can control are our actions.  Neither one of us wants to leave our home, but we feel we have no choice in that moment.  We end up packing and taking more than we would need for one night away in case something catastrophic does occur and we can't return to our house once the immediate threat has passed.

We stay at a Hilton Garden Inn, on the first floor, so that if they lose electricity, we won't have to worry about the elevator failing us.  We even take two LED lanterns with us as the hotel does NOT have a generator (I find that hard to believe, but that's what we are told).  It is already raining when we pull up under the sheltered entrance in the afternoon.  We have so much stuff with us, we have to get a luggage dolly in order to tote it all to our room.

I didn't snap any photos of the room itself, but it is a comfortable one to say the least.  Because of the rain, we choose to have dinner at the hotel.  It is delicious, much to our surprise, as Danny's marvelous cooking has truly spoiled us when it comes to eating out.

The predicted dangerous winds aren't expected to land here until after midnight when we will be sound asleep.  We watch some favorite news programs, play our usual rounds of backgammon, and listen to some country music as is our nightly routine.  Before turning in for the night, Danny wants to get a photo of the rain which is now coming down really hard and fast.

See the line of utility service vehicles?  They are staged and ready to go when it will be safe to do so while the crews catch some Z-z-z-z at the hotel.  What would we do without these hard-working, dedicated persons who are willing to help those in need the moment they get the call?

In spite of our concerns about our house's safety, we both sleep well that night.  Well, that is, until 7:00 a.m. when the fire alarm blares with ear-splitting decibels.  Talk about a rude awakening!!!  It doesn't last for long, convincing us that it must have been a false warning, but the damage is done.  When we finally go to breakfast, Danny stops at the front desk in the lobby to find out what actually happened.  Loud and unexpected sounds still upset him no end after all he has gone through since January of this year.

Turns out, someone burned their toast in the breakfast area!  What???  That set off a fire alarm?  To add insult to injury, our breakfast leaves much to be desired; we pay for that up front when we first check into the hotel.  Danny is neither a morning person nor one who keeps his strong opinions to himself.  Without being mean in any way, just firm, he lets the manager of the hotel know about his continuing battle with medical PTSD, that the fire alarm rattled his last nerve, and gave some cooking advice that he wants conveyed to the so-called breakfast chef.

In the spirit of true hospitality, and to our utter amazement, the hotel  manager comps our entire night's stay!  We weren't expecting such a gracious and generous gesture, nor did Danny ask for any of it.  This is such a huge blessing for us, and we thank God for his provision through these kind and courteous hosts.  We realize, too, once Danny checks the weather, that there is no need to stay another night since the wind and rain have greatly abated.  We still don't know what we'll find when we get home as our nearest neighbor is out of town, but we never stop praying.

To be continued . . .


  1. Praying for you both, Martha, and for your home. Having been through many hurricanes when I was growing up (Betsey and Camille, to name two of the worst ones), and having managed my mother and aunt out of the wreckage of Katrina (they wouldn't leave; "we've been through this before"), I know what these storms are like, what they can do, and the difficult decisions that have to made quickly.

    1. Wow, Glynn, you have been through more than your fair share of hurricanes during your lifetime, that's for sure. I just can't imagine living with such immediate destruction and needs of loved ones. We always expect that hurricanes only affect those along the coast, but when we see the absolute destruction in Appalachia this time around, it becomes a whole different story. Praying for all those who have been so adversely affected.
      Love and blessings!

  2. our only point of reference to this devastation is what Jo sees on social media and shares with me. I read about some on FOX News on my phone but very little. After going through the tornado and hail storm less than 2 years ago (they came within months of each other) I feel for you. I eagerly await to see how your house fared. Mostly, I'm glad you two are okay. Things can be replaced; people can't.

    1. That is absolutely true, Bill, and that's the reason we chose to leave our home for what we hoped would be safer surroundings. Human life is too precious, and we've been through so much this year so far. I'm praying for all those who have been tragically impacted by this as I know you are.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Praise the Lord you are well, and praying for your safe return home and that all is well with you and yours. God bless.

    1. Sneak preview - we are all okay here in our neighborhood, Victor. Please continue praying for all those displaced by flooding in our North Carolina/Tennessee mountains, though. They are in such dire straits right now as is the Florida/Georgia coast lines.
      Love and blessings!

    2. I am praying for them and all affected by the storm.

  4. Dearest Martha Jane,
    That was a wonderful way for having access to such hotel.
    Well, I have my 3 senior kitties and thus stayed put and got locked in without any power for almost 5 days. Garage door is also electric so couldn't get the car out.
    Grateful for having no damage to the house and it has been blessed when we moved in, November of 1990. That has proven to be valuable over the years. Neighbors got trees down and onto the house, across from me. Only our two tall Italian Cypress got down and a tree near greenhouse. Aside from the two bridges being completely being destroyed. The rain and amount of water raging through the creek was unreal.
    There are several deaths in our town and as I had power, late last night I heard for the 1st time the news and learned that Hurricane Helene caused over 120 deaths. Nothing to complain!
    Also saw that President Trump visited Georgia.
    Hoping you found your home still standing!

    1. I am so relieved to hear that you and your kitties survived Helene, Mariette! To have your electricity back on is nothing short of a miracle considering all the damage in south Georgia. Sorry to know, though, that your neighbors didn't fair as well with their trees down and the deaths of others in your area. Always, always so tragically sad. We can continue to pray and pray and pray. And yes, I saw where President Trump visited Valdosta and brought supplies, etc. That's leadership!
      We are safe here at our home, thanks be to God!
      Love and blessings!

    2. Happy to hear you're home and safe Martha Jane! Oh, President Trump is a born Statesman with so much courage.

  5. I pray all was well when you returned home and continue to pray for so many impacted by the storm.

    1. We are safe, Diana, praise God! Let's all continue to pray for the vast number of people who are dead and/or missing in the wake of Helene. So tragic!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Given the horror stories that are coming to light, I'm so glad y'all elected to evacuate to the Garden Inn. Level-headed packing tips, too!
    Having worked the last 15 years for a resort hotel, I'm glad that manager took ownership of the poor situation and made things 'right' as best he could. That's real customer service.

    1. It truly is, Myra. I still can't get over the manager's kindness and generous spirit. God bless her!
      Love and blessings!

  7. My goodness what a terrorizing ordeal. I can’t imagine since we don’t have hurricanes. I’m so glad to hear you’re all safe and sound. My heart is breaking over the devastating news coming out of NC/East Tennessee areas. They’re saying it won’t ever be the same. I still have family in East Tennessee.
    I agree with you about all the various emergency crews. They are required to give so much - and can’t be home with their own families.
    And you’re right - the only thing we have control over, are our own actions. Praying is powerful -

    1. Prayer is the most powerful weapon we can wield, Debby. I'm so sorry that you have loved ones in NC and East TN areas; they are devastated and my heart breaks for all of them. We vacationed in and around those areas for many years and no, they will never be the same. Let's continue to pray!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Thank you for sharing this with us! You have certainly been through so much. I hope all is well with your house and will watch for your next entry. God bless you both!

    1. Thanks so much, Mrs. White, for your concern and prayers. Yes, we are both fine, but there are so many in our country who are going through unimaginable suffering. I hope you are praying for them.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha Jane: Prayers going up for all who are displaced by Helene. The devastation they show on our news channel shows me what one report called "post apocalyptic" destruction. Glad Danny spoke up as the hotel needs to be more careful about how the cook does his/her job. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Cecelia. Yes, the devastation throughout our southeastern states is apocalyptic and it's hard to believe what we're actually seeing. Oh, how those innocent people so desperately need our prayers and our help. Let's keep on praying!
      Love and blessings!

  10. so very thankful that you all are safe and that you found a nice place to stay. many prayers have been spoken for those who were hit with the rain and destruction of Helene. sorry that Danny has to deal with the PTSD. continued prayers for all of the many needs. hugs and prayers

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Shug. Yes, Danny has had a really hard time with this condition since the end of January when his pacemaker shocked him no fewer than 45 times. The good news is, he is getting better every day with God's help. Keep praying for all those so adversely affected by this horrible storm.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Praying for you both & all affected. Living in LA almost all my life, I know the devastating consequences of these storms. Asking for you to be continually provided for.
    Many Prayers


    1. Yes, Lulu, I know you are certainly too well acquainted with the devastation and destruction hurricanes can cause. Glynn, who commented above, left a great comment about that Louisiana life. Thanks so much for your prayers for all the people so severely affected by this storm and the flooding.
      Love and blessings!

  12. That you are safe is a blessing and I hope home is ok and fine also. It sounds like a nightmare situation something I have never experience and are very thankful for that. Sending prayers your way and for all those affected people.

    1. Thanks so much for all the prayers, Bill. There are so many who've lost lives, homes and businesses due to the high winds and the flooding. We are truly blessed, and I'll fill in more about that in the next blog.
      Love and blessings!

  13. I'm so glad you're OK Martha. Look how God blessed you during your evacuation! We endured three CAT-2/CAT-3 hurricanes while living in FL., and prepared for others that never reached that level or the worst of it hit other areas. The preparation is exhausting; the days without power afterward are challenging. Each time, though, our roof held, we experienced no flooding--just missing shingles, lots of debris, and a mangled pool enclosure. What we faced was nothing compared to what the survivors of Hurricane Helene are facing. I pray God's protection and provision as they seek to recover.

  14. I never experienced a hurricane or any type of bad storm and hope I never do, I am pleased you are ok

  15. Hoping the next installment will tell us your home is okay. Bless that hotel manager for his good customer service and compassion. God is good!


Prayers, Prayers and More Prayers ~ Part One

  Pray without ceasing ~1 Thessalonians 5:17 The photo above is taken by Danny several years ago, and shows how heavily wooded our yard is. ...