Monday, September 9, 2024

Never Forget


Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. ~2 Corinthians 3:17

We will remember

Nothing can erase

Images seared in memories

Usurping innocence

Upending peace in nation

Under God, indivisible

We stood as one

Against a common foe

We will remember 

Twenty-three years ago

Where we were

Who was with us

What we did

How we cried and mourned 

The fallen heroes

Then, and in successive wars

We learned the cost

Fragile freedoms sway

In winds of change

Will we remember?


Never forget.


Do you remember?  Please share your feelings in the comments below.


  1. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Yes, we WILL REMEMBER!
    We also owe it to all those that lost their lives on either that day or afterwards as the result of it, to stand up for this One Nation Under God.
    Let us pray hard for getting back on track again and to value FREEDOM!
    May God hear our voices...

    1. Amen, Mariette! I pray that God hears our prayers and pleas to Him, and unite us under His eternal banner of love and grace. We all need forgiveness for failing to understand that He is the glue that holds us and this nation together.
      Love and blessings!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh yes, I remember. I can remember what I was doing and where I was going when I heard the news. I can remember watching the news for hours hoping against hope that people would be found alive. And I can also remember the feelings of disgust, and even close to hatred, that I fought and had to overcome. I'm grateful that for a few days our country was united and people turned to God. I don't wish for another such attack but I do pray for our nation to turn to God once again...only more permanently.

    1. I remember exactly where I was, too, Bill, as I had much of the same feelings of disbelief mixed with inexpressible sorrow. I had just released my homeroom (I was in a trailer) to go to their first period classes, and turned on the local news radio station to listen as I graded papers and planned for the day ahead. I didn't want to even believe what I was hearing, and when the strike by the second plane was announced, I knew all bets were off for any semblance of normalcy for the remainder of that school day. My students were shell-shocked all that day, and parents who could came to get their children out of school and home early. May we never again see such a tragedy on American soil, though I do fear it could happen. Trusting in God!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Yes, we will always remember. My husband lost a first cousin in one of the towers. We had no idea he was working there until this happened and his life was taken away from his family forever. This horrific tragedy changed the way our country lives forever. We've never been the same. I am always surprised when I realize that so many young people today weren't even born yet when that happened, and they do not know any other way of life or the way it was before 9-11. They have no idea how terrible this tragedy really was. May we never forget, and may our nation turn back to God, the way we did on September 12th, 2001.

    1. These young people who didn't live through this horrific tragedy as we did need to be taught about it in order to fully understand the cost of freedom, Pamela. Unfortunately, the majority of public schools don't bother to do so. Such a sad commentary on the state of our union. And yes, may we pray to God, especially in this divisive election season that He will have mercy on us and return us to His fold in unity as we repent.
      Love and blessings!

  4. We remember, and pray once again.

    God bless.

    1. I'm so aware of and thankful for all of you in Great Britain who prayed for us and with us during this time of unimaginable horror, Victor. Thanks again for your prayers as this anniversary rolls around yet again.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I know exactly where I was - in my office at work. For some unknown reason, I turned on the small portable TV I had, and there it was. Those videos, scenes, and photographs will stay with us until we die.

    1. They are glued to our memory banks, Glynn, and can never be erased. As I mentioned to Bill above, all I had was a radio in my trailer as the mornings were my planning period; I didn't even see the television footage until I got home that day. That was more horrific than I could ever have envisioned, and I was livid with my then high school aged kids' teachers for showing it in class. They were truly traumatized by the whole thing.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Yeah, I remember. I know exactly where I was and what I was thinking. Trouble is, nothing changed, except for the worse. Like y'all I'm holding onto the thread from Jesus' garment praying for healing and may He rescue us soon. 💙

    1. You and I both know, Sparky, that unless we repent and turn to our loving God for forgiveness and strength, the evil one will continue to separate and weaken us. May Jesus return us to that one nation under God, indivisible.
      Love and blessings!

  7. “Images seared in memories” perfectly captures reactions then and now.

    1. Thank you, Diana, for your comment here today. Yes, these are memories that can never be erased.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Yes, I remember where I was. It was trash pick-up day. I had set out newspapers for recycle. But the truck didn't pick up the newspapers. I was upset. But then my best friend called and told me what she saw on the TODAY SHOW. My issue with the trash men seemed very unimportant. Our son lived about 80 miles away and worked in the evenings. Jim called him and told him what had happened. About a week later, I went to a meeting of a Christian group with a friend. All of those present were still feeling the anxiety and the fear. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thank you, Cecelia, for taking time to share here where you were and with whom you were on this terrible and unprecedented day in our nation's history. It sure did make those little things that irritated us seem utterly without meaning, didn't it?
      Love and blessings!

  9. It is daunting to think as those who “knew “ WE II dwindle every single day, so it will be with those who saw this great tragedy. Such a poignant reminder of only God is timeless.

    Beautiful poetry!
    Blessings, Martha

    1. I do hope and pray that we will tell our children and grandchildren about what we went through and how it changed our lives and perspectives forever. Yes, only God is timeless, and my He favor our nation once again with His presence.
      Love and blessings!

  10. God bless you for using your gifts to deliver this very, very timely reminder, Martha. Like you and all your devoted fans, I also remember, but I've noticed something valuable and I think, noteworthy. That is that while videos and statements made on that day do not, and should not,change, memories mature. The power and the meaning that those images evoke can change. We live in a different country now than we did then, and that amplifies the deep need for the kind of heartfelt love for this land that exploded 23 years ago. Something beyond words, beyond tears, beyond any single expression rose up in my heart as the concrete and steel crumbled downward. We've built more buildings since that day, but we've lost the heart that stood ready to defy the enemies that attacked us. We've moved from a collective commitment to defeat our foes to a national invitation for them to walk into our land and do whatever they want. Memories mature. Now as I watch the familiar videos of flames destroying the superstructure of those towering buildings and bringing death and destruction to thousands, I see inflamatory lies and deceit destroying the values that once held up our nation. Sorry to go on and on, but your powerful reminder struck an nerve (again). Thank you for helping to ensure that we won't forget.

    1. Thank you, Ron, for taking the time and thought to express so deftly what many of us are feeling in these days of division, backbiting, finger pointing, and mistrust of the institutions which used to be part of the glue that held this nation together and protected us from harm. Without God's compass to guide us, how quickly we can become a ship off course and floundering. May we, as a nation, repent, ask forgiveness of our Lord, and one day be unified in His holy name.
      Love and blessings!

  11. It is a memory that will be with you forever. I was living in Alaska at the time and had the radio on when I first heard about the attack. We were four hours behind the east coast so it was 5am. I turned on tv and was absolutely shocked needless to say, I was glued to the tv for days. I remember feeling pain for all those people who were looking for their loved ones and posted photos of them so hopefully they would be found. This went on for days, it was heartbreaking to see it. As the years go forward, we will always remember the day, the lost lives and the innocent victims. May they all RIP.

    1. That memory will be with me forever, Bill, and so many of us in this country can never forget the pain and anguish of those first days and those that have stretched over the decades with first responders and other innocents succumbing to subsequent illnesses due to the residue of concrete and steel dust which filled the air. It's the main reason that Tunnel 2 Towers is one of the few charities to which Danny and I give to on a monthly basis. Their goal is to provide for first-responders' families with young children should they die in the line of duty. They also do the same for our country's brave veterans who leave behind family when they pay the ultimate price for our freedoms.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Nothing can possible erase the memory of 9/11 .. for which I'm grateful. The ache in my heart, the tears on my cheeks are their remembrance; I'd have it no other way.
    Thank you, Martha and Danny for remembering.

    1. Thank you, Myra, for remembering with us. We can absolutely never forget.
      Love and blessings!

  13. We must love one another once again! Come let us reason together. Anger and hate. Never lead upward. Bless you honey Aloha

    1. And may we all realize that we have more in common than we are different, Cloudia. That goes a long way in healing of hearts and understanding of our humanity that binds us together.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Yes. Amen. We need to remember, and we need to teach about this. God bless America, land that I love...

    1. May God bless our country, indeed, Terri. It may have been twenty-three years ago, but it feels like it happened yesterday. Let's keep praying!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Your poignant words do ineed evoke the solemnity of that day, Martha. Thank you for using your gift of poetry to help us remember. I pray for the families and friends of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and those who've lost loved ones since, those who were first responders in the aftermath.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful, reflective words here, Nancy. So many innocent lives gone in the blink of an eye. May we never forget how fragile life can be and vow to never let such atrocities happen again.
      Love and blessings!

  16. It always amazes me how we can remember right where we were and what we were doing when a traumatic event happened even though it was a lifetime ago. A good day to pray, to reflect, to trust God for the future. Thank you for this, Martha.

    1. Thank you for sharing your memories here, Linda. This is a good day for prayer, as should all days be, and to recommit ourselves, heart, soul and mind, to God and His will for us and this nation.
      Love and blessings!

  17. It saddens me that we have forgotten. A house divided will fall. I remember the patriotism after the attack. We were united. Determined to preserve our nation. The attack from the outside was thwarted, but now we are under attack from inside our borders. I pray this attack will also be thwarted. Thanks for the reminder Martha!

    1. Sadly, Mike, we have had a difficult time holding onto those lessons that 9/11 taught us and the memory of how we were so united as a nation in the aftermath of the tragedy. We can't go back to 9/10, no matter what we might think. The world has changed, and so have we. Let us pray that it won't take another attack on our soil to remember that we are one nation under God.
      Love and blessings!

  18. So beautiful and powerful, Martha. I always remember everything about that day as the hard news unfolded before our eyes. You're such a gifted writer and poet. God bless! Karen Friday

    1. Thank you for your caring words here, Karen. Yes, for our generation, this was most certainly a day that will live in infamy. May we turn to God, repent, and trust that He can unite us again as His shining city on a hill.
      Love and blessings!

  19. I remember nursing my baby and being terrified. I wanted to get my two older children from preschool and kindergarten. I tried watching YouTube newsclips and special report program interruptions recently and I just couldn't😭

    1. I certainly can feel the pain in your words, Regina, and the horror you experienced, especially when your children were young. Mine were in high school at the time, but they were shocked beyond belief at the atrocities perpetrated against our nation. Let us always teach the generations who didn't live through this event just how tragic it was.
      Love and blessings!

  20. At the time, I thought our nation would be literally destroyed.

    Well, it has not come to literal destruction, but the changes in so many other areas have been profound, and not good. The Lord's mercies on us have been long.

    1. So many of us felt the same way you did at the time, Barbara. This was a threat that none of us could have ever imagined. Our nation is fragile, founded on Judeo-Christian principles and values, that others wish to destroy. And sadly, some of those enemies are coming from within. Keep looking up!
      Love and blessings!

  21. Amen and Amen! War and disorder in general is sad. So many lives wasted and lost forever. Efforts would better serve everyone in peace and cooperation than the money and effort to devise our destruction as a species. God and Christ come into our lives and change the hearts of men. Amen

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Oh, yes, Jim, only God through His Son can change the hearts of men. Those who don't think they need a Savior are misguided and duped by this devil-run world. Let us pray for repentance and forgiveness in these days that we may be unified in peace as a nation.
      Love and blessings!

  22. 🇺🇸🙏🏼 Amen! Thank you, Martha. Love and blessings to you!

    1. May we, as a country, never suffer such loss again, but I do fear we will. Let's keep praying, Trudy!
      Love and blessings!

  23. Such a shocking and terrible time, we should never forget all those lives lost and all the brave men and women who went there to help

    1. May we always remember and honor those innocent lives lost, Jo-Anne, and keep praying for America and Australia that we can keep our Western values and cultures strong in a world that would hope to destroy our dreams.
      Love and blessings!

  24. everything about that horrible morning is etched in my mind . So much disbelief of what was happening and then to see the horror on the news. Prayers will always remain for the families and for our Nation. Enjoy a beautiful Thursday Martha

    1. Yes, Shug, not one of us who lived through that horrific day can ever forget such a tragedy. Prayers said at the time and certainly said today and always.
      Love and blessings!

  25. yes we will always remember. Hard to forget where we were that day, isn't it?

    1. I recall every long and terrible moment, Jean, as I know you do.
      Love and blessings!

  26. It seems like yesterday. And it's been so many years. And I still remember what I was doing.

    1. It does seem like it was yesterday, Krolowa. It will always remain in our memories and break our hearts afresh when we remember.
      Love and blessings!

  27. Boa tarde, Martha
    Aquele dia foi terrível, quantas famílias destruídas, somente Deus para confortar os corações daqueles que perderam seus familiares e amigos, um forte abraço.

    1. Amen, Lucinalva. Only God can heal and comfort us as we move forward.
      Love and blessings!

  28. Terrible loss of life and then liberty. America needs to turn around and remember who God is.

    1. Yes, Annie, our nation needs to turn back to God in a huge way. May we never experience such a tragedy again in this country.
      Love and blessings!

  29. Replies
    1. It was horrific, Snobe. May it never happen again.
      Love and blessings!

  30. This cannot be forgotten.
    Greetings and I invite you to see my new painting

    1. Yes, Jenovia, may we never, ever forget.
      Love and blessings!

  31. This is such a heartfelt reflection. I can still clearly remember where I was and how deeply everything affected me. The sadness, the shock, and how we all came together as one. It's heartbreaking to think of the nearly 3,000 lives lost, including five Malaysians. Your words really capture that feeling of loss, but also the strength we found as a community. Thanks for the reminder to never forget and to always keep those who protect our freedom in our thoughts. Amen.

    1. Thank you, Veronica, for your heartfelt comment here. The entire world felt the effects of this tragedy and the needless loss of innocent lives. May we never forget!
      Love and blessings!

  32. You always have the words to post. It will always be in my heart and those families in my prayers. Thanks Martha Jane. Enjoy a blessed new week.

    1. Thank you, Anne. Yes, we will never forget what happened, and we will continue to pray for all those innocents whose lives were tragically lost and the loved ones left behind.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...