Monday, November 11, 2024

Top Priority


Shiloh Community Church

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. ~Matthew 6:33

He who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only. ~C. S. Lewis

If someone asks you, what is your top priority in life, what would your answer be?  How do you think most people would respond when confronted with this inquiry?  The modern world in which we live is largely secular.  We are bombarded daily with messages from ads and commercials that we need this or that product to enhance our beauty, whiten our smiles, relieve our pain, achieve our worldly goals, get that promotion, drive the classiest car, reduce our weight, and the list could, and does, go on and on.

Christmas is right around the corner.  Sadly, instead of thoughtfully and lovingly preparing our hearts for the advent of Jesus as a babe in the manger, so many people are strung out like tangled Christmas lights as we prepare our homes for the perfect tree, perfect decorations, perfect meals, and perfect family gatherings in the offing.  We want to appear to be perfect in every way, don't we?

But the hard truth is none of us, even those deemed righteous by others, can ever be perfect.  Nor, were we meant to be.  Dare I say, we need to repeat the phrase, Jesus is the reason for the season, when life becomes hectic and we feel overwhelmed at the holidays.

The world tells us lies about who we are.  It says we're not enough.  We don't have enough.  

But God.

Our Father created us in His image.  Each one of us is unique and loved by Him.  In His gracious time, He sent His only Son not to punish, but to take all the slings and arrows we deserve upon Himself.  What does Jesus ask in return?  Place His Father at the top of our priority list, just as the tops of our Christmas trees often display a shining star symbolizing the great one that guided the wise men to Jesus so many years ago.

So, before the holidays catch you dashing and dancing around like frenzied reindeer, STOP!  Take a deep breath, or two or three.  Close your eyes.  Give prayers and praise to God for all His blessings and mercy in our lives.

If seeking God and His will is at the top of your priority list, all else will fall into place.



  1. What a wonderful post, Martha. Thank you so much.

    Sadly the world has become so secular that many are living soul-less in a materialistic existence. Those that have want more; and those that haven't are left trailing behind.

    Already some houses here have the Christmas lights and decorations on. The shops have had Christmas goods for about a month already and all the TV adverts are about Christmas. People don't realise that they are living their lives faster than it is meant to be.

    Again, thank you for this sobering post. God bless always.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind and thoughtful words here today, Victor! I love your observation that people are living their lives much faster than God intended for us. He deemed a Sabbath Day because He knew His people needed to rest in Him and His comforting Word. I haven't seen any homes decorated for Christmas yet, but stores certainly have decked the halls for the shop 'til you drop season. Can't we just slow down?
      Love and blessings!

  2. Dearest Martha Jane,
    So very true and indeed, people are being sold by many golden calves. Commercials and other brainwashing tactics never end.
    Be happy with the little daily miracles that are evident around us.
    Grateful for a roof over our head, a meal in front of us and clothes to wear.
    Two nights ago in bed I was pondering about the two words that describe my life—Floating on Faith.

    1. Floating on faith . . . What amazing words to describe you and your life, Mariette! I wish more and more people would come to their senses about what is, and should be, life's top priority, and invite God into their lives. He will never come into our hearts until we ask him to enter.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Timely reminder, Martha. Just yesterday I passed a house already decorated for Christmas, and another one with the decorated tree in the window.

    1. Oh, no!!! Before Thanksgiving??? Well, Glynn, I guess you've just proved the point I was trying to make here. Slow down, people! Enjoy each moment of each day for what it is.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I love your description “strung out like tangled Christmas lights.” It’s so on-target. May our focus on the Light of the world lead to the peace He came to give.

    1. Thanks for your kind words here, Diana. Sometimes when I'm writing, God gives me just the right words/descriptors, and for that gift, I can't thank Him enough. Yes, our focus should be on the Light of the World, always, and every day.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Well said, Martha! I wrote on this topic 2 days ago and it will post a month before Christmas. Great minds😊

    1. How cool is that, Lulu? Yes, I'm convinced that great minds think alike, especially when it comes to our spiritual needs. I'm looking forward to reading you post when it does publish.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Beautiful well written words. I take them to heart as I know that the season is upon us and the struggle is so real. Thank you for Blessing us with the truth today.

    1. You are so welcome, Shug. I'm glad this post touched you deeply as the season of Christmas approaches. Let's all slow down!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Amen! While I'm far more relaxed than in my younger years, I still needed to read this. Instead of searching for 'just right' gifts, He's already blessed us with the Perfect Gift.

    1. You can say that again, Myra! Jesus is the perfect gift and the only one we need, not just at Christmas, but on every day of the year.
      Love and blessings!

  8. It's so encouraging to be thinking about a particular concept and then discover that a very gifted author decided to write about it. You have obviously highlighted one of those issues that all of us have to deal with, especially as "the holidays" begin to unfold. As one who has been delegated to untangle a wad of Christmas lights the size of a beach ball more than once, I loved that picture of the mental and emotional chaos that Christmas can become. But the good news is that the One about whom all of it is declared to be can get us untangled, energized, and back to the business of illuminating Him and what His coming means. Thank you for the encouragement to be sure that honoring Jesus and serving Him is at the top of every priority list we have, especially when cultural demands and traditional pressures seem to push Him aside. God bless you for another inspiring and encouraging message, and may God guide you and Danny carefully as we make our way through the momentous weeks and months ahead.

    1. Thank you, Ron, for your own words of encouragement here today. I'm just so weary of how one of holiest days in the Christian year has been so commercialized; I simply refuse to be a part of that distracting hoopla. Of course, I do enjoy decorating our house during the season, but that's certainly not the be all or end all. We both know the real reason for the season, so let's make Jesus our centerpiece and focus not just at Christmas, but on every day of the year.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha Jane: You say it so well. Our society is focused on getting THINGS. Since the majority of our family is no longer with us, and we have all the things we want, I try to ask hubby and son what they NEED. I do have some Christian friends that I give Christian gifts to-nothing fabulous but meaningful. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Danny and I quit giving Christmas gifts to each other years ago so we could focus on our children's Christmas and now, our grandchildren. It makes us sad that we won't be able to see them over the coming holidays (that includes Thanksgiving), but we will make sure they know how much they're loved and cherished by us as best we can. Only one of Danny's sons still lives near enough to visit at that time, so that's a comfort. I have been sending Christmas cards to family and friends for years now, but I'm not sure I will do so this year or not.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Thank you for this reminder to put Jesus at the top of our priority list, everyday, and especially as we begin our focus on the holidays ahead. I know I tend to get very frenzied the closer we get to Christmas, and I am determined not to let that happen this year. I KNOW Jesus is the REASON for the SEASON, but still I allow the expectations of others (and my own expectations of myself) to dominate my thinking and it becomes a very stressful time for me. So I am praying now that God will help me to pace myself and put Him first in all the days ahead, and He will help me get there in His time and on time! Thank you for this post. I needed it.

    1. I'm so glad to know that this post was a helpful reminder for you of what Christmas is truly about, Pamela. We really and truly don't have to put ourselves in the pressure cooker, thinking we won't be enough or do enough, but both you and I know that's not true. Our families are always appreciative, and God will help us focus on Jesus when we place Him as our top priority.
      Love and blessings!

  11. People don't need more things. There is so much waste and stuff around us and God isn't even the focus of lots of people. Sad indeed but we as individuals can rejoice in God and celebrate him instead of the material stuff. We stopped exchanging gifts many years ago and haven't regretted it. A nice letter in a homemade card to send to loved ones gives us satisfaction. Blessings to you and have a wonderful day.

    1. You are so right, Bill. We don't need more things, we need more love and care to go around. A homemade treat or card or letter sent to a friend or family member speaks volumes. Let's pray that our love for Jesus will shine brightly for all to see.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Beautifully said, Martha! I've been spending my time these past weeks, purging and reorganizing "stuff" and there is nothing, material, that I need. Friends and family are the best. All we need is love and God's promises!!

    1. Absolutely, Terri! All we need to live for the Lord is love and His unchanging promises. I, too, need to be cleaning and purging and hope to do so soon. One person's trash is someone else's treasure, especially at this time of year. Let's get rid of all the baggage that holds us back from enjoying the freedom and love we can realize in Jesus.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Oh how I love this post! I agree 💯
    We have always kept Christ in Christmas. It’s much easier now with just the two us now. I don’t feel comfortable getting all caught up in the “fluff” anymore. For me keeping it simple works for me and keeps me focused on the true meaning of Christmas. It is such a shame that the secular keeps pushing its way into our hearts and minds - as if there is a competition for our very souls. Hmm, maybe that’s the point.
    Keeping our eyes fixed on our Savior instead of Santa brings us eternal comfort and joy. Jesus is the REASON for this beautiful season. Let’s keep it that way!

    1. Amen, Debby! Keeping Christ in Christmas is a conscious choice, and one we should uphold in our own households. Your comment regarding the possession of our souls is right on point. The devil would love nothing better than to hold us captive to the secular lies his society tells us we should believe. We are not of this world as believers. Let us take time to focus on God during this time that wants all our attention concentrated on everything else.
      Love and blessings!

  14. "Funny" you should mention that everything will fall into place. Just this morning I was making a mental list of the things I'd like to get done before Thanksgiving, and then another list to accomplish before Christmas! The calendar is already quite full, how will all these projects and tasks be accomplished? My next thought (prompted by the Holy Spirit?) was: every year you wonder if you'll get everything done and every year you do--OR the things not accomplished turn out not to matter. GOD does indeed cause all things to fall into place. How delightful that your post reaffirmed that truth this evening, Martha!

    1. I am so humbled and honored that God could use my voice here to reinforce your faith that all that God wants to be accomplished is not up to us, but up to Him. When we are feeling stressed and pressured, let us turn to the Lord for His unfailing timing and wisdom as we move forward, day by day.
      Love and blessings!

  15. What a beautifully written and timely reflection, reminding us of the true essence of the season. It’s so easy to get swept up in the holiday rush, striving for perfection in all the wrong places, while forgetting the deeper meaning behind it all. Your words are a powerful call to refocus on what truly matters—seeking God first and finding peace in His love and grace. The reminder that "Jesus is the reason for the season" is something we all need to hear, especially in a world that often tries to tell us otherwise.

    1. The world is striving to tell us lies, Melody, but when we know God, we know the ultimate truth, and will refuse to be swayed from that truth. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words here today, dear one. Allow His love to fill and comfort your heart and mind.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Nothing to add except AMEN.

    Hugs and Blessings

  17. Martha, beautiful photo of the church. This is such a needed message and I like how you said, "before the holidays catch you dashing and dancing around like frenzied reindeer, STOP!" I truly want to have the Lord at the top of my life just like a star on top of a Christmas tree is there for all to see. Great analogy. God bless. Karen Friday

    1. I'm so glad you liked this particular part of the post, Karen. Yes, let's make God our top priority in the coming holiday season and we can rest assured that all will fall into place just as it should. Our little church is so special to both Danny and me.
      Love and blessings!

  18. It is a leap of faith to break free from cultural mores that contradict your own spiritual values. Disentangling from entrenched customs takes divine fortitude and a willingness to stand alone. Yet most are so encultured they don’t recognize the matrix entrapment and will continue the vicious cycle of spending and debt for generations to come. When “have you finished your shopping” becomes society’s mantra as Christmas draws near, you know who runs the show. I'm out of the materialist view of Christmas, and have chosen the sacred path. I took me years to escape the consumerist entrapment, but I'm free. Hallelujah!

    1. Amen, Debra! Digging ourselves out of societal expectations isn't easy, but for the sake of our sanity, it is necessary. May we live our priority to love and serve God and not bend to the the will of the world. You are free, indeed!
      Love and blessings!

  19. "But God..." Powerful meaning in those two words. Thank you for this reflection on Who should come first in our hearts and lives, Martha. Love and blessings to you!

    1. There is such a powerful message and meaning in these two simple words, for sure, Trudy. Let us always give thanks to our God for every gift and blessing, knowing He alone is the source of all goodness.
      Love and blessings!

  20. Yes yes yes, Jesus is the reason for the season and it is something that is lost to many people, this is a special time of year a time to celebrate the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ. A damn good post

    1. Thank you for your affirmation here, Jo-Anne. Yes, let us always focus on Jesus, not just at Christmas, but throughout every day of the year!
      Love and blessings!

  21. Dear Martha, I was astonished at how early Christmas stuff arrived in the stores this year. It's crazy. Thank you for your wise caution to choose gratitude and praise. Focusing on our Lord and Savior will allow everything else to fall into place in His timetable. And therein is our peace.

    Happy weekend to you and yours, friend.

    1. It seems, Linda, that those displays for Christmas arrive earlier and earlier, I agree. May our focus not be on things but on the substance of why we celebrate in the first place. Thanks so much for stopping by!
      Love and blessings!

  22. Very inspirarse words that remember the correct way and the presence of God near us in our lives. Is important every day do the correct and the good in our lives. Thank you for your inspired words.

    1. Thank you, J. S., for taking a moment to leave your kind comment here. Let us ever put the Lord on the top of our priority lists.
      Love and blessings!

  23. Nicely written with beautiful words, happy weekend.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Snobe.
      Love and blessings!

  24. Thank you for this post, Martha. I trust all is well with you and Danny.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. We are doing fine, all things considered, and I do hope and pray that you all are, too.
      Love and blessings!

  25. Luke 11:2: "And he said to them, When ye pray, say, Father, thy name be hallowed; thy kingdom come ...": what is for the Father first even in prayer.

    1. Always, David, the Father comes first.
      Love and blessings!

  26. Looks like I'm really late to this party Martha! We are imagio Deo (the image of God). How it must hurt His heart when when we are unhappy and try to redo His image in us. Let's be satisfied He is all we need and we have all in Him.

    1. Absolutely, Bill - God is all we need to know that we are rich and beloved beyond any expectations this world could place on us. So, so happy to know your knee replacement went so well and that you are on the mend. Keep healing!
      Love and blessings!


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