Monday, January 20, 2025

What Are You Waiting For?


Wait on the Lord.  Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart.  Wait, I say, on the Lord! ~Psalm 27:14

In today's fast paced society, it seems, "wait" has joined the dubious family of four-letter words.  I love to wait in line at the grocery store, at the doctor's office, on the phone, at a traffic light, said no one ever.  And unfortunately, our cravings for instant gratification, wanting our wants immediately, is incessantly fueled by our internet connections and smart phones.

I'm old enough to remember the days of land lines and television networks that went off the air at midnight.  You didn't have the option of seeing a show you missed because of other obligations you had to meet.

I learn that lesson early in my childhood years.  There is a favorite kids' show on a local station that airs every weekday at 5:00 p.m.  I never want to miss it, especially since my mom and dad are strict about how much television my brother and I are allowed to watch.  Imagine my dismay, not to mention disappointment, when we return home from a late afternoon dental appointment, only to discover I've missed it!

What do I do?  I grab our old analog clock off a side table and promptly turn the hands backward to before 5:00.  When my mother sees me in action, she snatches it back from me, saying, "Turning back the clock can't change what time it actually is.  You'll just have to wait (there's that word) until tomorrow when it comes on again."

Yes, whether or not I like it, I have to wait.

That is then, but this is now.  Today, I can record favorite shows to stream at my leisure, and pause a program in progress if I need to something else at the moment.  The best part about this is, when I do get back to it, I can race through all the mindless commercials to get to the meat of the broadcast.

Is this just another first world convenience?  You bet!  And I'll venture to say I'm not the only one reading this who doesn't enjoy 21st century perks.

But in other ways, not having to wait has its downside.  How can we learn patience unless conditions impose the need for us to wait?  And how can we wait productively when a desired time or place seems woefully out of reach?  My answer?  Prayer!

I confess, it's taken me many years to arrive at that revelation, but God . . .  Talking with and listening to Him is something for which we never have to wait.  He will strengthen our hearts and give us courage to face the challenges and wait-times we encounter each and every day.

And with the grace of patience seemingly in short supply these days, we can pray that we will once again come to realize its dignity, virtue and worth.  

So what are you waiting for?  Go to God in prayer today.  He will never put you on hold.



  1. Your words: "And with the grace of patience seemingly in short supply these days, we can pray that we will once again come to realize its dignity, virtue and worth" say what needs to be said. There is a reason we are told patience is a virtue. Thanks Martha.

    1. I'm so gratified that these words spoke to your heart, Bill. Your recent reflections on having to wait got me thinking about my own shortcomings in that arena. Yes, there is definitely a reason that patience is considered a virtue, and we should all strive to practice it in this new year.
      Love and blessings!

  2. "Today, I can ... pause a program in progress if I need to."

    How about all the other people living in your area? Do they have to wait with their TV paused until you return to viewing your program?

    I hate it when on TV the presenters include a long pause in quiz shows before revealing the answer to a question, or whether the contestant has won or not. They do it for suspense, but it is getting irritating. Imagine if God kept you waiting before revealing whether you're forgiven or not.

    Seriously though, this is a great post, Martha, and indicative of today's society wanting everything instantly.

    God bless.

    1. I so appreciate the humor you included in your comment here, Victor. Yes, I don't enjoy it when programs leave us hanging in suspense, and I'm so grateful that God never leaves us out to dry when we call on Him. Patience is a virtue, indeed, and we all should remember that, especially when it seems (to us) that God doesn't answer our prayers right away. He hears, and will answer in ways that are best for us.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Beautifully said. Have a lovely day my friend.

  4. God “will strengthen our hearts and give us courage to face the challenges and wait-times we encounter each and every day.” Amen.

    1. I'm so glad to know this particular phrase spoke to you, Diana. And I have to confess, when it comes to being patient, I'm still a work in progress.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Waiting is downright un-American. In fact, it's anti-American.

    1. You can say that again, Glynn. The "I want it here, I want it now" is certainly a mentality that too many of us have developed.
      Love and blessings!

  6. How wonderful! (Yes, I can certainly relate!)
    Our Bible study group just concluded Louie Giglio's (study), "Waiting Here for You" so I found your words particularly meaningful. Thank you.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your recent Bible study with us here, Myra. Giglio's book sounds fantastic! We all, including me, have to learn to wait with patience.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Yes!! Amen. Sadly, so many younger people have never experienced the long waits that we had as children. Everything is instant now...(even our food) This is a wonderful post and how thankful I am that God is always holds.

    1. Absolutely, Shug! God never puts us on hold, does He? And I, too, worry about the younger generations who aren't learning the patience that comes with waiting. I'm still learning to be content in the waiting.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I enjoyed this today and I know exactly what you mean. I bet we are the last generation of people who can wait and have patience - and it is getting hard with us.
    Everything is so fast paced now. Whether it be food - work - or play.
    You look very young to me in your photo.
    I am very thankful God has patience with us!

    1. Oh, I'm so thankful for God's infinite patience with me, Chatty, that's for sure! Thank you for your complimentary words about my photo, too. Obviously, it's been touched up - LOL! And believe me, there are days when I KNOW how old I am.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Amen -Christine

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Christine.
      Love and blessings!

  10. So true, so true. Now that I am “mature” I have the time to wait and while I don’t really like to, I ask God to give me patience. Years ago, I was always on the move and any waiting kept me from the things I felt I needed to accomplish. Slowing down, and actually waiting is good for us - one can observe what is going on around them, listen to God as He now has an opening in our busy lives.Be Still and know that I am God.
    I really enjoyed this, Martha.Thank you.

    1. Amen, Debby! There is so much worth in getting older, especially when we have to slow down and simply be still. I find God speaks to me much more frequently when I'm not running around and thinking I have to DO. Thanks for sharing your kind and thoughtful words here with us today.
      Love and blessings!

  11. i never was a good 'wait-er' but time and age and a whole lot of experiencing God's goodness in the waiting room have taught me to slow down and be aware that He's at work. He's never failed me yet and keeps on surprising me along the way.

    thanks for this always needed reminder, friend. a blessed Tuesday to you!

    1. "He's never failed me yet and keeps on surprising me along the way." Truer words could not have been spoken, Linda! I still struggle at times, but getting older, when it slows us down, it always a good thing.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Boa tarde, Martha
    Ótima reflexão. Que possamos esperar em Deus, o mundo anda muito apressado, um forte abraço.

    1. Thanks so much, Lucinalva! Yes, let us all wait, hopefully with patience, upon the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  13. I'm sitting here with a smile in my heart, which makes those we get on our face even better. I so loved the story about missing your program and have lived out that frustrating event more than once (although I wasn't clever enough to do that thing with the clock--hilarious). And I am happily among those who never offer gratitude for standing in lines anywhere and who are very content not to return to what some like to call the "good old days." I love having a fireplace I can turn on with a switch on the wall--splitting wood, starting the fire, cleaning up the ashes and assorted mess, never did spark an irresistible urge to lapse into a praise and worship session. I was glad to have the fire, but would have been happy to have it with a switch instead of chain saws, axes, and mauls. But the thing that brings the internal smile is the wisdom you shared about both the value of patience and the fact that God doesn't make us line up and wait when we need to talk with Him. So, God bless you once again, my gifted friend, the visit has been uplifting and insightful and we're hoping you and Danny are staying warm and dry as winter drags on.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words and reflective thoughts here today! I don't know how "clever" it was of me at the age of six to turn back the hands of a clock thinking that it could work magic, but I did learn a powerful lesson - time goes by whether we like it or not. And like you, especially as I get older, I'm extra grateful for the modern conveniences we have at our disposal. We are a fortunate generation, indeed! We are doing our level best to stay warm, and we are thankful day in and day out for our home and food on the table. No wood chopping here!
      Love and blessings!

  14. What a great story, Martha! Wait upon The Lord ❤️

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post today, Lulu. Yes, may we all wait upon the Lord and His impeccable timing.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Patience is certainly one of those "virtues" that we seem to have to learn over and over again in life. Learning to "wait upon the Lord" isn't always easy. His time isn't like our time. But His timing is always perfect, we can depend on that! Great post! Thank you.

    1. I absolutely agree, Pamela, that patience is a lesson we have to learn over and over again in life. So thankful that God has been so patient with me in this learning process. And as I just said to Lulu above, and as you said, God's timing is always perfect.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Wow--"the dignity, virtue, and worth" of wait time. Now those are three qualities most people would never expect from wait time--especially dignity. But I have to admit, a calm, patient person does exude dignity, but not so much the toe-tapping, time-checking, deep-sighing person! An astute observation, Martha!

    1. Thank you so much, Nancy, for your kind words here today. There is such dignity in waiting with patience, not wishing away the hours. Our time here is precious, and we should strive to make each moment count.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Grace is amazing! To think the creator longs to hear from us! Blessings Martha!

    1. Oh, yes, Mike, so amazing that our Father wants to hear from each and every one of us.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Yes, Amen!! I am old enough to remember those things, too, Martha. I missed birthday parties so I could stay home to see The Wizard of Oz on TV. It was on once a year and was my favorite movie! I enjoyed your post and the memories!!

    1. That movie was and is one of my all-time favorites, too, Terri! So glad to know this post brought back memories for you.
      Love and blessings!

  19. I too am old enough to remember many things that others have never had to endure. All I knew through me first 10 or so years was radio, that's right, only radio. Even after television came along we were only allowed to watch Tv at certain times of the day. Broadcasts were sparce and not child oriented. In my walk with the Lord there was that wait factor for many things. Even when praying for change much had to wait until the time was right. Everything is according to the Lord's time and good pleasure. Rest assured the wait is worth it. Strength and endurance are valuable to the Lord. Be Still and know, 46:10.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Amen, Jim! It sounds like the time in which you grew up mirrors my own. We had a small TV and didn't have one in color until 1968. Everything does happen in God's time and, as you said, His good pleasure. Praying this younger people coming up in this world do learn the valuable lesson of patient waiting.
      Love and blessings!

  20. I like the definition of patience as "choosing to be willing to wait with a pleasant attitude." That has helped me many a time in recent years to endure the aggravation of having to wait. So much of coping in life comes down to how we choose to respond.

    1. So true, Barbara - coping in life so many times comes down to how we respond to things, the good and the bad. May we wait with patience and grace, knowing God answers in His time and in His way.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Nice post, Martha. I finally got to leave a comment, hopefully. I got tired of waiting for blogger to work right. :)

    1. I'll bet you did, Bill! That is certainly understandable for us as bloggers to get tired of the wait when promised technologies fail us. But at least we can rest assured that God never will.
      Love and blessings!

  22. Amen, Martha, amen. Every day I remind myself of these scriptures that have sustained me in my times of waiting: "Be still and know that I am God...They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength...In quietness and trust shall be your strength..." Though waiting is hard, patience is being built into the fabric of our being as we wait. I love your story of turning back the hands of time. Love it! You are precious, then and now.

    1. Thank you, Debra, for sharing these pertinent and meaningful scriptures that have sustained you through your times of waiting. So helpful! I'm glad you liked the story part of this, too.
      Love and blessings!

  23. Martha, this is such good and fresh insight on waiting. Love how you tied in the 21st Century perks most of us love including technology. Waiting causes us to trust in the Lord and grow spiritually. And, yes, prayer! God bless, dear!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind and complimentary words here, Karen. Waiting does cause us to trust even more in the Lord, I agree. What could be better?
      Love and blessings!

  24. There are so many people today who do not know how to wait, patiently and because of that they have a habit of making a scene when they have to wait for something, stomping around looking at their phone huffing and puffing and carrying on. As a teenager I took to carrying a book in my bag to read when ever I had to wait for something, now if I don't have a book I scroll through stuff on my phone

    1. I still bring a book when I'm going to an appointment, too, Jo-Anne. Instant gratification is a slippery slope, for sure. May we all learn to wait with patience.
      Love and blessings!

  25. We’re so used to instant everything, but sometimes the best thing we can do is slow down and wait.
    Love the analogy of turning back the clock. It’s a good nudge to trust in God’s timing.
    Thanks for the reminder that we never have to wait for God to listen. He’s always there!

    Hugs and blessings

  26. I'm glad you liked the clock story, Veronica. We all need to trust in God's timing, don't we? We can't control that, but we can rest assured that His timing is always perfect.
    Love and blessings!

  27. best phrase: But God. Yes waiting is hard but hold many lessons too. Love how you spin many lessons. fun to think back to the time we couldn't record or live stream. Man are we spoiled! LOL

    1. We are spoiled, indeed, Jean, living in this age of technology. May we remember to slow down and listen for God's still small voice while we are waiting.
      Love and blessings!

  28. What a beautifully written post! You've captured the essence of our impatience in such a relatable way. I love how you've turned the frustration of waiting into a reminder of the peace that comes with prayer and patience. It’s a great perspective in a world that's constantly rushing. Wishing you a peaceful and restful weekend ahead!

    1. Thank you, Melody, for your kind words of affirmation here. Yes, we all are encouraged to speed things up instead of slowing down to take in the beauty of each moment that God provides. Waiting can actually be a friend.
      Love and blessings!

  29. Lovely, encouraging post Martha Jane, just what I needed at this moment. God bless.

    1. I'm so happy to hear that this post was something you needed right now, Brenda.
      Love and blessings!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Many poeple of these days wait for nothing and even more they look for nothing.

    1. That is so true, Snobe, and I find it so very sad.
      Love and blessings!

    A waiting people
    Is on this earth; while above
    Is the Coming One.

    It's interesting that ever since Genesis 3 God has had a waiting people. Genesis 49:18: "I wait for thy salvation, O Jehovah".

    1. Amen, David! We are a waiting people; may we wait with prayer and patience.
      Love and blessings!

  33. Martha, I'm so grateful that God is always ready, willing, and more than able to meet us when and where we need. No lines, no waiting, no begging. He loves us so ... and has showed us what it's like to be a patient, gracious wait-er.

    1. Thanks so much, Linda, for your on-the-money comment and for your "Amen," Anon! God is ever present and available - no wait time necessary!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...