Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Daily Devotion, June 15, 2011 - Light Up Your Life

Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path.

This summer, my church challenged our members to participate in reading through the New Testament, three chapters per day. Emily, our associate pastor, created a marvelous blog where she offers her thought-provoking observations on the scripture, how she can best apply it in her life, and leaves us with an uplifting prayer each day. Comments are encouraged, and I have been genuinely touched and impressed by the diverse and heart-felt impressions fellow church members have contributed. This experience has opened the eyes of my heart to see God's word in a fresh, new light.

What has equally accomplished this for me are the scripture reading assigned for each day in the Book of Common Prayer. As I read through them, always more than once, I pray that God will guide me to choose an appropriate verse upon which to meditate as I prepare each daily devotional for you. While I have done Bible studies in the past and am currently participating in one, I have never attempted anything so disciplined before in studying God's word. He has shined His lamp that I might stay on this path to which He has called me: sharing His word with you. May His words light up your life!

Psalms 119:97-120 or 81, 82
1 Samuel 2:27-36
Acts 2:1-21
Luke 20:27-40

Remember, it's easy as can be to post your comments here by using your name. Hope to hear from you soon!
Link to Kennesaw United Methodist Study Blog:


  1. I like hearing about the exercise of reading the New Testament as a church project/goal and I like the leadership shown by Emily. I would be interested in reading Emily's reflections on the New Testament.

  2. David, the link is If that doesn't work, just try the http header.
    Yes, her blog is awesome! :) Thanks for taking time to leave a comment!

  3. You are so talented and devoted and I am most fortunate.


As The Deer

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