Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It Says It All, Doesn't It?

Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Last Saturday, I have a book signing at Wellspring Treasures, a non-profit enterprise whose proceeds go toward helping rescue, restore, and renew women and girls victimized by sex-trafficking.  In return for allowing me to autograph and sell my books, I donate a portion of my proceeds to this most worthy Christian organization.  It's a win-win for everyone involved!

My husband, Danny, is my biggest fan.  He loads our car with the portable table and chair, books and accessories, then helps me unload and set everything up. Danny is also my official photographer (who else would it be?).  He not only snapped the photos shown below, but also took the one of the squirrel which made it to the front cover of Children in the Garden.  What would I do without him?

After shooting these photos, Danny decides to wander off to grab a bite to eat and do some shopping at the nearby Marshall's store.  That's when they enter the store . . .

A pleasant-looking young couple, casually attired, stroll into Wellspring Treasures.  When I see the man's T-shirt, I do a classic double-take.  On the front, as big as life, is the scripture reference:  Micah 6:8.

Micah 6:8???  That's the inscription I write beneath my signature on every book I sign!!!  How I wish Danny were here with his camera!  I simply must say something about it before they leave the store!

I can tell immediately that this couple is not in the market for a new book, but are here for some bargains.  They wander off to the opposite side of the store.  Other customers are curious, stopping at my table, asking what the books are about.  I cheerfully explain, and enjoy a positive response.  If they don't purchase right then, I hand them a bookmark which has the address to my website printed there.

I invite them to visit and learn more about the books and my upcoming signing events.

But, as busy as I am, I don't lose sight of the man in the Micah T-shirt.  I watch and wait for a chance to speak to him.  Ah!  They're moving in my direction.  Finally!

I speak up.  "I love your T-shirt!  It's my signature scripture verse I pen in every book I autograph."

"Really?"  the young man beams.  "It's always been one of favorites.  When I saw this shirt, I knew I had to have it."

"It says it all, doesn't it?"  I say, returning his smile.  I offer him a bookmark, explain the book briefly, and tell him I hope he will visit my website.  I don't push for a sale.  I sense his wife and he are on a tight budget.

But, I share a God-moment with a complete stranger.  A transcending moment because, in its brevity, we are strangers no longer.

We are transformed.

We are a brother and sister in Christ.


What are some moments you've experienced when you knew God's hand was at work in your life?

Will you pray with me?
Dear Father, open our eyes and humble our hearts to see and understand how You daily work in our lives.  Let us never hesitate to share Your miracles, large and small, with others.  Give us grace to look upon others we meet as Your beloved children, our brothers and sisters in Christ, and treat them as we would wish to be treated.  Amen.


  1. That moment you describe I always thought of as grace. It's a moment of pure surrender to love. Thank you for the prayer and post! Lovely project!

    1. It was, indeed, a moment of grace, Margaret. Just love it when God shows us just what we need to see!
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Blessings to you!

  2. See, Martha?
    You were MEANT to be at the store at that time. As was that couple. Goes to show yet again How God steers our lives. There have been SOOOO MANY times when I felt HIS hand directing my life, don't think I can pick just one example. HIS is an awesome presence if we can let go and feel his strength all around us.

    1. Thanks for visiting today, Chris!
      I know beyond a shred of doubt that God's hand was all over the store that day. I felt such a peace while there, and then, this happened? Oh, wow!
      Blessings, my friend!

  3. Martha, Such moments are few but precious to come by. You are blessed, thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh, yes, this was a priceless moment, indeed, Sulekkha. Thanks so much for coming by today!
      Blessings and love!

  4. what a beautiful story! yes..we are all in this world together. Congrats on your book signing too!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Annmarie, and for your congrats on the book signing. I enjoyed every moment of it!
      Blessings and love!

  5. I love your bookmark idea, what a clever marketing strategy! Not that this is really my business, but what if you were meant to give that young man a book? It's the first thing that popped into my head when you described the couple.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Cairn!
      Hmm . . . maybe I did miss an opportunity by not giving the book away. Just never crossed my mind? Anyway, hope I will run into them at another time. :)
      Blessings and love!

  6. I have felt His presence is more than one ways so many times Martha and He has answered me with love always :)

    HUGS to you and congratulations for your book.

    Wish you all the success!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Me!
      Oh, yes, how He answers in love! Thanks for the congrats, too.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Congratulations Martha! I am really proud of you dear friend. You have presented yourself well... I also love that verse from Micah.

    There are so many moments when I felt God in my life...from the time He took me as a missionary until now that I've changed lifestyles...

    I pray with you. I am so grateful to have you as friend and prayer partner...lots of love!

    1. Thank you for the congrats, Melissa, they mean so much coming from you! And, glad to know you like that verse from Micah - it says it all . . .
      Know I'm so gratified to have a prayer partner and friend in you, my dear. That means the world to me!
      Love and blessings!


Let It Snow!

  He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes. ~Psalm 147:16 Yes!  We finally get snow!  Our last decent storm occurs in 2017....